휴 해프너 oor Engels

휴 해프너

Vertalings in die woordeboek Koreaans - Engels

Hugh Hefner

HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource

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저는 휴 해프너의 대인관계 같은걸 말하는게 아니에요. 제가 의미하는 원만한 대인관계란
Third, the Council's position at first reading also introduces a review clause (Article #) regarding certain specific combustion plants and provides for the existing emission limit values under Directive #/#/EC to continue to apply pending the possible adoption of new standards through ordinary legislative procedureQED QED
부모가 그렇게 하면 “네가 네 몸과 성에 대해 알았으면 좋겠다만 우리가 그런 얘기를 꺼내고 싶진 않구나” 하고 자녀에게 말하는 것과 다름없다고 해프너는 지적합니다.
The reasons for this are not just related to the countries concerned but are also a reflection of the growing scepticism about enlargement in certain political quarters.jw2019 jw2019
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