î oor Engels


kürt alfabesinin on ikinci harfi, bazı zaman zarflarında «bu» manasına gelir

Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels


Em ê geleki bixwin îshev, vêca hêvî dikim ku tu ne di rejîm de î.
We are going to eat a lot tonight so I hope that you are not on a diet.
(because the distinction between initial i and î is not consistently maintained, the two letters are alphabetized together)
second singular of the present tense of bûn (to be), yî after a vowel are, tu baş î, you are good, tu mamoste yî, you are a teacher,
sujf forming adj and n, eg: mirî, gundî, bajanî, reşî, başî, dijwarî, tirkî, îngîlîzî, kurdî,
pref this, îro, îsal, îşev, etc,
the 12th letter of the kurdish alphabet

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Ji bo guherandina pêşîbûna CPU' yê têra xwe ne peywirdar î. Hate Betalkirin
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Eger tu ciwan î, gerek tu çi bikî ku tu seba tewrên dê û bavê xwe bi zêdeyî aciz nebî?
As a youth, how can you avoid becoming overly frustrated with your parents?jw2019 jw2019
Eger tu ciwan î, ji xwe wisa bipirse: “Gelo ez tenê ji bo xatirê dê û bavê xwe bi îşên ruhî mijûl dibim?
As a youth, ask yourself: ‘Am I participating in spiritual activities just because my parents expect me to?jw2019 jw2019
Di sala 1950î de, 19 Hezîranê, ez hatim Beytelê û min dest pê şixulê kir.
I arrived at Bethel on June 19, 1950, and started my new assignment.jw2019 jw2019
Lê her halde, YBŞ ew pere didan ser hev û ji leşkerên wergirtî re yên binî 14salî mehane 200$î didan, û 400$î ji bo yên ji 14 hetanî 17salî ne, endamên grupê weha gotin.
The YBŞ collected and pooled these salaries, however, and paid US$200 per month to recruits under 14, and US$400 for recruits aged 14 to 17, members of the group said.hrw.org hrw.org
Wî got ku mehane wî 100$î werdigirtin tevî xwarin û cixare û kartên kuntorê telefonê.
He said he was paid US$100 per month and given food, cigarettes, and phone cards.hrw.org hrw.org
Tu li vir î.
You're here.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Bi rastî bawer î skrîpta ' % # ' jê bibî?
Are you sure you want to uninstall the script '%# '?KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Ji bo guherandina bernamekar û pêşîbûna IO' yê têra xwe ne peywirdar î. Hate Betalkirin
You do not have sufficient privileges to change the IO scheduler and priority. AbortingKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Viohl dema bûyerê makîneya dengqeydkirê ku li cem bûye vekiriye û kirinên polîsan qeyd kiriye. Di wê qeydê de polîsan dibêjin “Free Demirtaş haa? Keko! Kî vê kaxizê daye te?” û piştre dest bi dijûn û derbkirinê dikin. Polîsan bi Tirkî û Îngîlîzî dibêjin “Demirtaş terorîst e, tu jî terorîst î.” “Tu çima hatî Tirkiyeyê? Ti him tirkî nizanî him jî têyî Tirkiyeyê. Gelo tu ajan î? Tu tirkî nizanî. Ez ê di q... te nim.”
The incident can be heard on the tape recorder, which was kept on Viohl during the incident. The police officers are heard saying “So, Free Demirtaş? Who the hell gave this to you! Demirtaş is a terrorist, you are a terrorist too! Why the hell have you come to Turkey? You don’t speak Turkish, you come to Turkey. Are you an agent? What the hell is your purpose? You don’t understand Turkish but I’ll f.ck you”.Bianet Bianet
16 Wek me xwendibû, Zebûr 83:18 (WDN) der heqê Yehowa de wisa dibêje: “Tenê tu yê herî bilind î.”
16 As we read earlier, Psalm 83:18 says about Jehovah: “You alone are the Most High.”jw2019 jw2019
“Rêbazek hebû digot ku heger tu binî 18î bûya, nabe tu şer bikî,” kur weha got.
“There was a rule that if you were under 18 you could not fight,” the boy said.hrw.org hrw.org
Ji nava leşkerên wergirtî di yûnîforman de li wir, çaran got ku ew binî 18î ne, yek jê 14salî bû û got ku ew du sal berê xwe bexş kiribû, dema ew di pola pêncan de bû.
Among the uniformed recruits there, four said they were under 18, including one who was 14 and had volunteered two years before, when he was in fifth grade.hrw.org hrw.org
Zarokên binî 15î ji herdu grûpan ji Human Rights Watch re got ku ew beşdarî şer bûne, herwiha hinên din got ku ew li ser xalên kontrolê xebitîn an çek paqij û amade kirin.
Children under age 15 affiliated with both groups told Human Rights Watch that they have participated in fighting, while others said they had staffed checkpoints or cleaned and prepared weapons.hrw.org hrw.org
Lê li gor pîsorê kevin ne wisa bû. Berî 1960'î dihat gotin duzimanî peşkeftina zarokan hedika dike û nebaş e. Çunkî zarok dijwarî dikişînin di navbera du zimanan de.
Before the 1960s, bilingualism was considered a handicap that slowed a child's development by forcing them to spend too much energy distinguishing between languages, a view based largely on flawed studies.ted2019 ted2019
Tu mafdar î.
You are right.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Li salên nêzikî 1940î, me bi saya kampanyayên “birûskê” mizgîn li cihên ku li wê derê muxalefet giran bû, zû belav dikir.
In the late 1930’s, we engaged in special “blitz” campaigns to cover territories quickly where there was much opposition.jw2019 jw2019
Di heman dema sala borî de 169 nûçe û nivîs, sîteyeke, fîlmeke, afîşeke, 12 vîdeo î hesabeke twitterê rastî sansurkirinê hatin; biryareke veşartinê jî hatibû dayîn. Herî kêm di 5 bûyeran de 20 saziyên medyayê rastî ferqmeyîliya akredîtasyonê hatin. Her wiha 3 bûyerên sansurê jî pêk hatibûn.
In the same quarter of last year, 169 reports and articles, 1 website, 1 film, 1 election film, 1 documentary film, 1 banner, 12 videos and 1 Twitter account had been censored and 1 confidentiality order had been issued. 20 media organs had become victims of discrimination accreditation in at least 5 cases and 3 censorship cases had been experienced in addition.Bianet Bianet
Di destpêka sala 1970î de, min mesûliyet stand, ku her sal an du salan carekê, çend heftiyan ziyareta cure-cure buroyan bikim.
Starting in 1970, I was assigned to travel for a few weeks every year or two to visit a number of branch offices of the Watch Tower Society, making what were then called zone visits.jw2019 jw2019
Eger tu birayekî jêhatî û dilsoz î û niha mesûliyeteke nû standiye, tu dikarî bi curekî din jî destek bidî.
If you are a capable and loyal brother and you have received a new assignment among God’s people, there is another special way that you can contribute.jw2019 jw2019
Tu xwendekarekî japonî î?
Are you a Japanese student?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Tu li benda kîjan pêxembertiyên Kitêba Pîroz î?
Which Bible prophecies do you anticipate seeing fulfilled?jw2019 jw2019
Di demek ku nexweş î di xanîyê de bimîne, berketin digel kesên din neke heta nîşaneyên te diçin ji.
Stay home when you are sick, and avoid contact with other people until your symptoms are gone.Tico19 Tico19
HPG peyv li xwe girt ku dawî li leşkerwergirtina zarokên binî 16î bîne di 5ê Çiriya Pêşîn ya 2013an de, dema komandaran li “Peymana Peyvlixwegirtinê” ligel Banga Genevayê navîşand, navborî rêxistineke nehikûmî ye yaku bang li grûpên çekdar dike ku xwe li qanûnên yasayên şeran bigirin.
The HPG pledged to end recruitment of children under 16 on October 5, 2013, when commanders signed a “Deed of Commitment” with Geneva Call, an international nongovernmental organization that promotes adherence to the laws of war by armed groups.hrw.org hrw.org
104 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.