oor Engels

ne var, "ne oluyor" anlamında da bir nida, "hay" anlamında bir nida, daha, henüz, adı bilinmeyen ya da söylenmek istenmeyen birisine seslenirken kullanılan sözcük (örneğin kocasının adını söylemeye utanan kadın ona böyle seslenir)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels


Atmosfer û qada manyetîk a cîhanê, mekanîzmayên mucîzeyî ne, ku tam nehatine fêmkirin.
Earth’s atmosphere and magnetic field truly are marvels of design that are still not fully understood.
[ew sibe bû hêjka zûbû: ıt was morning, still early.] /[hergê derbaz bû - hê jarim ez: ıf it passes through, [then] ı'm still thin.] /[ro hatye, nîvro, ew hê haj xwe tuneye: day has dawned, noon has passed, she still hasn't budged/woken up.] /[şeher temam razaye, hûn hê hişyarin?: the entire city has gone to sleep, you (pl.) are still awake?] (ez hê li vira me: ı am still here.)_(ez hê neçûme: ı haven’t gone yet.)
adv. still, yet, so far, again, again and again, just

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hê carekê
once again


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Wek em ji serpêhatiya Ûsiv elimîn, eger em dixwazin ku mesele girantir nebe, gerek em paşgotinî nekin.
As we learned from the example of Joseph, we want to avoid negative speech, knowing that such speech only makes a bad situation worse.jw2019 jw2019
Gava birayên ku rêberî dikir li hebsê bûn, civîna salane ya hîsedaran ji bo 4 Çile 1919 hat plan kirin.
While those who were taking the lead remained in prison, another annual meeting of shareholders was scheduled for January 4, 1919.jw2019 jw2019
Tirkiyeyê jî ji bo dozên salên 90ê yên Mûsa Anter, Ûgûr Mûmcû, Ahmet Taner Kişlali cezayî bi temamî bide. Doza kuştina Hirant Dînkî 10 sal in ku didome. Doz ji “Rêxistina Terorî ya Ergenekonê” ji bo “Rêxistina Terorî ya Fethûllahgir” hat hewalekirin. di 6 û 8ê Îlona 2015ê de êrîş li rojnameya Hûrrîyetê hat kirin. 26 kes ji bo wê êrîşê jî têne dadkirin. Di şeva Hewildana Derbekirinê de êrîş li Dogan Medya Centerê hat kirin û di êrîşê de kesek mir. Ji ber vê bûyerê doz li 19 kesan hat vekirin. 5 kesên doz lê hatîn vekirin leşkerên pilebilind in. Sê leşker di girtîgehê de ne.
Turkey has been able to even prevent impunity in murder cases in the 90s of journalists such as Musa Anter, Uğur Mumcu and Ahmet Taner Kışlalı. In the Hrant Dink murder trial which has been going on for 10 years the blame has been out on the “Fethullahist Terrorist Organization” which used to the “Ergenekon Terrorist Organization” earlier. While the trials of 26 suspects in cases regarding the attacks of AKP circles against Hürriyet daily still continue, cases have been brought against 19 people three of whom are arrested and five others are ranking personnel regarding the occupation of Doğan Media Center on the night of the coup attempt and one person being kiilled.Bianet Bianet
Hin bûyerên ku di yek „rojekî“ de dest pê kirine, yan di „roja“ piştî wê, yan jî di „rojên“ din de, berdewam kirine
Events starting during one “day” continued into one or more of the following “days”jw2019 jw2019
Eger em di civatê de li neheqiyê rast bên, gerek em xwe çima nêziktirî Yehowa bikin?
Why should we draw even closer to Jehovah if we experience injustice in the congregation?jw2019 jw2019
Lê hela wî halî de jî ez rihet bûm û xwegirtî bûm.
Even so, I felt calm and composed.jw2019 jw2019
Ji 118 rojnamegeran, dadgehan biryara girtina 16 ji wan daye, 18 rojnameger jî têne dadkirin. Lêpirsîn li ser 84 rojnamegeran hene. Di heman dewra sala 2016ê de 28 rojnameger di girtîgehan de bûn. 18 ji wan rojnamegeran ji medyaya kurdan bûn.
16 of these 118 journalists are convicted, 18 of them are still standing trial and 84 others are under investigation. In the same quarter of 2016, 28 journalists 18 of whom were from the Kurdish media. were in prisonBianet Bianet
Pawlos ji şagirtên Îsa re çima got ku gerek ew “ zêdetir” cesaretê bidin hevdû?
Why did the apostle Paul exhort the early Hebrew Christians to encourage one another “all the more so”?jw2019 jw2019
Tu derekî biemniyettir tune!
There is no safer place to be!jw2019 jw2019
Merivên kur gotin ku berpirsên PKK ji wan re gotin ku ew dê destûra derketineke kin bistîne piştî 25 roj ji rahênana leşkerî, lê ew bawer dikin ku tiştê han hîç çê nebû jiberku ew venegeriye malê.
The boy’s relatives said PKK officials told them he would be given a brief leave after 25 days of military training, but they believe this did not happen because he never came home.hrw.org hrw.org
Danièle gelek westiyayî bû, û wê wisa cewab da: “Diranên meteorîtan dirêj in!”
Danièle was tired and answered, “Well, meteorites have longer teeth!”jw2019 jw2019
Eger mirov bibînin ku tu ji Kitêba Pîroz pir hez dikî û bi rastî dixwazî alî wan bikî, ewê hazirtir bin ku guh bidin te.”
I’ve found that people respond well when they see that you are passionate about the Bible and are doing your best to help them.”jw2019 jw2019
Di netîceyê de, em bûne mirovên baştir.”
We come out better people.”jw2019 jw2019
GAVA Silêman bû padîşahê Îsraêl, ew xort bû.
SOLOMON became king of Israel when he was just a young man.jw2019 jw2019
Resim û vîdeo hin teferûatên Kitêba Pîroz zelaltir nîşan didin.
Photos, artwork, and silent videos and animations illustrate various details recorded in the Bible.jw2019 jw2019
Di heman dewra par de, bi maddeya 299. a TCKyê çar kesên yek ji wan rojnameger bû hatine mehkûmkirin. Wan cezayê girtîgehê yê 7 sal û 9 meh û 25 rojan stand, ceza ji bo 4 salan hat paşdedan. 23 kesên 11 ji wan rojnameger bûn jî ji ber nivîs, rexne û hizrên xwe bi maddeya 299. jî têne dadkirin.
In the same quarter of 2015, 4 individuals including 1 journalist were sentenced to 7 years, 9 months and 25 days in prison (4 years deferred), 23 individuals in total including 11 journalists were still standing trial over their articles, criticisms and expressed opinions on same charges. New investigations were launched on same charges in accordance with Article 299 against 19 journalists and there were 3 new criminal complaints filed. A verdict of non-prosecution was filed for four journalists.Bianet Bianet
Li min zor tê ku ez behsa wî bikim.
Even now I struggle to describe the anguish that we felt.jw2019 jw2019
Me hela dizîka ve “Birca Çavdêriyê” distand, kîjan ku paşê me pê desta kopî dikir bona elimandinê.
We even regularly received smuggled copies of The Watchtower, which we copied by hand to use in our studies.jw2019 jw2019
Yan jî em dikarin komekê bidine wan xwişk û birayên ku derbasî bajarekî din yan hela welatê xerîb bûne, kîderê ku hewcetiya mizgînvanan heye.
Or we may be able to give practical support to brothers and sisters who move to areas within the country, or even abroad, to serve where the need for Kingdom publishers is greater.jw2019 jw2019
11. (a) Hin xwişk û birayên Cihû der heqê sinetê de çi difikirîn?
11. (a) What situation regarding circumcision persisted among Jewish believers?jw2019 jw2019
Yûhenna payê Gayos da bona mêvanheziya wî hindava xwişk û birayan, hela hindava yên nenas jî.
John praised Gaius for hosting the brothers even though they were strangers to him.jw2019 jw2019
Wekî din, tu çawa dikarî rastiya Kitêba Pîroz zelaltir xuyanî bikî?
And how can you be more effective at giving a witness?jw2019 jw2019
Di 2yê Kanûna Pêşiyê ya 2015ê de li Navçeya Sûrê ya Amedê derketina derve hatibû qedexekirin û jî qedexe dewam dike.
The Ministry in its statement remarked that the report “doesn’t reflect the truth”.Bianet Bianet
Weke 30 sal bi şûn de, Petrûsê şandî behsa vê dîtiniyê kir, a ku li ber çavê wî bû (2. Ptr.
Some 30 years later, the apostle Peter referred to the vision of the transfiguration, showing that the vision was still vivid in his mind. —2 Pet.jw2019 jw2019
Me hela jî ji wî mirovî erd kirî, kîjan ku ji me re got ku “Çînayî nafiroşin”.
We were even able to buy the property from the man who had said that “Chinese do not sell.”jw2019 jw2019
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