endam oor Engels


birey, topluluk arasında tek olarak alınan bir kimse veya bir şey, öge, bileşik bir şeyi meydana getiren yalınç şeylerden her biri, üye, aza, uzuv, boy, endam, kol bacak, organ

Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels








A largest part of an organism, composed of tissues that perform similar functions.
Kurê Reşîd
(anat.) limb, organ, member
/[di encamê de ji bo hilgirtina van peywiran (wezîfeyan) ev endam hatin hilbijartin: ın the end, these members were elected to carry out these duties.] /[endamên malbata min ji min hêvî dikirin ku ez zanîngehê biqedînim, bibim xwedî peywir û alîkarîya aborî bi wan re bikim: members of my family expected me to finish college, get a job, and help them out financially.]
limb, organ (of the body), member (of an organization, etc)

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels


any one of the distinct objects that make up a set in set theory

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings


Advanced filtering
Di dawî de di 1967, HCoV-OC43 di kultûra endam û zincîre dawî di mêjîya mişik hate cudahkirin.
Later in 1967, HCoV-OC43 was isolated from organ culture and subsequent serial passage in brains of suckling mice.Tico19 Tico19
Perlemana Îran hate daxitin, udi 3 a Adarê hate ragihandin ku 23 ji 290 endam têsta wan pozetîv bûye.
The Iranian Parliament was shut down, with 23 of its 290 members reported to have had tested positive for the virus on 3 March.Tico19 Tico19
Li gorî qanûna asayî ya navnetewî ya mirovî û Peymana Romayê ya Dadgeha Tawankariyê ya Navnetewî (ICC), ew dibe tawankariya şer dema endamine ji hêzine çekdar an jî komên çekdar ên ne-dewletî zarokên binî 15an tevlî xwe bikin an jî weke endam werbigirin, an jî bihêlin wan bi awakî çalak beşdarî karûbarên şer bibin.
Under customary international humanitarian law and the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), it is a war crime for members of armed forces or non-state armed groups to conscript or enlist children under 15, or to use them to participate actively in hostilities.hrw.org hrw.org
wekî îdeala hevbeş a ku hemû gel û hemû netewe dixwazin bighênê ji bo ku hemû kes û hemû organên civakê , ev Danezan timî di bîr de , bi hînkiri n û hêvotinê bixebitin ku riayeta van maf û azadiyan pêşve bibin û bi tedbîrên berebereyî yên neteweyî û navneteweyî , nasîn û bicihanîna gerdûnî û fiîlî yên wan him di nav gelên dewletên endam bi xwe him di nav yên erdên ku li jêr hukmê wan de ne ewle bikin .
Proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations , to the end that every individual and every organ of society , keeping this Declaration constantly in mind , shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures , national and international , to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance , both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction .Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
"Skêrtara giştî ya Nehêştinia Çeka Navekî Kate Hudson bi rexnegiritin ji karak Defender di 2020 got: ""Di krîza heyî ya saxlemî ya cîhanî, ev ne tenê jîyan hêzên Emrîkî û hinek ji rûniştinivanên Ewrûpî dixe metirsî, lê jiyana wan kes ku li vir jî dijîn dixe bin metirsî yê."" Hikûmet Îranê piranî ket ber tesîra wî vayrûsê, hersa nêzîkî bist û çar kes ji endam perleman û panizdeh berpirsên sîyasî ya heyî an bihûrî de vegirtî bûn."
" The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament's general secretary Kate Hudson criticized the Defender 2020 exercise: ""In the current public-health crisis, it jeopardizes the lives not only of the troops from the US and the many European countries participating but the inhabitants of the countries in which they are operating.""The Iranian government has been heavily affected by the virus, with around two dozen parliament members infected as well as fifteen other current or former political figures. "Tico19 Tico19
Herwekî dewletên endam qewl dane , ku bi hevkariya Teşkîlata Neteweyên Yekbûyî , riayeta gerdûnî û fiîlî ya mafên mirovî û azadiyên bingehî ewle bikin ,
Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve , in cooperation with the United Nations , the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms ,Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
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