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Heger zarok tevlî hêzên çekdar dibin ji ber zewaca zû an jî şidetên malbatî, an jî daku debara lêçûna malbatên xwe bikin, divê Hêzên Sûriya Demokratîk û Rêveberiya Xweser wan nexe nav leşkeriyê û li şûnê divê wan ji tadekariyên bi vî rengî bi riya pîvanên sivîl biparêzin, Human Right Watch weha gotiye.
If children are joining armed forces to flee early marriage or domestic abuse, or to provide for their families, the Syrian Democratic Forces and the Autonomous Administration should not be enlisting them into the military and instead seek to protect them from such abuse with civilian measures, Human Rights Watch said.hrw.org hrw.org
Kampa Eyn Îsa ya kesên koçberkirî, yeka ji sê kampan Human Right Watchê dît ku Yekîneyên Parastina Gel (YPG) zarokan ji wan weke leşkeran werdigirtine daku di leşkeriyê de beşdar bibin, Pûşber 2017.
Ain Issa displaced persons camp, one of three camps in northeast Syria where Human Rights Watch found the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG) have been recruiting children for military participation, June 2017.hrw.org hrw.org
Di 9ê Tîrmehê de, Human Right Watch wekî din ji herdu desthilatan re name nivîsîn daxwaz ji wan dikir ku bingehekî bidin ji bo astengkariyên li ser sivîlên ji Reqayê û Dêra Zorê.
On July 9, Human Rights Watch also wrote to both sets of authorities asking them to provide the basis for the restrictions on displaced civilians from Raqqa and Deir al-Zour.hrw.org hrw.org
[Kampa Eyn Îsa ya kesên koçberkirî, yeka ji sê kampan Human Right Watchê dît ku Yekîneyên Parastina Gel (YPG) zarokan ji wan weke leşkeran werdigirtine daku di leşkeriyê de beşdar bibin, Pûşber 2017. ]
[Ain Issa displaced persons camp, one of three camps in northeast Syria where Human Rights Watch found the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG) have been recruiting children for military participation, June 2017.]hrw.org hrw.org
Li gorî qanûnên şer, pêwîstî ji hemû aliyên şer heye ku rê bidin sivîlan ji ber pevçûnên berdewam bazdin û karibin xwe bigihînin alîkariyên mirovî, Human Right Watch weha got.
Under the laws of war, all parties to the conflict are required to allow civilians to flee ongoing hostilities and to gain access to humanitarian assistance, Human Rights Watch said.hrw.org hrw.org
Karmendên bijîşkî û şêniyên ku bazdabûn ji Human Right Watch re behsa felaketa rewşê kir li deverên di bin kontrola hukmetê de û li hin gundan di bin kontrola hêzên çekdar ên Tirkiyê û grûpên pê re hevalbend.
Medical personnel and residents who fled told Human Rights Watch about dire conditions in areas under government control, and some villages in the Afrin district under the control of Turkish and allied armed groups.hrw.org hrw.org
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Human Right Watchê hevpeyvînan ligel 24 koçberên sûrî ji Dêra Zorê û Reqayê bi awakî şexsî yan ji dûr ve kirin, ew an di çar kampên koçberên ji nav welêt de bûn an jî tê re derbas bûbûn- el-Hol, el-Sed, Mebrûkê û Eyn Îsa - di nava Şibata 2017an û Gulana 2018an de.
Human Rights Watch interviewed 24 Syrians displaced from Deir al-Zour and Raqqa, in person and remotely, who were in or had passed through four internal displacement camps – al-Hol, al-Sad, Mabrouka, and Ain Issa – between February 2017 and May 2018.hrw.org hrw.org
Human Right Watch hevpeyvînan ligel 58 kesan çê kirin, jê 13 zarokên bi temenên 14-17 salî, ligel dêûbavan jî, rêveberine kampan, mamosteyana, rêxistinine xwemalî û yên nedewletî yên navneteweyî, û desthilatên Hukmeta Herêmî ya Kurdistanê (HHK).
Human Rights Watch interviewed 58 people, including 13 children ages 14 to 17, as well as parents, managers of the camps, teachers, local and international nongovernmental organizations, and Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) authorities.hrw.org hrw.org
Di Adara 2011an de, Human Right Watch hevdîtin bi bêhtirî 20 rojnamevanan re çê kir/kir, wan got ku hêzên ewlekariyê û hêzên wan ên peywendîdar bi awakî rûtînî gef li ronamegeran xwarin, bi awakî keyfî girtin, li wan dan û tengav kirin û alavên wan desteser kirin û şkandin.
In March 2011, Human Rights Watch interviewed more than 20 journalists, who said that security forces and their proxies routinely threatened, arbitrarily arrested, beat, and harassed journalists, and confiscated and destroyed their equipment.hrw.org hrw.org
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