소인수 분해 oor Engels

소인수 분해

Vertalings in die woordeboek Koreaans - Engels

integer factorization

mathematical technique

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
이제 5를 소인수분해하면 5 = 1 x 5 가 되므로 5는 소수입니다
All you need are the three fundamentals-- scented candles... massage oil... and Barry WhiteQED QED
소인수분해가 끝났습니다 왜냐하면 소수로 다 나뉘어있기 때문이죠
Sir, I have seen you only as the admirer of my friendQED QED
3은 소수이므로 소인수 분해가 끝나서 2곱하기 3곱하기 3이 됩니다
You laughed because you don' t know if I' m kidding and if I' m right, it might mean that I' m smarter than you, and that would be just awful because you' ve always been the smartest person in the roomQED QED
30을 소인수분해하면 2 x 3 x 5 가 되요
The shadows of the trees and the reedsQED QED
소인수분해를 해보죠.
You think of that all by yourself, Mike?QED QED
소인수분해한 걸 보면 두 수의 공통 소인수 중에서 유일한 수는 3이에요
You stupid jerk!That was Mom' s!QED QED
21을 소인수분해하면 3 x 7이고
Do your other friends sacrifice their hair, too?QED QED
사실, 5의 소인수분해를 할 때 5는 소수라서
It will open up multimillion dollar investment opportunities for Canadian and Chinese entrepreneursQED QED
소인수분해를 하기전에 어떤 인수들이 최소한 3번 나타나는지 봅시다
You' re Iaughing at meQED QED
이것이 12를 소인수분해한 값입니다
We thank you for taking on one of the most important causes in our national life, for working so hard to keep the faith, lest we, through some awful tragedy caused by misunderstanding, ignorance or simple neglect, forgetQED QED
92를 소인수분해하고, 28도 해보도록 합시다
I was babbling!Pick me!QED QED
같은 방법으로 10을 소인수분해하면 2 x 5 죠
How do you feel about this, Abel?QED QED
20u^2v 를 인수분해하면 뭐가 됩니까? 20u^2v 를 소인수분해하면
You really out here looking for deer?QED QED
이게 5를 소인수분해한 값입니다
Penalties must be introduced against the perpetrators of such offences which are sufficiently stringent to bring sexual exploitation of children and child pornography within the scope of instruments already adopted for the purpose of combating organised crime, such as Council Joint Action#/JHA of # December # on money laundering, the identification, tracing, freezing, seizing and confiscation of the instrumentalities and the proceeds from crime and Council Joint Action #/JHA of # December # on making it a criminal offence to participate in a criminal organisation in the Member States of the European UnionQED QED
그러니까 156을 소인수 분해해 봅시다.
Sir, you have yourself a dealQED QED
64를 소인수분해합니다
There' s something about those guys that I can spot every time I see themQED QED
42을 소인수 분해하기 위해 가지치기를 해보겠습니다
For the application of Article # and the third subparagraph of Article # of that Directive, Member States are recommended to consider that, a management or investment company should generally be prevented from using financial derivative instruments based on a self-composed index with the intent to circumvent the issuer concentration limits of ArticleQED QED
소인수 분해부터 해볼까요?
I think it' s pretty safe to call her your ex- girlfriend nowQED QED
소인수분해를 해봅시다 512 x 2는 256이고
I' il find a fatter NeilQED QED
23은 소수이므로 소인수분해는 여기까지
I cannot bring any information up on itQED QED
105를 소인수분해하면 3 x 5 x 7이 되요
At the end...... he caIled me in to his deathbedQED QED
여기서 8의 소인수분해를 하면 2 x 4가 나옵니다
I honestly never thought about itQED QED
그러니까 이것은 한 개의 5 입니다. 나눗셈의 소인수 분해에서 말입니다.
I fear that jams become detective, SerQED QED
RSA 암호체계의 안정성은 큰 숫자를 소인수 분해하는 것이 어렵다는 것에 기반을 두고 있다.
That means...... we are to be alone in here?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
28을 소인수분해하면 어떻게 될까요?
Could I just go buy her something?QED QED
31 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.