잔액 oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Koreaans - Engels

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Geskatte vertalings

Hierdie vertalings is met 'n algoritme 'geraai' en word nie deur die mens bevestig nie. Wees versigtig.
(@1 : ru:остаток )
(@1 : ru:остаток )
(@1 : ru:остаток )
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(@1 : ru:остаток )
(@1 : ru:остаток )
(@1 : ru:остаток )
(@1 : ru:остаток )
(@1 : ru:остаток )
Allotments Remaining
(@1 : ru:остаток )
(@1 : ru:остаток )
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(@1 : ru:остаток )
(@1 : ru:остаток )
(@1 : ru:остаток )
(@1 : ru:остаток )
(@1 : ru:сальдо )

Soortgelyke frases

개시 잔액
opening balance
잔액 계정
balance account


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참고: 판매자 잔액은 새 계정으로 이전할 수 없습니다.
In view of the sharp fall in prices in some agricultural markets, the EESC expects effective steps to be taken to ensure that agricultural production has a fair share of the value added chainsupport.google support.google
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The Foundation used the criticised procedure due to budgetary uncertaintiessupport.google support.google
과금 잔액 관리 기능(Account Balance Management Function, ABMF)는 OCS 내 가입자 과금 잔액 위치이다.
• Seized currency and monetary instruments are not deposited or forwarded to PWGSC in a timely manner;WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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마리아의 사업 현금 잔액
The reasons for this are not just related to the countries concerned but are also a reflection of the growing scepticism about enlargement in certain political quarters.LDS LDS
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This involves research into diseases which are common but for which there is no market for the pharmaceutical industry, in particular diseases affecting people who cannot pay for their treatment. This is particularly the case with tropical diseases and even malaria and tuberculosis.support.google support.google
그들은 미지불 잔액에 대해 높은 이자를 지불합니다.
He reviewed the bill and he thinks it makes no sensejw2019 jw2019
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here, lloyd. this helpssupport.google support.google
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Here we are, first day on the job.- I have a job?support.google support.google
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OK, and he never tapped itjw2019 jw2019
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광고 게재가 아직 시작되지 않은 경우 잔액이 업데이트되면 광고가 게재되기 시작합니다.
R# (possible risk of impaired fertilitysupport.google support.google
결제를 한 후에는 정기적으로 계정 잔액을 확인하세요.
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적용되는 세금이 결제 금액에서 모두 공제되고 남은 잔액이 3~5영업일 이내에 계정에 표시됩니다.
privatisation and enterprise reform; andsupport.google support.google
해결 방법: 이 메시지는 주로 광고주의 계정 잔액이 결제에 충분하지 않은 경우에 나타납니다.
It would be the wrong thingsupport.google support.google
그러나 계정에 남아 있는 잔액은 모두 앞으로 몇 달간 사용할 수 있으며 서비스가 제공된 날짜에 대한 영수증에 포함됩니다.
For the purpose of implementing Article #, and taking into account the distinctive features of transport, the European Parliament and the Council shall, acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure and after consulting the Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions, lay downsupport.google support.google
예를 들어 11월에 계정 잔액이 100달러에 도달하면 12월 21일에 수익금이 지급됩니다.
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광고가 게재되지 않았다면 계정 잔액이 업데이트된 후 광고가 게재되기 시작합니다.
Well done, Lieutenantsupport.google support.google
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