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Vertalings in die woordeboek Koreaans - Engels

Dzhokhar Dudayev


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이후 체첸 공화국은 공산당이 선출하는 대통령제를 완전히 종식시켰다. 1991년 11월 체첸 대선에서 조하르 두다예프는 압승을 거두어 체첸 대통령이 되었고, 그는 같은 해 체첸-잉구샤 지역을 이치케리야 체첸 공화국 으로 선포하고 독립을 주장했다.
In Chechnya , using tactics partly copied from the Baltics, anti-Communist coalition forces led by former Soviet general Dzhokhar Dudayev staged a largely bloodless revolution, and ended up forcing the resignation of the Communist republican president. Dudayev was elected in a landslide in the following election and in November 1991 he proclaimed Checheno-Ingushetia 's independence as the Republic of Ichkeria.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
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