rastî oor Engels


doğruluk, doğru olma hali, gerçeklik, dürüstlük, istikamet, teyit, doğru davranış, doğru söz, iyilik, şefkat, realite, hakikat

Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels


Ew difikirîn ku me alî wan kir, lê bi rastî wan zêdetir alî me kiriye.
“The families think that we have helped them, but in reality, they have helped us much more.”


Belê, bi rastî jî hêja ye ku em “pişta xwe bi rastiyê bipêçin”.
Certainly, it is worth keeping “the belt of truth fastened around your waist” at all times.


/[ez dixazim herime cem xwedê, bizanibim çika rastya wî çewane?: ı want to go to god, to know what his truth is like [lit. how his truth is].] /[bi rastî: truly, really, indeed.] /[[ya] rastî gotî / bi rastî gotî: ıf truth be told, to tell you the truth.] (rastî ez dê evroke firavînê xwim: ı will certainly eat lunch today )_(berê min didet rêkêt rastîyê : before me are paths of righteousness )
straightness, truth (bi rastîye: in truth ), truthfulness, kindness, true (beta ne rasti ne false [wooden, not live] ducks] ), of course, righteousness, reality, fact

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels


verb noun
what is in accord with fact or reality
Rastî ew e, ku bona zandariyêd îroyîn gelek tişt li vê dinyayêda hê veşartî ne.
The truth is that much of nature, from the tiny cell to the vast universe, still remains beyond the grasp of modern science.

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Sergio û Olinda jî rastî kesên wisa hatin.
Sergio and Olinda, mentioned before, noticed such a change.jw2019 jw2019
Di daxuyaniyê de hat diyarkirin ku penaberên ku rastî tundkariyê hatin piştî dermankirinê hatin dersînorkirin û leşkerên ku tundkarî kirine jî hatine desteserkirin. (AS/FD)
According to a statement by the Ministry of Interior in February 2017, there are as many as 3.5 million refugees, predominantly in Urfa and Antep, which are border cities. (AS/TK)Bianet Bianet
Lê gava me mêvan qebûl kirin, em bi rastî pir bextewar bûn.
But having students stay with us was truly a joyous experience.jw2019 jw2019
Ji sedî 60ê bûyerên destdirêjiyê li navenda kirîn û firotinê ya li Antalyayê pêk hatiye. Jinek jî di otobusê de rastî destdirêjiyê hatiye.
60% of the harassment incidents took place in a shopping mall in Antalya. One woman was harassed on a bus.Bianet Bianet
Di bersiva xwe de li ser pirsên Human Rights Watch, berpirsên Hukmeta Herêmî ya Kurdistanê li parêzgeha Dihokê di nameya xwe ya 27ê Çiriya Paşîn de anî ziman ku leşkerkerwergirtina zarokan ji kampên kesên koçberkirî “bi tekûzî qedexe ye”, û ku desthilat “xûyê sivîl” ya kampan diparêze, û ku heger rastî çi haletên zarokên leşkerkirî hatibin, dê ew “bala xwe bidin wan, û ew veşiyandin bikin bi riya navendine taybet û bernameyine taybet.”
Responding to questions from Human Rights Watch, Kurdistan Regional Government officials in Dohuk province said in a November 27 letter that it was “strictly prohibited” to recruit children from camps for displaced people, that the authorities protected the “civilian nature” of the camps, and that if any child recruits were found, they “will be given attention and rehabilitated through specialized centers and special programs.”hrw.org hrw.org
5 Piştî ku miletê Îsraêl ji Çemê Urdunê derbas bû, Yêşû li nêzikî bajarê Erîhayê rastî zilamekî esrarengîz hat.
5 Soon after Israel crossed the Jordan, Joshua had an unexpected encounter.jw2019 jw2019
Candarên ku rastî mutasyonê hatibûn, hema hema hemû ... mir in, an jî ji yên ku li xwezayê ne lewaztir bûn.“
Almost all the mutants . . . died or were weaker than wild varieties.”jw2019 jw2019
Gava em rastî mirovên wisa tên, dibe ku ew êdî bixwazin guh bidin mizgînê.
When we meet them, they may want to listen to our message of hope for the first time in their life.jw2019 jw2019
4 Dema ku tu bin av bibî, mirov wê fehm bikin ku tu bi rastî dixwazî bibî dostê Xwedê û jê re xizmet bikî (Zebûr 40:7, 8).
4 When you get baptized, it shows others that you really want to be God’s friend and to serve him.jw2019 jw2019
Niha em binêrin, ka Pirtûka Pîroz bi rastî çi hîn dike.
The following shows what the Bible really teaches.jw2019 jw2019
Du hefte piştî ku min dest bi xizmeta mal bi mal kiribû, ez rastî pîrekeke nêzikî 30 salî hatim, û min pê re dest bi kursa Kitêba Pîroz kir.
During my second week in the door-to-door ministry, I met a woman in her 30’s with whom I began to study the Bible.jw2019 jw2019
“Hin malbat bi rastî jî dixwazin zarokên wan perwerde bibin. Hin malbatên din berovajiyê vê yekê tevdigerin. Bi taybetî malbatên li gundan qet bi perwerdehiyê re eleqeder nabin. Dibêjin ‘Bila zarokên me biçin û pere bînin bes e”. Raporên wan zarokan hildidin û qeydên wan li dibistanan didin çêkirin.”
“Some families really seek a good education, and some others act in a completely opposite manner. Especially the families from villages are not very interested in education. They expect their children ‘to go to the schools so that some cash will come’. Certificates for these children are obtained and then they are registered in the schools.Bianet Bianet
Di meha Tebaxê de termê jineke trans li mala wê hatiye dîtin; 4 jinên trans rastî êrîşê hatine. 2 jinên trans ên ku rastî êrîşê hatine rastî gefa “Kuştina bi şewitandinê ya weke Hande Kaderê” hatine.
In August, four trans women were attacked. Two of the trans women who were exposed to an assault, were threatened to be "burned to death like Hande Kader (a trans sex worker and activist who was burned to death in August 2016)".Bianet Bianet
Car-cara çaxa orta me ciwanan çetinayî pêşda dihatin, Birê Woodworth ji me re digot: “Bi rastî Yehowa mirovên neqedandî dide xebatê, lê yeke hemû şixul rind tê kirinê”.
When on occasion the imperfections of others proved challenging, Brother Woodworth would say, “It sure is marvelous what the Lord has done with what he has to work with.”jw2019 jw2019
Eger kesek êdî naxwaze ji Yehowa re xizmet bike û li gor qanûnên wî bijî, ew nikare bibêje ku wî tu caran xwe bi rastî nedaye Xwedê, an jî ku bin av bûna xwe bi rastî betal e.
If a person tires of serving Jehovah or of living a Christian way of life, he cannot claim that he was never really dedicated and that his baptism was invalid.jw2019 jw2019
Îsa dizanibû ku dilxweşî bi rastî çi ye.
Jesus knew what joy really is.jw2019 jw2019
Meqaleya pêşîn wê rêyî me bide ku carinan çima zor e ku em bielimin ku bi rastî çi qewimiye.
The first article considers challenges that we may encounter in trying to obtain facts.jw2019 jw2019
Loma çaxa em hatine wêderê, em rastî bira nehatin da ku wana nekine qeziyê.
In view of this, it was best that we arrive without any welcome and avoid contact with the local Witnesses.jw2019 jw2019
Cara pêşîn, min fehm kir ku rastî ev e!
For the first time, I understood that what I was hearing was the truth!jw2019 jw2019
Paşê, ew rastî xwişk û birayekî me hat û behsa guman û pirsên xwe kir.
Then he met a Witness couple and talked with them about his doubts and questions.jw2019 jw2019
Eger mirov bibînin ku tu ji Kitêba Pîroz pir hez dikî û bi rastî dixwazî alî wan bikî, ewê hê hazirtir bin ku guh bidin te.”
I’ve found that people respond well when they see that you are passionate about the Bible and are doing your best to help them.”jw2019 jw2019
Rastî: Yehowa wê mirinê heta bi hetayê tune bike.
Truth: Jehovah will remove death permanently.jw2019 jw2019
Bi rastî jî tu dixwazî hemû rabirdûyê jê bibî?
Do you really want to clear the entire history?KDE40.1 KDE40.1
Ji sedî 15ê jinan ji ber ku xwestine ji mêran veqetin rastî tundûtujiyê hatine. Ji sedî 8ên jinan jî ji ber ku keçên wan xwestine dest ji mêrên xwe berdin rastî tundûtujiya zavayan hatin.
15% of the women were subjected to violence for attempting to divorce or break up. 8% of the women were subjected to violence by their sons-in-law for their daughters attempting to divorce.Bianet Bianet
Eyûb çawa nîşan dida ku ew Yehowa bi rastî nas dike?
In what ways did Job show that he truly knew Jehovah?jw2019 jw2019
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