xanî oor Engels


naamwoord, Nounmanlike
mal. avahî. pend: xanî bê karîte ava nabe. pend: xanîyan stûn, karî qon. pend: xanîyan stûn, mêranîyê qon.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Koerdies - Engels


human abode
Di dinyaya nû de, her kes wê xwediyê xanî û baxçeyên bedew be û di selametê de bijî.
In the new world, all will have beautiful houses and gardens and will live in peace.






Temamiya Civata Feijó ku ji 49 xwişk-bira bû, birine dîwanê çimkî wana dizîkava di xanî de civîn derbas dikirin.
All 49 members of the Feijó Congregation were brought to trial for attending an illegal meeting in a private home.
[aqû pêxember rabû ser xênî: jacob the prophet got up on the roof [lit. rose to the top of the house]] /[zava çû ser xênî: the groom went up to the roof.] (xanîyek biçûkê: doll house ) [the building])
house, dwelling, building— this word is used for the physical structure, whereas mal = home, the mental concept/roof, mobile home, townhouse, flat
house (abode)

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kürt milli destanı meın û zîn adlı eseriyle meşhur yazarı ahmet'in soyadı, ehmedê xanî.

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dîwarê xanî
house wall
lista xanî
zikê xanî
Ehmedê Xanî
Ehmedê Xanî


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Çima ev xanî bi gelek odeyan e ?
why this house got so much rooms ?Azzer Azzer
Temamiya Civata Feijó ku ji 49 xwişk-bira bû, birine dîwanê çimkî wana dizîkava di xanî de civîn derbas dikirin.
All 49 members of the Feijó Congregation were brought to trial for attending an illegal meeting in a private home.jw2019 jw2019
Bersivên netewyî pêk tê ji pîvanên kontrolkirin weke kerentîne (ku bi fermanên di-xanî-man, fermanen penahbirin-di-cih, an qifilkirin tête nasandin) û qedexe ya derketin. Di 2 ê Nîsan, nêzîkî 300 milyon kes, an teqrîben 90% ji heşîmet, di bin qifilkirin di Emrîka de ne, zêdetir ji 50 milyon kes di Fîlîpîn, û 59 milyon kes di Afrîqa ya Başûr, û 1.3 milyar kes di Hind di bin qifilkirin da n.
National reactions have included containment measures such as quarantines (known as stay-at-home orders, shelter-in-place orders, or lockdown) and curfews.As of 2 April, nearly 300 million people, or about 90% of the population, are under some form of lockdown in the United States, more than 50 million people are in lockdown in the Philippines, about 59 million people are in lockdown in South Africa, and 1.3 billion people are in lockdown in India.Tico19 Tico19
Heke u ji ber giştgîrbûn esîr bûyî, nêzîktirîn qonsûl dikar alîkarî bike ku balafira xanî pepyda bikî, amadekarî ji bo deyneke bilez bike ji ber we ku bikarî tikit bikirî, an pasporteke bilez çê bikî.
If you have been stranded due to the pandemic, your nearest consulate may be able to help you find a flight home, arrange an emergency loan so you can buy a ticket, or provide an emergency passport.Tico19 Tico19
Manşetên ji dûrê aqilan hatin weşandin. Wekê “Travestiya Derdor Xerab Kirin” Lê mebesta wan cuda bû. Ji ber vê yekê emlakgeran xanî nedidan me.
They used to use captions like “The transvestites spread terror.” In fact, the circumstances were very different. The real estate agents not renting the houses to us is a discrimination that followed this.Bianet Bianet
“Mesele wek heneka bû; Min dikarî ew [xanî] ji kampê bidîta; lê hema min nikarî biçûba wir,” wî got.
“It was ironic; I could see her [the house] from the camp; I just could not get to it,” he said.hrw.org hrw.org
Ev ji ber derveyî bûna bedena meriv e, ev vayrûs bi sabûna xanî tête kuştin, ku bilqa parastina wan dibursîne.
This is because outside the human body, the virus is killed by household soap, which bursts its protective bubble.Tico19 Tico19
Di Çarşem de, Woolworths ji kirîna kaxeza toylêt ji bo birin ji bo xanî sinordar ki bi yêk pek ji bo her sipariş.
On Wednesday, Woolworths also limited toilet paper purchases for home delivery to one pack per order.Tico19 Tico19
"Kolorado pêşketina ""kîtên alav"" ji bo dêûbavan han da ku di xanî ji bo pêketina dersa zarokan di bernameya seretayîya hînkirin wergirtî ye. Di Japon de, Serokwezîran Sşînzo Abê hemî xwendingeha dever heta 8 a Nîsan daxist, herosa, îmkanatên lênêrîna zarok bihete derkirin jî."
" Colorado has encouraged the development of ""tool kits"" for parents to use at home to emulate the lessons children would have received in their early learning programmes.In Japan, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe closed all schools throughout the country until April 8, however, children's daycare facilities were excluded. "Tico19 Tico19
Keçik derkete ser banê xanî û gef xwar ku xwe bavêje lê niştecihan nehitşt, û şervanan ew bi xwe re vegerandin.
The girl climbed onto the roof and threatened to jump but residents prevented her from jumping, and the fighters took her back.hrw.org hrw.org
Kitêba Pîroz wisa cewab dide: “Her xanî ji aliyê yekî ve tê avakirin, lê avakarê her tiştî Xwedê ye” (Îbr.
The Bible answers: “Every house is constructed by someone, but the one who constructed all things is God.” —Heb.jw2019 jw2019
Wan kesan dibe ji bo parastina xwe di KOVÎD-19, bo şûştina destên xwe gav hilbigirin; astên ku piranî lems dibe paqij bikin û mîkrobkujî bikin; û dûrgirtina civakî, wekî man di xanî, neçûn ji bo cihê qerebalix, kombûn, û sefer, û berneketin digel kesên ku nexweş in.
These persons should take steps to protect themselves from COVID-19, through washing their hands; cleaning and disinfecting high-touch surfaces; and social distancing, including staying at home, avoiding crowds, gatherings, and travel, and avoiding contact with persons who are ill.Tico19 Tico19
Xelk bi li xanî man, sinordarkirina sefer, neçûn ji bo cihên qerebalix, û bikar nehînana rewşên merhebakirin, û xwedûrkkirina fîzîkî dikarin şewazên dûrbûna civakî bicih bikin.
Individuals may apply social distancing methods by staying at home, limiting travel, avoiding crowded areas, using no-contact greetings, and physically distancing themselves from others.Tico19 Tico19
Xanî, erd, hîse, tehwîl û sîgorta
real estate, stocks, bonds, and insurancejw2019 jw2019
Di sala 1995an de gundên dişewitînin. Dema bi darê zorê ji gundê xwe koç dike, keça wê ya piçûk Rabîa 3 salî, ya mezin jî 5 salî bûye. Atali wê demê wiha tîne ziman: “Min her du keçen xwe girtin û bêyî tiştek ji malê hildim, me koçê Amedê kir. Dema hatine Amedê di mala ku niha jî lê ne de bi cih bûne. Wê malê piştî erdhêjê dabûne xizmên wî. Bo vê yekê kirêya xanî nade.
In 1995, their village was burned. When her youngest Rabia was three and older daughter was five years old, she was forced to migrate to central Diyarbakır by “taking nothing from the house, just her daughters on her shoulders”. They settled down in the house in the neighborhood of 450 Evler, in which they still reside. The house was given to her relatives after the earthquake. So she does not need to pay rent.Bianet Bianet
Gava Cihû vegeriyan welatê xwe, xanî û zeviyên wan wêran bûn.
The Jews did not return to comfortable houses; nor did they find cultivated fields and vineyards.jw2019 jw2019
Dîroka jêrigirnasî: (1) dîroka sefer an man di bajara Wûhan û derdoên, an civakê din ku haletên KOVÎD-19 berî 14 roj ji despêkirina belavbûn hate raporkirin; (2) dîroka berketina bi haletên vegirtîya SARS-CoV-2 (bi pozetîvbûna têsta tirşe nûklêyîk); (3) diroka berketin bi kesên ku ta an nîşaneyên nefesî di bajara Wûhan û derdora wan hebu, an di civakên ku di 14 roja pêşî de, berî derketina nîşana KOVÎD-19 hatîye raporkirin; (4) dîroka berketin digel desteya haletîn teyîdkirî (≥ 2 haletên ku ta û/an nîşaneyên nefesî hene di 2 hefte di cihên piçûk rû da ye, weke xanî, nivîsîngeh, sinifa xwendingeh, din ji).
Epidemiological history: (1) a history of travel or residence in Wuhan city and surrounding areas, or other communities where COVID-19 cases had been reported in the last 14 days before symptom onset; (2) a history of contact with SARS-CoV-2 infectious cases (with positive nucleic acid test); (3) a history of contacting with patients with fever or respiratory symptoms from Wuhan city and surrounding areas, or other communities where COVID-19 had been reported in the last 14 days before symptom onset; (4) a history of contacting with cluster of confirmed cases (≥ 2 cases with fever and/or respiratory symptoms occurred within 2 weeks in small areas, such as home, office, class of school, etc).Tico19 Tico19
Di dinyaya nû de, her kes wê xwediyê xanî û baxçeyên bedew be û di selametê de bijî.
In the new world, all will have beautiful houses and gardens and will live in peace.jw2019 jw2019
Li sedsala yekê, hin şagirtên Îsa tiştên xwe – wek erd û xanî – firotin û pereyên topkirî dan şandiyan.
The apostles distributed these funds to those in need.jw2019 jw2019
Wan tişt û astên bi paqijker a berdewam a xanî yê paqij bike ku xelkeke zêde lems dikin, weke derî, telefon û rîmota telefizyon.
Clean objects and surfaces that a lot of people touch, such as doorknobs, phones, and television remotes with regular household cleaner.Tico19 Tico19
Daxistin xwendingehên di bersiva KOVID-19 bal kişande ser babet û pirsên cuda ya civakî û aborî, wekî qerza xwendekar, hînkirina dîcîtal, ne ewlehîya xwarin, û bêxanîbûn, herosa destgihîştin bi lênêrîna zarok, lênêrîna saxlemî, xanî, înternêt, û xizmetên kêmendamî.
School closures in response to COVID-19 have shed light on various social and economic issues, including student debt, digital learning, food insecurity, and homelessness, as well as access to childcare, health care, housing, internet, and disability services.Tico19 Tico19
Di roja 23 a adar, hate zanîn ku hemî xwendingehên Nîcerye di alîylê hikûmeta Nîcerye hatîye daxistin, bazar û kompanyayên hatine daxistin û rê nadene zarokan digel dêûbavên xwe ji xanî derbikevin.
On 23 March, all Nigerian school were found to have been closed down by Nigerian government, markets as well as companies were closed down and children were forbidden by parents to step out of their homes.Tico19 Tico19
şewazeke guncawa hînkirn li ser esasa doxa daxistina xwendingeh û kerentîneya nav xanî hilbijîre.
Choose the appropriate learning methodologies based on the status of school closures and home-based quarantines.Tico19 Tico19
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