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Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels


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[ger kurd bibin yek, tu kes û hêz nikare têkoşina wan ya rewa û mafdar rawestîne: ıf the kurds unite, no person or force can stop their legitimate and just struggle.] (vêya ji min re rewa nebîne: don’t deem me worthy of this.)
admissible, allowable, befitting, damp, dampness, equitable, fair, gift, humidity, just, lawful, legitimate, licit, permissible, reward suitable, worthy of

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“Me her tim hedê xwe baş zanî û em bi vî awayî xebitîn. Sedema feqîrbûna wan, kesên din in. Ji ber vê jî em mecbur in ku îmkanên xwe yên heyî bi wan re parve bikin. Xizaniya li Amedê bi destê mirovan hat kirin. Ferqa pêşketina herêman weke konseptekî di salên 90î de zêdebû. Bi vî awayî feqîrtiya di nav bajarê me de, gihişte asteke bilind. Me hewl da ku ew kesana deste xwe ji ti kesî re venekin û jiyaneke baş ku bo wan rewa ye bijîn. Sarmaşik ne saziyeke xêrxwaz bû.”
“We have always worked knowing our limitations. The responsibility for the poverty these people suffer rests on others, maybe on us. Hence, we need to share our amenities with them. The poverty in Diyarbakır is manmade. Within the scope of a concept, inequality in regional development has increased since the 90s. Thus, the poverty in our city has reached an insufferable limit. We struggled to have these people return to the lifestyle they have a right to, to have them not have to beg anyone for anything. Sarmaşık Association was not a charity organization.Bianet Bianet
Dadgeha Bilind a ku piştî hewldana derbeyê du endamên wê hatin girtin û ya ku bi biryara xwe ya herî dawî Benda 299ê ya TCKê ya derbarê “heqareta Serokomar” de rewa kir, di mehên Rêbendan-Sibat-Adara 2017an de derbarê azadiya xweîfadekirinê de tenê biryarek xist rojeva xwe: Dadgeha Bilind a ji bo derhênerê weşanê yê malpera Borsa Gundemê Orhan Pala biryar girt ku azadiya wî ya xweîfadekirinê hatiye binpêkirin û ji bo wê jî biryar girt ku 2 hezar TL pare weke tazmînat bidin wî, serlêdanên 18 rojnamegeran ên li girtîgehan bi mehan e di bin tecrida giran de ne jinedîtî ve hat.
The Constitutional Court, whose two members were arrested in the wake of the July 15 coup attempt, has legitimized the TCK 299 concerning "Insulting the president" through its latest decision. The court brought only one verdict with respect to freedom of expression to its agenda during the period of January-February-March 2017; the court which ruled that Borsa Gündem website editor-in-chief Orhan Pala's freedom of expression was unlawfully violated, therefore, Pala be paid compensation of 2,000 TL, overlooked the applications of at least 18 journalists who are kept in confinement in prisons.Bianet Bianet
Dema ku xwepêşandar desteserkirî bû bi “Kirina çalakiya protestoyî ya dibêje Erê ne rewa ye û birêxistinkirinê gel bîne coşê” hatibûn sûcdarkirin.
The protesters faced a charge of “Staging protest that advocates ‘yes’ is not legitimate and lashing people into a fury”.Bianet Bianet
7. Guhertina Destûrî ya di nava şert û mercên Rewşa Awarteyê de û di atmosfereke ku nîqaşa serbest pêk nehatiye û “hemû derfetên dewletê hatine seferberkirin” de ne rewa ye. Guhertina Destûrî ya li şûna hewcedariyên civakê bicî bîne li gorî bendewariya kesekê hatiye sazkirin, bi biryara dijyaseyî ya Lijneya Hilbijartinê ya Bilind ketiye meriyetê. Ev “hilbijartineke bêmohr” e. Tirkiye nabe bi destûreke ne rewa bê birêvebirin û divê neyê birêvebirin.
7. The constitutional amendments undertaken under circumstances of State of Emergency and by "using every means available to the State" and in an environment in which no debate is possible, are illegitimate. A constitution which responds to the expectations of a single person instead of aiming for meeting the demands of the society has been put into force by the decision of the Supreme Election Board. This is an "unsealed" election. Turkey cannot be governed by an illegitimate Constitution and it shouldn't be.Bianet Bianet
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