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chi gwitha

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Res yw Tom gwitha chi, ha Goldberri ow kortos!
Tom has his house to mind, and Goldberry is waiting!langbot langbot
/ gwitha an chi / / /
hold the fortlangbot langbot
/ gwitha an chi / / /
keep the houselangbot langbot
‘Splann’, a leveris Frodo, pan wrug ev konvedhes an dowlenn. Ny allsen vy gasa messach rag Gandalf ken. Ny wonn mar kodhons i redya, an Varghogyon na, mes ny vynnsen vy bedha gasa messach skrifys, erbynn an kentel i dhe entra ha hwithra a-dro dhe’n chi. Mes, mar mynn Fatti gwitha an chi, hag y hallav vy bos sur Gandalf dhe gavoes an fordh mayth ethen ni, ow breus yw kaleshes. Yth av y’n Koes Koth dhe gynsa golow a-vorrow.’
‘Excellent!’ said Frodo, when he understood the plan. ‘We could not have left any message behind for Gandalf otherwise. I don’t know whether these Riders can read or not, of course, but I should not have dared to risk a written message, in case they got in and searched the house. But if Fatty is willing to hold the fort, and I can be sure of Gandalf knowing the way we have gone, that decides me. I am going into the Old Forest first thing tomorrow.’langbot langbot
6 El an ARLOEDH a ros an charj ma dhe Yoshua: 7 ‘Yndellma y lever ARLOEDH an luyow: Mar kerdhydh y’m fordhow ha gwitha ow charj, ena ty a wra governa ow chi ha gwitha ow klosyow, ha my a re dhis awtorita dhe dhos ha mos yn mysk an re usi ow sevel omma. 8 Goslow, a Yoshua an arghoferyas, ty ha’th keskowetha owth esedha a-ragos, rag sin yns i, my dhe dhri ow gwas, an Skorrenn. 9 Awotta’n men a worris a-rag Yoshua! Yma seyth lagas war unn men, ha my a wra gravya skrifa warnodho, yn-medh ARLOEDH an luyow, ha my a wra remova pegh an tir ma yn unn jydh. 10 Y’n jydh na, yn-medh ARLOEDH an luyow, pubonan a wra gelwel y gentrevek dhe esedha yn-dann y winbrenn ha’y figbrenn.’
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Heb mar Omaze, pan yw hemma govynnys dhedha, a lever heb mar y hyll bos Kernow a waynnyo an chi Kernewek! Mes drefen bos res dhe waynyer an chi Pennmeyn y wertha eth seythen hepken wosa y waynya awos y “teu gans kost y witha ha ny yllyn affordya y wul”, ny dybav bos henna meur a gonfort. Mar ny allas ev affordya gwitha eko-mansyon gans £50,000 ha gober a Gevarwodher a Oberyans yn Konteth Leicester (le mayth yw an gober kresek £36,000), fatel alsa an Kernow kresek affordya gwitha an chi Bosdinek (gans £100,000 hogen) gans kostys oberi a £1500 pub mis na wrussa alowa dhe’n gwaynyer Kernewek kresek marnas £6 pub dydh rag bewa rag boos, treusporth ha puptra nag yw anedhi?
Of course Omaze, when asked about this, says of course it could be a Cornish person that wins the Cornish house! But seeing as the winner of the Pennmeyn house had to sell it only eight weeks after winning as it “comes with a price to keep it and we can’t afford to”, I don’t find that reassuring. If he couldn’t afford to keep an eco-mansion with £50,000 and the salary of a Director of Operations in Leicestershire (where the average salary is £36,300), how will the average Cornish person afford to keep the Bodinnick house (even with £100,000) with running costs of £1500 a month that would leave the average Cornish earner with just £6 per day to live on for food, transport and anything not housing?langbot langbot
y’n chi ma. Ny wrug ev gwitha travyth dhiworthiv marnas ty, drefenn ty dhe vos y wreg. Fatell wrav vy an drogober bras ma, ha pegha erbynn Duw?’ 10 Yth esa hi ow kewsel a dhydh dhe dhydh dhe Yosep, mes ny goelas orti, dhe wrowedha gensi na dhe vos gensi. 11 Mes unn jydh ev eth a-berth y’n chi dhe wul y ober, ha nyns esa denvyth a dus an chi ena y’n chi. 12 Ha hi a’n kachyas der y dhillas, ow leverel, ‘Growedh genev.’ Hag ev a asas y dhillas yn hy dorn ha fia dhe’n fo ha mos yn-mes. 13 Pan welas hi y hwrussa gasa y dhillas yn hy dorn ha fia yn-mes, 14 hi
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51 Yndellma oll an ober a wrug myghtern Solomon rag chi an ARLOEDH o gorfennys. Solomon a dhros an taklow re bia sakrys gans y das Davydh, an arghans, an owr, ha’n lestri, ha’ga gwitha
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11 Ger an ARLOEDH a dheuth dhe Solomon, ow leverel, 12 ‘A-dro dhe’n chi ma a dhrehevydh, mar kerdhydh yn ow ordenansow, ha bos gostydh dhe’m breusow ha gwitha oll ow gorhemmynnow ha kerdhes ynna, ena my a fast ow ambos genes, a wrug vy dhe’th tas Davydh. 13 My a vydh trigys yn mysk fleghes Ysrael ha ny eskasav ow fobel Ysrael.’
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Arloedh a wrug an nev ha’n norvys. 14 An chi a veu drehevys nans yw lies blydhen gans myghtern a Ysrael o meur y vri ha krev, ha gorfennys o. 15 Mes pan beghas agan tasow orth Arloedh Ysrael, usi y’n nev, ha’y brosa, ev a’n ros yn diwdhorn Nebukadnessar myghtern Babylon, myghtern an Kaldeanys; 16 hag i a dennas an chi dhe’n dor ha’y leski, ha doen an bobel dhe-ves yn kethneth dhe Babylon. 17 Mes yn kynsa blydhen may reynya Kyrus war wlaskor Babylon, myghtern Kyrus a skrifas may fe an chi ma dastrehevys. 18 Ha’n lestri sans a owr hag a arghans, re gemmmersa Nebukadnessar a’n chi yn Yerusalem ha’ga gwitha yn y dempel y honan, Kyrus an myghtern a’s kemmeras yn-mes arta a dempel Babylon, hag i a veu daskorrys dhe Zerubbabel ha Sheshbassar, an governour 19 gans an gorhemmynn may trollo oll an lestri ma tre ha’ga gorra y’n tempel yn Yerusalem, ha may fo an tempel ma a’n Arloedh dastrehevys yn y dyller. 20 Ena an Sheshbassar ma, wosa ev dhe dhos omma, a worras selyow chi an Arloedh usi yn Yerusalem. Kynth usi y dhrehevel ow mos yn-rag a’n termyn na bys y’n jydh ma, ny veu gorfennys hwath.” 21 Ytho lemmyn, A vyghtern, mar hevel fur y wul, bedhes hwithrans
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24 Ena my a settyas dhe denewen dewdhek a’n bennoferysi, Sherebia, Hashabia, ha deg a’ga breder, 25 ha my a boesas dhedha an arghans ha’n owr, ha’n lestri, henn yw an offrynn rag chi agan Duw, a offrynnas an myghtern, ha’y gusulyadoryon, ha’y bennsevigyon, hag oll tus Ysrael esa ena. 26 My a boesas yn aga diwla hwegh kans talent a arghans ha hanter-kans, ha kans talent a lestri gwrys a arghans, ha kans talenta a owr; 27 ugens bason a owr, a vil dharik,b ha dew lester a vrons lentrus, mar dhrudh avel owr. 28 Yn-medhav dhedha, ‘Hwi yw sans dhe’n ARLOEDH ha’n lestri yw sans ynwedh. An arghans ha’n owr yw offrynn bolonjedhek dhe’n ARLOEDH, Duw agas tasow; 29 Goelyewgh, ha’ga gwitha, bys pan y’s poesowgh yn helyow chi an ARLOEDH yn Yerusalem a-rag an bennoferysi ha’n Levysi, ha pennow teyluyow Ysrael.’ 30 Ytho an oferysi ha’n Levysi a dhegemmeras poes an arghans ha’n owr ha’n lestri, rag aga doen dhe Yerusalem dhe ji agan Duw.
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43 Ha’n ARLOEDH a leveris dhe Moyses hag Aron, Hemm yw ordenans an pask: ny wra estren dybri anodho. 44 Mes pub keth prenys der arghans a yll dybri anodho wosa hwi dh’y drodreghi. 45 Ny goedh dybri anodho godriger vyth na gwas arvethys. 46 Yn unn chi y fydh dybrys; ny wrewgh hwi doen kig vyth yn-mes a’n chi; ha ny wrewgh hwi terri askorn anodho. 47 Ha kuntelles Ysrael oll a wra y witha. 48 Ha pan wra alyon godriga genowgh hag a vynn gwitha pask dhe’n ARLOEDH, bedhes oll y re worow trodreghys, ena ev a yll dos nes dh’y witha; ev a vydh avel genesik an tir. Mes ny wra dybri anodho den antrodreghys. 49 Y fydh unn lagha rag an genesik ha rag an alyon usi trigys yntredhowgh.
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Ena yn-medhav, My a dhiver ow honnar warnedha, ow kowlwul ow sorr er aga fynn yn kres pow Ejyp. 9 Mes my a’n gwrug a-barth ow hanow, ma na vo disakrys a-wel dhe’n kenedhlow mayth esons yn aga mysk, may feuv aswonnys dhedha a-wel dhedha, orth aga dri yn-mes a bow Ejyp. 10 Ytho my a’s dros yn-mes a bow Ejyp ha’ga dri dhe’n difeythtir. 11 My a ros dhedha ow ordenansow, ha diskwedhes dhedha ow breusow, rag den mar kwra aga gwitha, ev a vew ynna. 12 Ynwedh my a ros dhedha ow sabotys, dhe vos tokyn yntra my hag i, rag mayth aswonnens my dhe vos an ARLOEDH, neb a’s sansha. 13 Byttegyns chi Ysrael a rebellyas er ow fynn y’n difeythtir. Ny gerdhsons war-lergh ow ordenansow, mes i a dhenaghas ow breusow, kyn fydh bew seul a’s gwith; hag i a dhisakras ow sabotys yn feur.
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6 Ena ev a elwis Solomon y vab hag erghi dhodho drehevel chi rag an ARLOEDH, Duw Ysrael. 7 Davydh a leveris dhe Solomon, ‘Ow mab, yth esa y’m brys drehevel chi rag hanow an ARLOEDH, ow Duw. 8 Mes ger an ARLOEDH a dheuth dhymm, ow leverel, “Ty re skoellyas meur a woes ha goestla breselyow bras; ny dhrehevydh chi dhe’m hanow, drefenn ty dhe skoellya kemmys goes a-ragov war an dor. 9 Awotta, mab a vydh genys dhis; ev a vydh gour a bowes ha my a re dhodho powes dhiworth oll y eskerens a-dhedro. Y hanow a vydh Solomon, ha my a re kres ha diogeledh dhe Ysrael yn y dhydhyow. 10 Ev a dhrehav chi rag ow hanow; ev a vydh mab dhymm ha my a vydh tas dhodho; ha my a fast tron y vyghterneth war Ysrael bys vykken.” 11 Lemmyn, ow mab, re bo an ARLOEDH genes, may sewenni ha drehevel chi an ARLOEDH dha Dhuw dell gewsis ev ahanas. 12 Re wrontyo an ARLOEDH dhis furneth ha konvedhes may hwitthi lagha an ARLOEDH dha Dhuw pan re ev dhis charj war Ysrael. 13 Ena ty a sewen mar kwaytydh gwitha an ordenansow ha’n breusow a erghis an ARLOEDH dhe Moyses rag Ysrael. Bydh krev, hag a golonn dha. Na borth own, na vydh digolonnek. 14 Otta, dre ow ober kales, my re brovias rag chi an ARLOEDH kans mil dalent a owr, milvil dalent a arghans, ha myns a vrons ha horn na yllir aga foesa; prenn ha men ynwedh my re brovias. Res vydh dhis keworra dhe’n re ma. 15 Ty a’th eus meur a oberwesyon: treghoryon men, seri men, seri prenn ha kreftoryon, skentel yn pub sort a greft 16 yn owr, arghans, brons ha horn, na yllir aga nivera. Sav yn-bann ha dalleth an ober ha re bo an ARLOEDH genes.’
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1h Ha poenvosek o oll an genedhel wiryon ha dhedha own a’ga galarow aga honan, ha parys dhe verwel ens i. Ena, kria war Dhuw a wrussons, 1i hag orth aga kri, kepar ha pan ve dhiworth fenten vyghan, y teuth avon veur, dowrow pals. 1k Sevel a wrug an golow ha’n howl, ha’n re uvel a veu ughelhes, hag i a dhevoryas an re enorys. 1l Lemmyn, pan dhifunas Mordekay, neb a welsa an hunros na ha’n pyth a ervirsa Duw y wul, ev a’n gwitha yn y vrys ha dhodho hwans dres eghenn a’y dhysmygi, bys y’n nos. 1m Ha Mordekay a bowesas y’n chi ryel gans Bigthan ha Teresh, dew spadhesik an myghtern, o gwithysi an klos. 1n Hag ev a glewas a’ga heskusulyansow hag a hwilas aga ententys, ha dyski a wrug i dhe vos war boynt settya dalghenn yn myghtern Ahasuerus, hag ev a ros derivas dhe’n myghtern anedha. 1o Ena an myghtern a apposyas an dhew spadhesik, ha wosa i dh’y avowa, gorrys vons dhe’n mernans. 1p An myghtern a skrifas an taklow ma avel kovadh, ha Mordekay a skrifas a-dro dhedha. 1q Ytho an myghtern a erghis dhe Mordekay may serffya y’n chi, ha rakhemma ev a’n gobras gans rohow. 1r Mes Haman mab Hammedatha an Agagek, meur y enor gans an myghtern, a hwilas pystiga Mordekay ha’y bobel, drefenn dew spadhesik an myghtern.
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18 Ha Yakob a sevis myttin a-varr ha kemmeres an men re wrussa y worra yn-dann y benn, hag ev a’n settyas avel peulven ha dinewi oyl war an penn anodho. 19 Hag ev a elwis hanow an tyller na Bethel, mes Luz o hanow an sita kyns. 20 Ha Yakob a ambosas ambos, ow leverel, ‘Mar pydh Duw genev ha’m gwitha y’n fordh ma mayth esov ow mos, ha ri dhymm bara dhe dhybri ha dillas dhe wiska, 21 may tehwelav yn kres dhe ji ow thas, ena an ARLOEDH a vydh ow Duw; 22 ha’n men ma a wrugavy y settya yn-bann avel peulven a vydh chi Duw; hag a bup-tra a redh dhymm, my a re dhis an dega.’
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henedh ma. 26 Ha kepar dell veu yn dydhyow Noy, yn kettella y fydh ynwedh yn dydhyow Mab an den; 27 yth esens ow tybri hag eva, demmedhi ha ri yn demmedhyans, bys y’n jydh mayth eth Noy a-bervedh y’n gorhel, ha’n liv a dheuth ha’ga distrui yn kettep penn. 28 Y’n keth vaner, kepar dell veu yn dydhyow Lot, yth esens ow tybri, eva, prena, gwertha, plansa, drehevel; 29 y’n jydh mayth eth Lot yn-mes a Sodom, tan ha loskven a goedhas avel glaw dhiworth nev ha’ga distrui yn kettep penn. 30 Yn kettella y fydh y’n jydh may fydh diskudhys Mab an den. 31 Y’n jydh na, neb eus war an to ha’y bythow y’n chi, na wres ev mos yn-nans rag aga hemmeres; ha neb eus y’n gwel keffrys, na dreylyes war-dhelergh. 32 Perthewgh kov a wreg Lot. 33 Piwpynag a hwillo gwitha y vewnans a’n kyll, mes piwpynag a’n kollo a wra y witha. 34 My a lever dhywgh, an nos na y fydh dewdhen yn unn gweli: an eyl a vydh kemmerys, y gila a vydh gesys. 35 Y fydh diw venyn ow melyas bleus war-barth: an eyl a vydh kemmerys, hy ben a vydh gesys. 36 Dew dhen a vydh y’n gwel: an eyl a vydh kemmerys, y gila a vydh gesys.’a 37 Hag i a worthybis dhodho ow leverel, ‘Ple, Arloedh?’ Ev a leveris dhedha, ‘Le may fo an korf, ena ynwedh yth omguntell an eryon.’
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AN BIBEL KERNEWEK 2020 1 Myghternedh 6 Solomon a Dhrehav an Tempel 1Y'n peswar kans ha peswar-ugensves blydhen wosa fleghes Ysrael dhe dhos yn-mes a Ejyp, y'n peswora blydhen a reyn Solomon war Ysrael, yn mis Ziv, an eyl mis, ev a dhallathas drehevel chi an ARLOEDH. 2An chi a dhrehevis Solomon rag an ARLOEDH o tri-ugens kevelin y hys, ugens kevelin y les, ha deg kevelin warn ugens y ughelder. 3An portal a-rag sentri an chi o ugens kevelin hy les, a-dreus les an chi, ha deg kevelin o hy les a-rag an chi. 4Ha rag an chi ev a wrug fenestri kul gans lattis. 5Hag erbynn fosow an chi ev a dhrehevis ystynnans a-dro dhe'n chi ha'n sentri pervedhel; hag ev a wrug chambouryow oll a-dro. 6An isella leur o pymp kevelin y les; an leur kres o hwegh kevelin y les ha'n tressa o seyth kevelin y les; rag tu a-ves an chi ev a wrug estyll kul war an fos ma na ve gorrys an kebrow yn fosow an chi. 7An chi a veu drehevys a veyn pareusys y'n mengleudh, ma na veu klewys morthol na boel na toul horn vyth y'n tempel pan esa ow pos drehevys. 8Yth esa daras an leur isella war denewen dyghow an chi: yth esa grisyow ow ledya dhe'n leur kres, hag a'n leur kres dhe'n tressa. 9Ytho ev a dhrehevis an chi ha'y worfenna; ev a worheras an chi gans kebrow hag estyll a gederwydh. 10Ev a dhrehevis an chambouryow erbynn an chi, pymp kevelin aga ughelder, hag i a veu stegys dhe'n chi gans prenn keder. 11Ger an ARLOEDH a dheuth dhe Solomon, ow leverel, 12‘A-dro dhe'n chi ma a dhrehevydh, mar kerdhydh yn ow ordenansow, ha bos gostydh dhe'm breusow ha gwitha oll ow gorhemmynnow ha kerdhes ynna, ena my a fast ow ambos genes, a wrug vy dhe'th tas Davydh. 13My a vydh trigys yn mysk fleghes Ysrael ha ny eskasav ow fobel Ysrael.’ 14Ytho Solomon a dhrehevis an chi ha'y worfenna. 15Ev a bannellyas parosyow pervedhel an chi gans estyll prenn keder; a leur an chi dhe gebrow an nen, ev a's gorheras a-ji gans prenn; hag ev a worheras leur an chi gans plenkys a veryw. 16Ev a dhrehevis spas a ugens kevelin rynnys dhiworth delergh an chi gans estyll prenn keder a'n leur dhe'n kebrow, hag ev a dhrehevis hemma avel sentri pervedhel, avel an tyller an moyha sans. 17An chi, henn yw an tempel a-ragdho, o dew-ugens kevelin y hys. 18An prenn keder a-ji dhe'n chi a'n jevo kervyansow pompyons ha bleujennow igor; pup-tra o prenn keder, nyns esa men dhe vos gwelys. 19Ev a bareusis an sentri pervedhel a-ji dhe'n chi, rag gorra ena argh kevambos an ARLOEDH. 20Pervedh an sentri pervedhel o ugens kevelin y hys, ugens kevelin y les, hag ugens kevelin yn ughelder; ev a'n gorowras gans owr pur. Ev a worlownyas an alter ynwedh gans prenn keder. 21Solomon a worlownas pervedh an chi gans owr pur, ena ev a dennas kadonyow owr a-dreus, a-rag an sentri pervedhel, a veu gorlownys gans owr. 22Ev a worlownas gans owr oll an chi bys pan worfennsa oll an chi; hwath an alter esa y'n sentri pervedhel ev a worlownas gans owr. Meblans an Tempel 23Y'n sentri pervedhel ev a wrug dew jerub a brenn oliv, pubonan deg kevelin yn ughelder. 24Pymp kevelin o hys unn askell a'n cherub, ha pymp kevelin o hys askell arall an cherub; deg kevelin o a vleyn unn askell dhe vleyn hy ben. 25Ha'n cherub arall o deg kevelin; an dhew jerub a's tevo an keth myns ha'n keth furv. 26Ughelder an unn cherub o deg kevelin, ha'n keth o ughelder an cherub arall. 27Ev a worras an cherubim a-ji dhe'n sentri pervedhel; eseli an cherubim o lesys may tochyas askell onan anedha an eyl fos, hag askell y gila a dochyas an fos arall; aga eskelli erell tu ha kres an chi a dochyas askell dhe askell. 28Ev a worlownas an cherubim ynwedh gans owr. 29A-dro dhe barosyow an chi ev a gervyas cherubim, palmwydh, ha bleujennow igor, a-ji hag a-ves. 30Leur an chi ev a worlownas gans owr y'n stevellow a-ji hag a-ves. 31Rag porth an sentri pervedhel ev a wrug darasow a brenn oliv; penn an daras ha'n postow o pympkornek. 32Ev a gudhas an darasow a brenn oliv gans kervyansow a jerubim, palmwydh, ha bleujennow igor; ev a's gorlownas gans owr, ha mortholya owr war an cherubim ha war an palmwydh. 33Ha rag porth an sentri ev a wrug darasow a brenn oliv, pubonan peswar-kornek, 34ha dew dharas a brenn meryw, ha'n dhiw rann an eyl daras a blegya, ha'n dhiw rann an daras arall a blegya. 35Ev a gervyas cherubim, palmwydh, ha bleujennow igor, orth aga gorowra gans owr desedhys war an ober kervys. 36Ev a dhrehevis an klos pervedhel gans teyr res a veyn treghys hag unn res a gebrow keder. 37Y'n peswora blydhen selveyn chi an ARLOEDH a veu gorrys, y'n mis Ziv. 38Y'n unnegves blydhen, y'n mis Bul, hag yw an ethves mis, an chi a veu gorfennys yn oll y rannow, ha herwydh oll y dhesinyow. Ytho ev a spenas seyth blydhen orth y dhrehevel. © Kesva an Taves Kernewek 2004, 2021 © Cornish Language Board 2004, 2021KING JAMES VERSION (BIBLE SOCIETY PARAGRAPHED EDITION 1954)
1 Kings 6 1And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon's reign over Israel, in the month Zif, which is the second month, that he began to build the house of the LORD. The House of the Lord 2And the house which king Solomon built for the LORD, the length thereof was threescore cubits, and the breadth thereof twenty cubits, and the height thereof thirty cubits. 3And the porch before the temple of the house, twenty cubits was the length thereof, according to the breadth of the house; and ten cubits was the breadth thereof before the house. 4And for the house he made windows of narrow lights. 5And against the wall of the house he built chambers round about, against the walls of the house round about, both of the temple and of the oracle: and he made chambers round about: 6the nethermost chamber was five cubits broad, and the middle was six cubits broad, and the third was seven cubits broad: for without in the wall of the house he made narrowed rests round about, that the beams should not be fastened in the walls of the house. 7And the house, when it was in building, was built of stone made ready before it was brought thither: so that there was neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron heard in the house, while it was in building. 8The door for the middle chamber was in the right side of the house: and they went up with winding stairs into the middle chamber, and out of the middle into the third. 9So he built the house, and finished it; and covered the house with beams and boards of cedar. 10And then he built chambers against all the house, five cubits high: and they rested on the house with timber of cedar. 11And the word of the LORD came to Solomon, saying, 12Concerning this house which thou art in building, if thou wilt walk in my statutes, and execute my judgments, and keep all my commandments to walk in them; then will I perform my word with thee, which I spake unto David thy father: 13and I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will not forsake my people Israel. 14So Solomon built the house, and finished it. 15And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar, both the floor of the house, and the walls of the cieling: and he covered them on the inside with wood, and covered the floor of the house with planks of fir. 16And he built twenty cubits on the sides of the house, both the floor and the walls with boards of cedar: he even built them for it within, even for the oracle, even for the most holy place. 17And the house, that is, the temple before it, was forty cubits long. 18And the cedar of the house within was carved with knops and open flowers: all was cedar; there was no stone seen. 19And the oracle he prepared in the house within, to set there the ark of the covenant of the LORD. 20And the oracle in the forepart was twenty cubits in length, and twenty cubits in breadth, and twenty cubits in the height thereof: and he overlaid it with pure gold; and so covered the altar which was of cedar. 21So Solomon overlaid the house within with pure gold: and he made a partition by the chains of gold before the oracle; and he overlaid it with gold. 22And the whole house he overlaid with gold, until he had finished all the house: also the whole altar that was by the oracle he overlaid with gold. 23And within the oracle he made two cherubims of olive tree, each ten cubits high. 24And five cubits was the one wing of the cherub, and five cubits the other wing of the cherub: from the uttermost part of the one wing unto the uttermost part of the other were ten cubits. 25And the other cherub was ten cubits: both the cherubims were of one measure and one size. 26The height of the one cherub was ten cubits, and so was it of the other cherub. 27And he set the cherubims within the inner house: and they stretched forth the wings of the cherubims, so that the wing of the one touched the one wall, and the wing of the other cherub touched the other wall; and their wings touched one another in the midst of the house. 28And he overlaid the cherubims with gold. 29And he carved all the walls of the house round about with carved figures of cherubims and palm trees and open flowers, within and without. 30And the floor of the house he overlaid with gold, within and without. 31And for the entering of the oracle he made doors of olive tree: the lintel and side posts were a fifth part of the wall. 32The two doors also were of olive tree; and he carved upon them carvings of cherubims and palm trees and open flowers, and overlaid them with gold, and spread gold upon the cherubims, and upon the palm trees. 33So also made he for the door of the temple posts of olive tree, a fourth part of the wall. 34And the two doors were of fir tree: the two leaves of the one door were folding, and the two leaves of the other door were folding. 35And he carved thereon cherubims and palm trees and open flowers: and covered them with gold fitted upon the carved work. 36And he built the inner court with three rows of hewed stone, and a row of cedar beams. 37In the fourth year was the foundation of the house of the LORD laid, in the month Zif: 38and in the eleventh year, in the month Bul, which is the eighth month, was the house finished throughout all the parts thereof, and according to all the fashion of it. So was he seven years in building it.langbot langbot
My a igoras an daras poes, gwrys a dhur – aswa pur vyghan hepken y’n kynsa le. Yth esa nebes golewder dhiworth an golowys-stret – ha nyns esa sin a vywnans na gwayans. Ytho, my a wrug ledanna an aswa – ha, na, ny via oyl vyth war an medynyow a-dhia termyn hir. I a wrug gwighyow ughel. Tarosvannus – hag annius. Yth esa figbrenn bras (“Pleg-mor Morton”) a-ogas ha, orth gwigh an medynyow, nebes eskelli-kroghen-frut bras eth dhe’n fo, aga hylghlinennow erbynn an ebron-nos. (Y’n dydhyow na, yth o an eskelli-kroghen ma poran tanow yn Melbourne.) Y fiens i ow kevywi war an figys, heb mar, hag y hwrussen vy aga ankresya. Buggra! Y fia govenek dhymm bos nebes kosella dres ow hynsa hwithrans yn- mes an gleudhgell. Ytho, my a wrug gortos, parys rag kildenna a-bervedh mar tennsen neb attendyans na vynnen. Y tremenas pymp mynysenn po ogas. Ny dheuth denvyth. Kammow vyth. Levow vyth. Da lowr, my a slynkyas der aswa y’n porth ha, meur ow rach, y herdhya degeys arta. Nyns esa tros vyth pan y’n degeis. Prag? Ny wonn. Synsys en vy yn sempel drefenn mersiow byghan. Yth esov a’m sav berrdermyn rag gasa ow dewlagas dos ha bos usyes dhe’n tewlder. Yn despit dhe hemma, yth heveli bos hwath tewl yn euthyk. My a viras wor’tu ha’n chi an porther. Mar trigsa an soudoryon ogas dhe borth an ynkleudhva, a-dal porth gledh an bennskol, henn o keffrys an le may hallsens herwydh reson gorra aga selyans. My a waytya aga hoska ena ynwedh. Ny via drehevys chi an porther saw avel trigva y’n 19ves kansblydhen. Kyn nag o pur vras, nebes haval o ev dhe’n drehevyansow teg a via gwrys a-ogas y’n bennskol gans krag (kepar ha’n chi an porther). Heb mar, y fia distruys an akord pensernethel ma nans o termyn hir dre dhreheveyansow arnowydh a-ogas. Yn neb kas, my re gryssa pup-prys chi an porther dhe vos trigva a-dhevis hag attes may allsa triga den jentyl. (Lowarth hweg ynwedh – a-berth yn skeuswydh.) Yth esa golow isel der onan a’n fenestri mes nyns esa son vyth ow tos dhiworth an drehevyans. Yth esa, y’n dydhyow na, chi an porther owth oberi avel trigva ha kresenn venystrek keffrys. Ytho, my re waytsa an para – po, moy gwirhaval, y gemmerer le – dhe gavoes oll an taklow a res dhe vos kavadow y’n drehevyans ma – ha, dres henna, y fia spas lowr rag gwitha dafar bresel ha’n traow a’n par na.
I opened the heavy steel door just a crack at first. The distant streetlights provided some illumination – and I could see no movement or sign of life. So, I opened the door a little wider – and, no, the hinges had not been oiled for some time and they creaked loudly. Spooky – and annoying. There was a large Morton Bay fig-tree nearby and, at the sound of the creaking hinges, a flock of several large fruit bats took to flight, silhouetted against the night sky. (At that time, fruit bats were still very rare in Melbourne.) They had been feasting on the figs, of course, and I had interrupted their meal. Bugger! I had hoped to be a little less obtrusive in my first sally forth from the crypt. So, I waited, ready to retreat inside quickly if I had attracted any unwanted attention. Five minutes or so had passed. No-one came. No footsteps. No voices. Okay, I slipped through the door and carefully pushed it shut again. It made no noise when I closed it. Why was that? Don’t know – I was just grateful for small mercies. I stood for a time to allow my eyes to become accustomed to the darkness. Even so, it was still bloody dark. I cast my eye towards the gate-keeper’s house. If the soldiers had remained stationed at the cemetery gate – opposite the Northern gate of the university – that was the logical place for them to set up base. I expected that they would sleep there, too. The gate-keeper’s house was built solely as a residence some time in the 19th century. Though it was not exactly grand, it must have blended in well with the nearby sandstone buildings of the university. Of course, that harmony had long since been disrupted by the presence of more modern buildings nearby. Still, I had always thought it looked like a particularly elegant and comfortable place in which a gentleman could reside. (Nice garden, too – within a privet hedge.) There was a soft glow at one of its windows but no sound coming from the building. The gatekeeper’s house was, in current times, set up both as a residence and administrative centre. So, I would have expected the squad – or, rather, its replacement – would have found all mod-cons available in the building – as well as space to set up communications, store munitions and so on.langbot langbot
Luk 17 Lavarow a-dro dhe Beghes, Fydh ha Dever Mat 18:6-7, 21-22; Mark 9:42 1Ev a leveris dh'y dhyskyblon, ‘Ny yll bos na dheffo sklanderyow, mes go-ev an den may tons dredho. 2Gwell via ragdho men-melin dhe vos gorrys a-dro dh'y gonna hag ev dhe vos tewlys y'n mor, kyns ev dhe wul onan a'n re vyghan ma dhe drebuchya. 3Bedhewgh war! Mar pegh dha vroder, gwra y geredhi; ha mar koedh yn edrek, gav dhodho. 4Ha mar pegh ev seythgweyth yn unn jydh er dha bynn ha treylya dhis seythgweyth ow leverel “Edrek a'm beus”, res yw ty dhe ava dhodho.’ 5Ha'n abesteli a leveris dhe'n Arloedh, ‘Gwra kressya agan fydh.’ 6An Arloedh a leveris, ‘Mara'gas be fydh avel has kedhow, hwi a lavarsewgh dhe'n sykaminwydhenn ma, “Bydh ty diwreydhys ha plynsys y'n mor”, ha gostydh dhis y fia. 7‘Piw ahanowgh, ha dhodho kethwas owth aras po ow pugelya, pan dheu ev a-ji dhiworth an gwel a lever dhodho, “Deus omma hware, hag esedh orth an voes”? 8A ny lever dhodho, “Pareus neppyth dhymm rag kinyow, omwisk, ha'm serv erna worfenniv dybri hag eva; ha wosa henna gwra ty dybri hag eva”? 9A wra ev grassa dhe'n kethwas na a wul an pyth a veu erghys dhodho? 10Yndella hwi ynwedh, pan wrussowgh pup-tra a veu erghys dhywgh, leverewgh, “Kethwesyon anwiw on ni, ny wrussyn namoy es agan dever.” ’ Glanhe Deg Klavorek 11Hag ev ow mos troha Yerusalem, ev a dremenas der an pow yntra Samaria ha Galile. 12Ha pan entras yn unn dre, deg gour klavorek a dheuth er y bynn, ow sevel a-bell, 13hag i a dhrehevis aga lev ow leverel, ‘Yesu, Mester, kemmer truedh ahanan!’ 14Ha pan y's gwelas ev a leveris dhedha, ‘Kewgh, omdhiskwedhewgh agas honan dhe'n oferysi.’ Hag i ow mos yn-kerdh, glanhes vons. 15Mes onan anedha, ow kweles ev dhe vos sawys, a dhehwelis, ow ri glori dhe Dhuw, ughel y lev; 16hag ev a goedhas war y fas orth treys Yesu ha grassa dhodho. Samaritan o ev. 17Ha Yesu a worthybis ow leverel, ‘A ny veu deg glanhes? Ple'ma'n naw arall? 18A ny veu kevys marnas an alyon ma ow tehweles dhe ri glori dhe Dhuw?’ 19Hag yn-medh ev dhodho, ‘Sav yn-bann, ha ke; dha fydh re'th sawyas.’ Devedhyans an Wlaskor Mat 24:23-28, 37-41 20Pan veu govynnys orto gans an Fariseow p'eur teffa gwlaskor Duw, ev a worthybis dhedha ow leverel, ‘Ny dheu gwlaskor Duw yn fordh a yllir y hwithra; 21ha ny leverons, “Ottomma hi”, po “Ottena hi.” Rag otta, yma gwlaskor Duw yn agas mysk.’ 22Ena yn-medh ev dh'y dhyskyblon, ‘An dydhyow a dheu pan yeunowgh gweles onan a dhydhyow Mab an den, mes ny'n gwelowgh. 23Hag i a lever dhywgh, “Ottena ev”, po “Ottomma ev”; na gewgh yn-kerdh, na poenya war aga lergh. 24Rag kepar dell wra an lughesenn lughesi, ow kolowi a'n eyl tu yn-dann nev bys dh'y gila, yn kettella y fydh Mab an den yn y jydh ev. 25Mes kyns oll res yw ev dhe wodhav lies tra ha bos neghys gans an henedh ma. 26Ha kepar dell veu yn dydhyow Noy, yn kettella y fydh ynwedh yn dydhyow Mab an den; 27yth esens ow tybri hag eva, demmedhi ha ri yn demmedhyans, bys y'n jydh mayth eth Noy a-bervedh y'n gorhel, ha'n liv a dheuth ha'ga distrui yn kettep penn. 28Y'n keth vaner, kepar dell veu yn dydhyow Lot, yth esens ow tybri, eva, prena, gwertha, plansa, drehevel; 29y'n jydh mayth eth Lot yn-mes a Sodom, tan ha loskven a goedhas avel glaw dhiworth nev ha'ga distrui yn kettep penn. 30Yn kettella y fydh y'n jydh may fydh diskudhys Mab an den. 31Y'n jydh na, neb eus war an to ha'y bythow y'n chi, na wres ev mos yn-nans rag aga hemmeres; ha neb eus y'n gwel keffrys, na dreylyes war-dhelergh. 32Perthewgh kov a wreg Lot. 33Piwpynag a hwillo gwitha y vewnans a'n kyll, mes piwpynag a'n kollo a wra y witha. 34My a lever dhywgh, an nos na y fydh dewdhen yn unn gweli: an eyl a vydh kemmerys, y gila a vydh gesys. 35Y fydh diw venyn ow melyas bleus war-barth: an eyl a vydh kemmerys, hy ben a vydh gesys. 36Dew dhen a vydh y'n gwel: an eyl a vydh kemmerys, y gila a vydh gesys.’ 37Hag i a worthybis dhodho ow leverel, ‘Ple, Arloedh?’ Ev a leveris dhedha, ‘Le may fo an korf, ena ynwedh yth omguntell an eryon.’
KING JAMES VERSION (BIBLE SOCIETY PARAGRAPHED EDITION 1954) Luke 17 Take Heed to Yourselves 1Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! 2It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones. 3Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him. 4And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him. 5And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith. 6And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you. 7But which of you, having a servant plowing or feeding cattle, will say unto him by and by, when he is come from the field, Go and sit down to meat? 8And will not rather say unto him, Make ready wherewith I may sup, and gird thyself, and serve me, till I have eaten and drunken; and afterward thou shalt eat and drink? 9Doth he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I trow not. 10So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do. A Grateful Samaritan 11And it came to pass, as he went to Jerusalem, that he passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. 12And as he entered into a certain village, there met him ten men that were lepers, which stood afar off: 13and they lifted up their voices, and said, Jesus, Master, have mercy on us. 14And when he saw them, he said unto them, Go shew yourselves unto the priests. And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed. 15And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God, 16and fell down on his face at his feet, giving him thanks: and he was a Samaritan. 17And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? 18There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger. 19And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole. The Days of the Son of Man 20And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: 21neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. 22And he said unto the disciples, The days will come, when ye shall desire to see one of the days of the Son of man, and ye shall not see it. 23And they shall say to you, See here; or, see there: go not after them, nor follow them. 24For as the lightning, that lighteneth out of the one part under heaven, shineth unto the other part under heaven; so shall also the Son of man be in his day. 25But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. 26And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. 27They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all. 28Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; 29but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. 30Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. 31In that day, he which shall be upon the housetop, and his stuff in the house, let him not come down to take it away: and he that is in the field, let him likewise not return back. 32Remember Lot's wife. 33Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. 34I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. 35Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 36Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. 37And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together.langbot langbot
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