lewma oor Engels


ötürü, zira, dolayı, ...den bu yüzden, onun için, ondan dolayı, bundan dolayı.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels

[îro hewalek mhemmed xan heye, loma ne hatîye bi me re: today something is up with m. khan, since he hasn't come with us.] /[jinê jî zanibû, wekî ûsibî zef bi aqile, lewma jî ewê çevnebarî li wî dikir: the woman also knew that joseph was [lit. is] very smart, therefore she despised him.] /[lê birayên te ji mala min tişt dizîne, lewma jî min ew girtine: but your brothers stole things from my house, and therefore ı arrested them.] /[lewma pîrê hespa ji xan hez kir: therefore the god-protector of horses liked the khan] /[erê zînê, lewma dibên: qismek jin hene parsû xwahrin: ?come zin, for they say that some women, are fickle.] /[lewra qesmê xwende û mela di nav kurdan da bi tima û xestî(?) meşhûrin: because of this, learned people and mullahs have a reputation among the kurds for being greedy.]
because, for, since (reason), therefore, hence [often + jî], therefore, this is why, for this reason, that’s why

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Di dema lêpirsînê de parastina Demir nehatibû girtin û yekser doz lê hatibû vekirin. Lewma, Demir wê di rûniştina sibe de cara yekem xwe biparêze.
Besides the claims of “propagandising for the PKK”, the bill of indictment also included remarks that the respective interviews in the book were not current news and did not concern the public opinion.Bianet Bianet
Vîrus 96% dişibe vîrusa pêçermokan, lewma şikberiyeke zêde heye ku çavkaniya wê jî pêçermok in.
The virus has a 96% similarity to a bat coronavirus, so it is widely suspected to originate from bats as well.Tico19 Tico19
Alkol mîkrop-kujeke lezgîn e, lê teqez jî nîne, lewma ew jî mizdandina 20 deqeyan a destan pêwîst dike, teqez bikin ku her derê çermê we ter bûbe, û piştre jî divê hûn bi qasî deqeyekê bisekinin, da ku alkol bi timamî hişk bibe.
Alcohol is a quick germ-killer, but it's not quite instant, so this still requires the same 20 seconds of rubbing your hands together, making sure that every single scrap of skin gets wet, and then you have to wait about another minute, for the alcohol to completely dry.Tico19 Tico19
Gelek agahiyên xelet û teoriyên komployê derbarê vîrusê de wek online tên pêşkêşkirin û heta ji hêla hin rayedarên hikumetan ve jî, lewma miqate bin bê ka hûn ê kîjan çavkaniyê binêrin ji bo agahdariyan.
A variety of misinformation and conspiracy theories about the virus are being promoted online and even by some government officials, so be careful which sources you check for information.Tico19 Tico19
Ji ber ku COVID-19 manendiyan bi SARS-CoV û MERS-CoVê nîşan dide, lewma bandorên wan ên ser avisbûnê manendî hev in.
Since COVID-19 shows similarities to SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, it is likely that their effect on pregnancy are similar.Tico19 Tico19
Hinekên ku enfektebûyî dibe ku bêsemptom bin, bêyî semptomên klînîk bin, lê encamên testan ên ku enfeksiyonê erê dikin hene, lewma lêkolîner ew pêşniyaz diyar kirin ku kesên têkiliya wan a nêzik li gel yên enfektebûna wan erêkirî çêbûne divê ji nêzik ve bên çavdêrîkirin û bên muayenekirin da ku enfeksiyon bê dûrxistin.
Some of those infected may be asymptomatic, with no clinical symptoms but with test results that confirm infection, so researchers have issued advice that those with close contact to confirmed infected people should be closely monitored and examined to rule out infection.Tico19 Tico19
Ew ê we ji zatureya vîral a ji COVID-19ê neparêze, lê hin nexweşên COVID-19ê ji ber bakteriya zatureyê mirin ku êrîşî cergê lawazbûyî kirin, lewma derziya zatureyê dibe ku we ji mirinê rizgar bike.
It won't protect you from viral pneumonia from COVID-19, but some COVID-19 patients have died of bacterial pneumonia that attacked their weakened lungs, so a pneumonia vaccination could save your life.Tico19 Tico19
Lewma îsal Çîn ê bibe welatê herî zêde İngilîzî dipeyîve.
That's why this year, China will become the world's largest English-speaking country.ted2019 ted2019
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