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AN BIBEL KERNEWEK 2020 Eksodus 14 Ow Treusi an Mor Rudh 1Ena an ARLOEDH a leveris dhe Moyses, 2‘Lavar dhe vebyon Ysrael may treyllyons ha kampya a-rag Pihahiroth, yntra Migdol ha'n mor, a-rag Baal-sefon; hwi a wra kampya a-dal dhodho, ryb an mor. 3Rag Faro a lever a-dro dhe vebyon Ysrael, “Maglennys yns y'n tir; an gwylvos re's degeas.” 4Ha my a wra kaleshe kolonn Faro, hag ev a wra aga siwya ha my a gyv glori drefenn Faro ha'y lu oll; ha'n Ejyptianys a woer my dhe vos an ARLOEDH.’ Hag yndella i a wrug. 5Pan veu derivys dhe vyghtern Ejyp bos fiys an bobel, brys Faro ha'y servysi a veu treylys a-dro dhe'n bobel, hag yn-medhons, ‘Pyth yw hemma a wrussyn, ow livra mebyon Ysrael a'gan servya?’ 6Ytho ev a hernessyas y jarett ha kemmeres y lu ganso, 7ha kemmeres hwegh kans charett a'n gwella hag oll an charettow erell yn Ejyp, gans penngasor yn pubonan anedha. 8Ha'n ARLOEDH a galeshas kolonn Faro myghtern Ejyp hag ev a siwyas mebyon Ysrael dell ethons yn-rag gans leuv ughel. 9An Ejyptianys a's siwyas, oll mergh Faro ha'y jarettow ha'y varghogyon ha'y lu, ha tremena dresta ow kampya orth an mor, ryb Pihahiroth a-rag Baal-sefon. 10Pan nesas Faro, mebyon Ysrael a dhrehevis aga dewlagas, hag otta, yth esa an Ejyptianys ow tos war aga lergh; hag own bras a's teva. Mebyon Ysrael a grias war an ARLOEDH; 11hag i a leveris dhe Moyses, ‘Drefenn nag eus bedhow yn Ejyp yth yw, ty dh'agan gorra dhe verwel y'n gwylvos? Pandr'a wrussys dhyn, orth agan dri yn-mes a Ejyp? 12A nyns yw hemma an dra a leversyn dhis yn Ejyp, ow leverel, “Gas ni agan honan, may serfyons an Ejyptianys?” Rag gwell via ragon servya an Ejyptianys es merwel y'n gwylvos.’ 13Ha Moyses a leveris dhe'n bobel, ‘Na berthewgh own, sevewgh fyrv ha gweles selwyans an ARLOEDH a wra oberi ragowgh hedhyw; rag an Ejyptianys a welowgh hedhyw, ny wrewgh aga gweles nevra arta. 14An ARLOEDH a wra omladh ragowgh, ha hwi yn tawesek.’ 15An ARLOEDH a leveris dhe Moyses, ‘Prag y kriydh dhymm? Lavar dhe vebyon Ysrael mones yn-rag. 16Drehav dha welenn, hag ystynn dha dhorn dres an mor ha'y ranna, may hallo mebyon Ysrael mos war dhor sygh yn mysk an mor. 17Ha my a galesha kolonn an Ejyptianys mayth ellons war aga lergh, ha my a gyv glori drefenn Faro hag oll y lu, y jarettow, ha'y varghogyon. 18Ha'n Ejyptianys a woer my dhe vos an ARLOEDH, pan gavav gordhyans drefenn Faro, y jarettow, ha'y varghogyon.’ 19Ena el Duw, neb eth a-rag kamp Ysrael, a removas ha mos war aga lergh; an goloven a gommol a veu removyes a-dheragdha ha sevel a-dryv dhedha, 20ow tos yntra kamp Ejyp ha kamp Ysrael. Hag yth esa an gommolenn ena gans an tewlder; ha'n nos a dremenas heb an eyl ow tos nes dh'y gila der oll an nos. 21Ena Moyses a ystynnas y dhorn dres an mor; ha'n ARLOEDH a herdhyas an mor war-dhelergh dre wyns krev a'n howldrevel oll an nos, ha gul dhe'n mor bos dor sygh, ha'n dowrow a veu rynnys. 22Ha mebyon Ysrael eth yn mysk an mor war dhor sygh, an dowrow ow pos fos dhedha a'ga dyghow hag a'ga kledh. 23An Ejyptianys a siwyas, ha mos war aga lergh yn mysk an mor, mergh Faro oll, y jarettow ha'y varghogyon. 24Hag yn goel an myttin an ARLOEDH y'n goloven a dan ha kommol a viras war-woeles war lu an Ejyptianys, ha gorra lu an Ejyptianys yn deray, 25ow taga rosow aga charettow, may fons poes dhe lewya. Ytho an Ejyptianys a leveris, ‘Fiyn a-dhiworth Ysrael; rag an ARLOEDH a omladh ragdha erbynn an Ejyptianys.’ 26Ena an ARLOEDH a leveris dhe Moyses, ‘Ystynn dha dhorn dres an mor may teffo an dowr arta war an Ejyptianys, war aga charettow, ha war aga marghogyon.’ 27Ytho Moyses a ystynnas y dhorn dres an mor, ha'n mor a dhehwelis dh'y worlanow usadow pan dheuth myttin. An Ejyptianys a fias dhiworto, ha'n ARLOEDH a dhomhwelas an Ejyptianys yn kres an mor. 28An dowrow a dhehwelis ha kudha an charettow ha'n varghogyon hag oll lu Faro re's siwsa y'n mor; ny veu gesys nagonan anedha. 29Mes mebyon Ysrael a gerdhas war dhor sygh yn mysk an mor, an dowrow ow pos fos dhedha a'ga dyghow hag a'ga kledh. 30Yndella an ARLOEDH a dhelivras Ysrael an jydh na a dhorn an Ejyptianys; hag Ysrael a welas an Ejyptianys marow war lann an mor. 31Hag Ysrael a welas an ober meur a wrug an ARLOEDH erbynn an Ejyptianys, ha'n bobel a borthas own a'n ARLOEDH; hag i a grysis y'n ARLOEDH hag yn y was Moyses.
Exodus 14 1And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, 2Speak unto the children of Israel, that they turn and encamp before Pi-hahiroth, between Migdol and the sea, over against Baal-zephon: before it shall ye encamp by the sea. 3For Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, They are entangled in the land, the wilderness hath shut them in. 4And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, that he shall follow after them; and I will be honoured upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host; that the Egyptians may know that I am the LORD. And they did so. 5And it was told the king of Egypt that the people fled: and the heart of Pharaoh and of his servants was turned against the people, and they said, Why have we done this, that we have let Israel go from serving us? 6And he made ready his chariot, and took his people with him: 7and he took six hundred chosen chariots, and all the chariots of Egypt, and captains over every one of them. 8And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and he pursued after the children of Israel: and the children of Israel went out with an high hand. 9But the Egyptians pursued after them, all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, and his horsemen, and his army, and overtook them encamping by the sea, beside Pi-hahiroth, before Baal-zephon. 10And when Pharaoh drew nigh, the children of Israel lifted up their eyes, and, behold, the Egyptians marched after them; and they were sore afraid: and the children of Israel cried out unto the LORD. 11And they said unto Moses, Because there were no graves in Egypt, hast thou taken us away to die in the wilderness? wherefore hast thou dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt? 12Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt, saying, Let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the wilderness. 13And Moses said unto the people, Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day: for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day, ye shall see them again no more for ever. 14The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace. 15And the LORD said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: 16but lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea. 17And I, behold, I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they shall follow them: and I will get me honour upon Pharaoh, and upon all his host, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen. 18And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I have gotten me honour upon Pharaoh, upon his chariots, and upon his horsemen. 19And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them: 20and it came between the camp of the Egyptians and the camp of Israel; and it was a cloud and darkness to them, but it gave light by night to these: so that the one came not near the other all the night. 21And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. 22And the children of Israel went into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. 23And the Egyptians pursued, and went in after them to the midst of the sea, even all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen. 24And it came to pass, that in the morning watch the LORD looked unto the host of the Egyptians through the pillar of fire and of the cloud, and troubled the host of the Egyptians, 25and took off their chariot wheels, that they drave them heavily: so that the Egyptians said, Let us flee from the face of Israel; for the LORD fighteth for them against the Egyptians. 26And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand over the sea, that the waters may come again upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and upon their horsemen. 27And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to his strength when the morning appeared; and the Egyptians fled against it; and the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. 28And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them; there remained not so much as one of them. 29But the children of Israel walked upon dry land in the midst of the sea; and the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand, and on their left. 30Thus the LORD saved Israel that day out of the hand of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the sea shore. 31And Israel saw that great work which the LORD did upon the Egyptians: and the people feared the LORD, and believed the LORD, and his servant Moses.langbot langbot
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