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damadın kaynatasına ödemesi görenek olan topluca para, fiat, kız başlığı, drahoma, kız babasının kızını verdiği adamdan aldığı başlık parası, kürtlerde bu, âdettir (çoğu yörelerde «qelen» denir)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels


property or payment given at time of marriage
[mamê kund, tu keça xwe nadî kurê min?""ser çava" gotîyê, "lê tu dikari hilgirî [wî] nextê ez dê birim ser te? ez temaya milka dikim": "uncle owl, won't you give your daughter to my son [in marriage]?" "gladly," he replied, "but can you bear the bride-price ı will inflict on you? ı am covetous of wealth!"]
bride-price, money paid by the prospective groom to his father-in-law, trousseau
A dowry (among Kurds, customarily given to the family of the bride by the family of the groom)
A bride price (among Kurds, customarily given to the family of the bride by the family of the groom)

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