ez nizanim oor Engels

ez nizanim

Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels

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Ez nizanim.
I do not know.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Ez nizanim.
I have no idea.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Ez nizanim.
I haven't got a clue.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Bibore, ez nizanim ev sînyal çi ye. Name
Sorry, I do not know this signalKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Ez nizanim.
I don't know.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Borlukan diyar dike ku bavê kal bûye, xwendevan nîne û wiha dibêje:Ez dixebitim. Li malê namînim. Dizanim ku birayê min ji malê hildidin û dibin dibistanê. Lêbelê ez nizanim ka di kîjan dersan de çi li ber wan hîn dikin? Bav emin jî nizane. Dawiya mehê tên belge didin îmzekirin û diçin. Bavê min nizane ka bo çi wan belgeyan îmze dike. Ez jî bavê min jî; em nizanin ka perwerdehiyeke çawa pêk tînin.”
Stating that his father is old and doesn’t know to read and write, Borlukan says, “I am working so I am not at home. I know that they take my sibling home from school but I don’t know which courses he/she takes. My father doesn’t know either. By the end of the month, they have us sign a document and that’s it. As the parent, my father signs it but I don’t think he knows what he signs for. Neither I nor my father know what sort of education is provided there”.Bianet Bianet
Ji bo Pelek destpêkirina karekî di warê din de bêguman ne hêsan e. Lêbelê dema ew li rewşa hevalên xwe yên din dinêre halê xwe baştir dibine: “Min bi dilxwaziyeke mezin rojnamegerî dikir, lêbelê nizanim ka ew sektor çiqas li min hat. Di sala 1996an de min li Zanîngeha Stenbolê di Beşa Ragihandinê de dest bi perwerdehiya lîsansê kir. Ji pola duyem şûn de, min li Milliyetê dest bi nûçegihantiyê kir. Heta sala 2003an min nûçegihantiya DGMê (Dadgeha Ewlehiya Dewletê) kir. Piştre ez li cihê cuda xebitîm. Di dema dawiyê de dîsa derbasî Milliyetê bûm. Piştî hilbijartina 7ê Hezîranê di Îlona 2015an de gelek kesan ji kar derxistin. Dema me behsa sedemê vê kir jî gotin, “navê we yên jor şandine”. Lê em nizanin ka yên jor kî ne.
It was not easy to switch to another job. Yet Pelek feels lucky when she looks at the condition of her friends: “I was doing journalism with love and passion, But I am not sure whether I have warmed up to this new job as much. I entered Istanbul University’s Communication Faculty in 1996. Starting from my second year, I started to work as a correspondent for Milliyet newspaper. I worked as the correspondent at the state security court. Then I worked at other places. Then I went back to Milliyet. After the elections of June 2015, there was collective layoff at Milliyet in September 2015. They said to us that our names came from above. But we don’t know where “above” is.”Bianet Bianet
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