dev oor Engels


ant. ağız, yemek organı. * devê xwe ji şîr şewitî, pif dike dew. atasözü.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels


the opening of a creature through which food is ingested
Glîsêrînê dev-lêvê wî dixin û pînekî nêm datînin ser eniya wî, wekî ew hinekî rihet be.
Swabbing glycerin on the mouth and lips and placing a moist washcloth on the forehead may keep the patient comfortable.

at someone's home

[ at someone’s home ]

at the home of



[tiştekî min heye, / ez destê xwe didime dêlê, / devê xwe vedike. / ew çiye? [meqes]: ı have something / ıf ı put my hand on its tail / ıt opens its mouth. / what is it? [rdl.; ans: scissors]] /[dev-diran: a) mouth; b) talk, rumors, gossip.] /[dev ji ft-î/fk-ê berdan: a) to leave/let stg. or s.o. alone.] /[dev jê berde, bila di cihê xwe de be: leave it alone, so that it stays in its place.] /[dev û çav: face [lit. mouth and eyes]] /[dev û ıêv: mouth and lips.] /[devê fk-ê neketin: [+ subj.) not to dare to] /[devê te neketîyê tu pêşberî min xeberdî: you didn't dare speak against me.] /[devê bavê kesekî neketye nav cî û belgîê min bivîne: no one[s father] would dare to look at my bed and pillow {syn: kedê bavê kesekî tune; wêrîn [+ neg.])] /[herin, devê xizna min vekin: go, open the gate of my treasury!] /[devê bîrê: mouth or top of a well.] /[devê derî: [part of a room] closest to the door (where the poorest, lowest class people must sit)] /[[...her sê mirov hatine devê çemekî]: all three fellows came to the edge of a river.] /[devê şûr: blade of a sword.] (here devê xwe bişo; devê te gelek pîs e: go wash your mouth off; it's dirty ) *(bi) dev xweş kirin: to make vain promises, to pay a compliment. *(li) dev (û) dora: prep, all around.
mouth (lit & fig), to give up on, renounce, stop doing stg, opening, gate, edge, rim, cutting edge, blade, (anat.) mouth, entrance

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels


verb noun
first portion of the alimentary canal that receives food
Eger tu dev û qirika xwe rind vekî, tuyê bikaribî bi dengê bilind bistêrî. (w17.11, rûp.
When we open our mouth wide and sing out, we are able to sing louder. —w17.11, p.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

dev û çav
dev gerîn
dev bi deva gotin
berdan: dest / dev ji wî berde
dev deva gotin
bi dev, bi devkî
dev jê gerîn
dev lê kirin
dev(ê xwe) girtin


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Ji Sergey re çi hat gotin ku ew dev ji dilsoziya xwe berde?
Article # Definitions For the purposes ofthis Directive, the following terms shall have the following meaningsjw2019 jw2019
Human Rights Watch neh haletên bikaranîna zarokan ji aliyê HPG ve bibelgeh kirin, di çar ji wan de zarokan dev ji HPG berdabûn.
You cannot come in
Hin xwişk û bira di oxira rastiyê de dev ji îşekî baş an kariyera xwe berdidin.
Hey.Hey, listenjw2019 jw2019
Di du haletan de, grûpên çekdar zarokên ku hewl dabûn dev ji hêzên wan berdin revandin an jî bi giranî bi bedreftarî bi wan re dan û stand.
Planning obligations for the transport of
Xortekî din ku ji Helebçeyê ye got ku wî di 18saliya xwe de dev ji pola 11an berda û ji Helebçeyê derket daku tevlî HPG bibe di Hezîrana 2015an de.
And so we were left...... a couple a months ahead of...... a start date, without a star and we needed one very, very,
17 Gunehên veşartî îtiraf bike û dev ji wan berde.
declare that, by failing to adopt all the laws, regulations and administrative provisions necessary to comply with Directive #/#/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of # April # on markets in financial instruments amending Council Directives #/#/EEC and #/#/EEC and Directive #/#/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directive #/#/EEC, most recently amended by Directive #/#/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of # April # amending Directive #/#/EC on markets in financial instruments, as regards certain deadlines, or in any event, by failing to inform the Commission thereof, the Czech Republic has failed to fulfil its obligations under Article # of that directivejw2019 jw2019
Cihûyan çima ew qas zû dev ji xebata ku Yehowa dabû wan, berda?
I never felt so alivejw2019 jw2019
Çi alî Stephen kir ku ew dev ji hêrs û heqaretê berde?
Having regard to the Treaty on European Union, and in particular Article # thereofjw2019 jw2019
Lê min nedixwest dev ji pêşengiyê berdim.”
The Rainbow' s gonna tourjw2019 jw2019
Wekî din, wê dev ji hin çalakiyên sosyal berda da ku ji bo hînbûna rastiyê zêdetir wext çêbe.
That was bennetjw2019 jw2019
b) Sakura berê çawa dijiya? Wê çawa dev ji jiyana xwe ya kevn berda?
I' ve heard so much about youjw2019 jw2019
Serpêhatiya Yûnis nîşan dide ku gava em şaşiyan dikin, Yehowa dîsa jî dev ji me bernade.
Cutting, storage and transport shall be carried out in accordance with the conditions laid down in this Article, in Articles #, #, # and # and Annexjw2019 jw2019
18 Di demeke nêzik de, emê êdî dev ji pîrozkirina Bîranîna Mirina Îsa Mesîh berdin.
Remember, you' re always welcomejw2019 jw2019
Bavê zarokekî Kurd ji bajarê Helepçe li Herêma Kurdistanê li Îraqê got ku zarê wî dev ji dibistanê berda daku tevlî grûpê bibe di destpêka 2016an de, û ku berpirsên grûpê dubare û sêbare li cihê zarok mikur nehatin.
I think you
Bi saya îzahata hurmetdar a birayê me, Komîserê Bilind dev ji gelek fikrên xwe yên şaş berda.
I' il bring it right back.I swearjw2019 jw2019
Belê, gava mirov guh nadin mizgînê, şabûn qewetê dide me ku em dev ji xizmeta xwe ber nedin (Met.
He was tired to death of secrecy and of errors which had to be covered up and not admitted.jw2019 jw2019
Seba vê kitêbê, leşker dev ji doza me berdidin û dilê xelkê ... li dijî xizmeta leşkeriyê sar dikin.”
Well, you know perfectly well nothing rhymes with orangejw2019 jw2019
Çima lazim e ku dê û bav dev ji alîkarîkirina zarokên xwe bernedin?
Since you' ve askedjw2019 jw2019
Gava Sadûkiyan li hemberî şandiyan muxalefet dikir, wan dev ji elimandina bi navê Îsa berneda (Kar. 5:17, 18, 27-29).
Where a client, in line with Community legislation and in particular Directive #/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of # June # on financial collateral arrangements, transfers full ownership of financial instruments or funds to an investment firm for the purpose of securing or otherwise covering present or future, actual or contingent or prospective obligations, such financial instruments or funds should likewise no longer be regarded as belonging to the clientjw2019 jw2019
Tariq Hussein Elî got ku birayê wî di tîrmehê de jê re got ku Asayîşê ew girtibû û ferman dabûyê an jî dev ji kar berde an jî agahiyên îstîxabatî ji hundirê weşînekê de bide wan.
How many Canadians want their children in this situation?
Eger wisa be, gerek dê û bav nefikirin ku zarok dev ji wan berdidin.
The celebration we are participating in, however, is coloured by Canada's appalling progress in eliminating racial discriminationjw2019 jw2019
Ji bo desteka mîrateyan dev jê berde
that for some obscure reason nothing else was possibleKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Katharina pir dilşad bû ku wê dev ji armanca xwe bernedabû û mizgîn dabû hevalkarên xwe!
I' m thinking I just made DCI and I don' t deserve itjw2019 jw2019
Lêgerîna bixwebixwe li amûrê joystick biser neket. Di/dev/js[ # ] û di/dev/input/js[ # ] hate lêgerîn Heke tu dizane ku amûrek hatîye girêdan, tikaye doseya durust ya amûrê bide
Buddy had a friend.Um, he ate him. So... [ chuckles ]KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Gerek em çima dev ji comerdiyê bernedin?
I' m #, but she' s a might olderjw2019 jw2019
128 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.