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Res yw dhyn surhe yth ughboyntyn an chons hag a dhre arhesans Europek ha devnydhya an sewena ha’n chalenjys a’gan towlennow a-lemmyn hag a’n termyn eus passys dhe gedhla fatel yllyn delivra y’n gwella fordh an dowlen nowydh ma dhe gowlwul agan gwelesigeth.
We must ensure that we maximise the opportunity that European funding brings and use the successes and challenges of our current and past programmes to inform how best to deliver this new programme to achieve our vision.englishtainment-tm-LjaQfp1B englishtainment-tm-LjaQfp1B
Res yw dhyn surhe yth ughboyntyn an chons hag a dhre arghasans Europek ha devnydhya an sewena ha’n chalenjys a’gan towlennow a-lemmyn hag a’n termyn eus passys dhe gedhla fatel yllyn delivra y’n gwella fordh an dowlen nowydh ma dhe gowlwul agan gwelesigeth.
We must ensure that we maximise the opportunity that European funding brings and use the successes and challenges of our current and past programmes to inform how best to deliver this new programme to achieve our vision.langbot langbot
Res yw dhe Gernow nowydha rag surhe y’n jeves pubonan an chons dhe driga yn tre attes, tomm ha yagh, heb kost dres musur po dhe’n yalgh po dhe’n kerhynnedh.
Cornwall needs to innovate to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to live in a comfortable, warm and healthy home without excessive cost either financially or to the environment.englishtainment-tm-LTQ32SOw englishtainment-tm-LTQ32SOw
Ha henn yw an chons euthek, Frodo. Ev a grysis an Onan dhe vos gyllys; distruys gans an Elfow, dell dalvia gwrys. Mes ev a woer lemmyn na vos ev distruys, ev re beu kevys. Ytho, yma ev orth y hwila, ow hwila, hag oll y vrys yw res dhodho. Ev yw y wovenek meur ha’gan own meur.
‘And this is the dreadful chance, Frodo. He believed that the One had perished; that the Elves had destroyed it, as should have been done. But he knows now that it has not perished, that it has been found. So he is seeking it, seeking it, and all his thought is bent on it. It is his great hope and our great fear.’langbot langbot
Dell heveli, byttegyns, nyns esa dhe Mestres Pascoe, neb re welsa an vebyon nagha an chons dhe dhewis aga howethes aga honan, mynnas vyth dhe asa an keth vebyon “dewis-keresen” aga howethes dhyworth rol verr; ytho ny veu res dhymm an dewisyans. Yn le, “Mestres” a dhewisas ragov Jenefer Harvey, mowes tennvosek ha kosel gans lost hobba gell. Nyns yw kler an achesonyow rag hy dewisyans: nyns o Jenefer na an kynsa na an diwettha a wovynnas ragov. Ytho, martesen “Mestres” a’y dewisas ragov war-lergh neb tybyans tevesik ughella a gessenyans an eyl gans y gila.
It seemed, however, that Miss Pascoe, who had seen the boys decline the chance of choosing their partners themselves, had no intention of letting the same boys “cherry pick” their partners from a shortlist; so I was not given the choice. Instead, “Miss” selected for me Jennifer Harvey, an attractive, quiet girl with a brown pony-tail. The reasons for her choice are unclear: Jennifer wasn’t the first, or the last, to ask for me. So perhaps “Miss” chose her for me according to some superior adult concept of mutual compatibility.langbot langbot
‘Tom a vydh ri dhywgh kusul dha, bys yn diwedh an jydh ma (wosa henna, res vydh agas chons da agas honan dh’agas keveylya ha’gas gidya): peswar mildir a-hyns an Fordh y fydhowgh dos erbynn tre, Bri yn-dann Bre Vri, gans darasow war-tu ha’n west. Ena y fydhowgh kavoes tavern koth yw henwys An Hoba Ow Tonsya, Barliman Buterbur yw an ost. Y’n tyller na y hyllowgh hwi godriga dres nos, ha wosa henna an myttin a vydh agas danvonn a-hys agas hyns. Bedhywgh hardh, mes gwithewgh rach! Sevewgh agas kolonn lowen ha marghogewgh rag dos erbynn agas feus!’
'Tom will give you good advice, till this day is over (after that your own luck must go with you and guide you): four miles along the Road you'll come upon a village, Bree under Bree-hill, with doors looking westward. There you'll find an old inn that is called The Prancing Pony. Barliman Butterbur is the worthy keeper. There you can stay the night, and afterwards the morning will speed you upon your way. Be bold, but wary! Keep up your merry hearts, and ride to meet your fortune!'langbot langbot
Yth esa tal an karr-les, kepar hag oll an re erell, wor’tu ha’n yet-entrans. My a dhesevas bos y’n fordh na may kalla an soudoryon, kepar ha tangasoryon, lamma a-dhistowgh yn gweythres ter heb lett. Yn neb kas, nyns esa edhomm dhyn a dreylya an karr-les (po mos war-dhelergh ynno). Res o dhyn hepken y herdhya yn-rag rag kavoes toeth lowr. Ha ni omneshes dhe’n yet, Davydh a lammas y’n eseth-dremenyas (herwydh ow hommandyans) ha my a slynkyas y’n eseth-lywyer, ow kasa an daras igor. Yth esen ni ow mos a-dro dhe 15km an our hag y hyllyn gweles an gwithyas, hwath gyllys yn gronn yn y gador, ha ni orth y dremena yn tidros. Skwych-enowans o yn fyw. Prest ov dhe slynkya an gravell rag dalleth an jynn byth pan o res. Ni eth a-dreus apron an fordh gans boemm byghan ha treylya a- dhyghow. Ni re alsa 50m a-hys Kromman Kollji kyns bos edhomm dhymm a slynkya an gravell. Ha’n jynn pesys yn fyw, my a viras y’n gweder-mires – ny waysa an gwithyas. Hwath o ev yn gronn war y soedh. Yth esa edhomm dhyn a’n chons na drefenn, herwydh ow halkonieth, agan bos a-dhiwedhes. Henn yw leverel, nyns en herwydh an termyn re via towlennys genev – ha res o dhyn kachya unn dren kyns oll.
It was, like all the vehicles, already pointed towards the entrance gate. I presumed this was so that the soldiers, like firemen, could spring into action at a moment’s notice. In any event, this meant that no backing and turning was required. We just needed to push forwards and gain speed. As we neared the gate, David jumped into the passenger seat at my command – and I slid into the driver’s seat, leaving the door ajar. We were travelling at around 15 kph and I could see the guard, still slumped in his chair as we cruised past. The ignition was on. I was ready to slip the clutch to start the motor whenever necessary. We bumped over the apron of the driveway, turned right and were fifty metres down College Crescent before I needed to do so. As the engine coughed into life, I glanced in the rear-view mirror – the guard had not moved. He was still slumped at his post. We had needed this stroke of luck because, according to my figuring, we were now behind schedule – and we still had a train to catch.langbot langbot
Dell heveli, byttegyns, nyns esa dhe Mestres Pascoe, neb re welsa an vebyon nagha an chons dhe dhewis aga howethes aga honan, mynnas vyth dhe asa an keth vebyon “dewis-keresen” aga howethes dhyworth rol verr; ytho ny veu res dhymm an dewisyans. Yn le, “Mestres” a dhewisas ragov Jenefer Harvey, mowes tennvosek ha kosel gans lost hobba gell. Nyns yw kler an achesonyow rag hy dewisyans: nyns o Jenefer na an kynsa na an diwettha a wovynnas ragov. Ytho, martesen “Mestres” a’y dewisas ragov war-lergh neb tybyans tevesik ughella a gessenyans an eyl gans y gila. Rag henna, hwi a allsa leverel y teuth ha bos Jenefer ow hynsa kares. Ni eth war-barth dhe’n kevewi Nadelik. Mes ny borth kov bos an keskowethyans ma kewerys yn fordh vyth a vri.
It seemed, however, that Miss Pascoe, who had seen the boys decline the chance of choosing their partners themselves, had no intention of letting the same boys “cherry pick” their partners from a shortlist; so I was not given the choice. Instead, “Miss” selected for me Jennifer Harvey, an attractive, quiet girl with a brown pony-tail. The reasons for her choice are unclear: Jennifer wasn’t the first, or the last, to ask for me. So perhaps “Miss” chose her for me according to some superior adult concept of mutual compatibility. Thus, you could say that Jenefer became my first girlfriend. We went together to the Christmas party. But I don’t remember that this relationship was consumated in any significant way.langbot langbot
Y’n nessa hanter, An Vorladron o an kensa dhe scorya der assay gans Shae Tucker hag a veu treylyes gans Will Cargill, ha spyrysyon a veu sevys gans an govenek dell wrussa an Vorladron scorya moy ha merkya gwayn da – mes nag o hemma marnas hunros. An nessa hanter a avonsyas gans Ealing ow tevy creffa, hag yth esa an Vorladron ow talleth ry dhe-ves lies spal. Woja pymp spal yn rew, yth o apert dell esa an breusydh ow kelly perthyans, ha Tom Duncan a veu disquedhys carten velin, yn scon sewyes gans Shae Tucker. Ealing lebmyn warbydn 13 den heb mar a dhalhennas aga chons ha dalleth yncressya aga scor. Kyn whrug an Vorladron batalya yn crev, an gam o kellys dhedha. Pan dheth an whythel finel an bord scorya a dhisquedhas An Vorladron Gernewek 10, Ealing 38. Nyns o jorna da dhe’n sodhva rag an Vorladron, ha res yw dhedha lebmyn mires orth aga hamwriansow ha dyskybleth hag y worra ewn.
In the second half, the Pirates were the first to score through a try by Shae Tucker which was converted by Will Cargill, and spirits were raised with the hope that the Pirates would now score more and mark up a good win – but this was only a dream. The second half progressed with Ealing growing stronger, and the Pirates starting to give away a lot of penalties. After five penalties in a row, it was obvious that the referee was losing patience, and Tom Duncan was shown a yellow card, quickly followed by Shae Tucker. Ealing now against 13 men naturally seized their chance and started to increase their score. Although the Pirates battled hard, the game was lost to them. When the final whistle came the scoreboard showed The Cornish Pirates 10, Ealing 38. It wasn’t a good day at the office for the Pirates, but they must now look at their mistakes and discipline and put it right.langbot langbot
Nyns ov vy sur mars o an jazz hepken - po mars o yn sempel lust-goes an zombis dhe vos gwalghys – mes an re a remaynsa yn leuryow ughella re omgavsa yn klamderyans poes. (Eus edhomm dhe’n zombis skwith a goskas mamm-wynn? Ny wonn.) Yn neb kas, yth esa lemmyn chons dhe omjunya unnweyth arta gans ow broder anvarow, an broder neb re’m forsaksa heb meth rag omgemmeres y blesours lyk ha kigus. “Davydh!” a armis vy ha my devedhys dhiworth an soler. “Sa’ban, euthvil plos. Res yw dhyn gul nebes taklow.” Poes hwath y glamderyans, ev a lagattas orthymm gans y dhewlagas marow a heveli leverel: “Voyd alemma, Penn-kal! Yth esov hwath ow koska.” Ytho, my a’n potyas. Lemmyn leun a vywder, nyns o lowen. Ev a armas yn ughel ha gul furv rag ow omsettya. An kynsa prys y’m kever. Yth heveli bos finwethow dhe gerensa broderus. Res ‘via dhymm perthi kov a’n finwethow ma. Yn uskis, my a vedhelhas ow omdhalgh yn y gever: “Deun yn-rag, ‘Vata. Gweres dhymm rag kavoes radyo. Y talvien bos huni omma.”
I’m not sure if it were the jazz, as such, or the fact that the zombies had sated their blood-lust, but those few that remained on the upper floors of the building seemed to sink into an afternoon torpor. (Do tired zombies need a ‘nanna nap’? Dunno.) In any event, this provided me with an opportunity to re-acquaint myself with the undead brother who had shamelessly abandoned me to pursue his obscene carnal pleasures. “David!” I yelled as I emerged from the Gallery. “Get up, you vile monster. We’ve got stuff to do.” He remained torpid – staring at me with his dead eyes which seemed to say: “Fuck off, dickhead! I’m sleeping.” So, I kicked him into activity. He was unhappy, roared loudly and, for the first time, shaped to attack me. There were limits even to brotherly love, it seemed. I would have to remember that. I quickly softened my attitude to him: “Come on, Mate. Help me find a decent radio. There’s got to be one here.”langbot langbot
Virus yw maynor klevesans na yll omlieshe marnas yn kellow byw erell. An kellow ma a yll bos kellow eneval, plans, po kellow unnik byw. Louis Pasteur a wrug tybieth bos konnar kawsys gans byw nowydh na yll bos gwelys gans korwellel. Yn 1892, Dmitry Ivanovsky a wrug observya bos tobakko klevesys gans neppyth kynth o sidhel devnydhys ma na yll oll an eghennow byw aswonnys movya. Yn 1898, Martinus Beijerinck a wrug diskudha bosva an virus brithweyth tobakko. Erbynn hedhyw, aswonnys yw a-dro dhe 9,000 eghen a virus, ha godhvedhys yw milvilyow a eghennow dhe eksistya nag yw deskrifys hwath. Kevys yns i yn pub ekosystem yn-dann an howl, hag yma moy anedha na neb organedh aral. Studhyans virusys yw gelwys virusydhieth, rann a gorrvewonieth. Niwlek yw fatel wrussons dalleth (yn istori esplegyans bewnans). Yma dew alladewder: yn kynsa, y hallsens bos esplegys yn-mes a blasmidow (darnow munys a DNA) a yll remova a unn kell dhe aral. An eyl galladewder yw i dhe esplegya dhyworth bakteria. I yw fordh bosek a dreusfurvya genynnek gorwelyek - pyth da rag bewdhiversita. Virysys a les yn lies fordh: preves kepar ha lew losow a's treusworra a blans dhe blans: preves a suger goos (vektoryow) yw omgemeryansek rag aga treusperthi a eneval dhe eneval, ha dre an ayr, r.e. an virus flou yw treusperthys dre pas po striw. Norovirus ha rotovirus a omles dre dava: a garthyon dhe anow a dhen dhe dhen. Y hyllons entra'n korf yn dowr po boos. Fordh aral a omlesa dre dava yw tavaow reydhek kepar hag ensampel virus HIV. Virysys a's teves termynnyow 'kosk' ynwedh may hyllsons kesunya gans TDN sprusennek, owth eylomdhiskwedhes avel furv fers diwettha, yn fenowgh pan vo immunedh organedh isel. Hemm yw an skila, rag ensampel, mar kaffewgh brygh yar, y hyllowgh kavos ereras awosa - virus brygh yar re gesunyas ha'gas TDN yn furv kosk, hag eylomdhiskwedhes avel ereras pan vo agas immunedh isel. Diagnosans[golegi | pennfenten] Y hyllir diagnosa virysys herwydh y tyller hag arwodhyow kawsys, dre guntel sampel ha'y dhasoberi erbynn gorthgorfow arbennik po dre guntel hag aswon kevresow a drenken nukleyek. Dyghtyans[golegi | pennfenten] Nyns eus lies drogg kavadow lemmyn hogen (Tamiflu yw ensampel kevos) ha rag bledhynnyow ny veu 'dyghtyansow' kavadow vytholl a allsa ladha y virus. An chif dyghtyansow a assay koselhe an arwodhyow, r.e. usya droggys gorthfaglus (anti-inflammatory) po paynladhus, powesa ha megyans da rag ri chons dhe gevreyth immunedh an person gwaynya erbynn an derthen. Dell yw usys, an fordh dewisys a'y gontrolya yw dre vryghlinans - hemm yw immunedhya. An immunedh yw res a wra varya a rann termyn y effeythuster. Bryghi a yll hwarvos dres flogholeth, po termyn aral parys yn acheson lower a immunedhya termyn hir, mes res yw dhodho bos ogas yn termyn dhe'n heweledh possybyl yn acheson termyn kott gans virus a yll chanjya a-dhesempis.
A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism.[1] Viruses infect all life forms, from animals and plants to microorganisms, including bacteria and archaea.[2][3] Since Dmitri Ivanovsky's 1892 article describing a non-bacterial pathogen infecting tobacco plants and the discovery of the tobacco mosaic virus by Martinus Beijerinck in 1898,[4] more than 9,000 virus species have been described in detail[5] of the millions of types of viruses in the environment.[6] Viruses are found in almost every ecosystem on Earth and are the most numerous type of biological entity.[7][8] The study of viruses is known as virology, a subspeciality of microbiology. When infected, a host cell is often forced to rapidly produce thousands of copies of the original virus. When not inside an infected cell or in the process of infecting a cell, viruses exist in the form of independent particles, or virions, consisting of (i) the genetic material, i.e., long molecules of DNA or RNA that encode the structure of the proteins by which the virus acts; (ii) a protein coat, the capsid, which surrounds and protects the genetic material; and in some cases (iii) an outside envelope of lipids. The shapes of these virus particles range from simple helical and icosahedral forms to more complex structures. Most virus species have virions too small to be seen with an optical microscope and are one-hundredth the size of most bacteria. The origins of viruses in the evolutionary history of life are unclear: some may have evolved from plasmids—pieces of DNA that can move between cells—while others may have evolved from bacteria. In evolution, viruses are an important means of horizontal gene transfer, which increases genetic diversity in a way analogous to sexual reproduction.[9] Viruses are considered by some biologists to be a life form, because they carry genetic material, reproduce, and evolve through natural selection, although they lack the key characteristics, such as cell structure, that are generally considered necessary criteria for defining life. Because they possess some but not all such qualities, viruses have been described as "organisms at the edge of life",[10] and as replicators.[11] Viruses spread in many ways. One transmission pathway is through disease-bearing organisms known as vectors: for example, viruses are often transmitted from plant to plant by insects that feed on plant sap, such as aphids; and viruses in animals can be carried by blood-sucking insects. Many viruses, including influenza viruses, SARS-CoV-2, chickenpox, smallpox, and measles, spread in the air by coughing and sneezing. Norovirus and rotavirus, common causes of viral gastroenteritis, are transmitted by the faecal–oral route, passed by hand-to-mouth contact or in food or water. The infectious dose of norovirus required to produce infection in humans is fewer than 100 particles.[12] HIV is one of several viruses transmitted through sexual contact and by exposure to infected blood. The variety of host cells that a virus can infect is called its "host range". This can be narrow, meaning a virus is capable of infecting few species, or broad, meaning it is capable of infecting many.[13] Viral infections in animals provoke an immune response that usually eliminates the infecting virus. Immune responses can also be produced by vaccines, which confer an artificially acquired immunity to the specific viral infection. Some viruses, including those that cause HIV/AIDS, HPV infection, and viral hepatitis, evade these immune responses and result in chronic infections. Several classes of antiviral drugs have been developed.langbot langbot
Yth esa an gorthyp gans Porther: “Y vroder ev, y evell kehevelep, yw zombi. Ni a’n gwelas keffrys, meur y last ha meur y dros. Ev a vedhyglas heb lett. Nyns o pur dha ganso bos yn kowell a dhur hag oll an bys mirys orto. “Nyns o da ganso naneyl jag tredan an pok-jatel!” yn-medh Souder keth, kynsa gradh, Stevyer, owth omjunya a-dhiwedhes dhe’n keskows hag ev esedhys ryb y gothman ha’y vata, Porther. An Ostralian a ombrederis: “Ytho, yth eses ow leverel bos res dhe’n broder- zombi gwitha an broder a vyw hwath?” Y sevis aga diwskoedh yn kettermyn Porther ha Stevyer: “Yth hevel yndella.” An Ostralian a worfennas y dhiwes ha gul gwayans dhe’n vaghteth, meur hy skwithter, rag dri huni arall – yndellna a wrug keffrys an dew yanki. (Ytho, bys an poynt ma, kemmys re alsa da lowr.) Ha’n negys a res gwrys, an Ostralian a besyas: “Ytho, unn bolat re dreusvywas yn mysk an zombis drefenn bos dhodho gevell kehevelep rag y witha. Dhe bygemmys yntredhon eus gevell-zombi kehevelep? Yn hwir, mar anusadow yw ma na wra dyffrans vyth dh’agan ober y’n voward. Ytho, ny allav konvedhes hwath pyth esos ow leverel. Ty a lever ow bos kamm. Byttegyns, dell leveris, y’m breus vy, yth yns zombis mollothek oll. Nyns yns a- der zombis euver ha mollothek – ha ni a dalvia aga ladha, oll anedha. Hag, yn kas le mayth erviras nebes yn mysk agan soudoryon dhe omdhiskwitha der afinans oll a-dro gans temmyn an zombis, ny vern. Ny vern mann. Nyns eus dynita vyth dhe zombis, a nyns eus?” Yth ynkressya sorr Gately mes ev a ylli y lettya. “Na, syrr. My a lever hwath dha vos kamm. Yth esa neppyth arall leverys dhyn gans an polat ma, dha gothman jy – neppyth anaswonnys dhe bub huni saw ev.” “Ha pyth yw henna?” yn-medh an Ostralian, nerth y eskerens, hag ev dennys orth y gorev nowydh ha fresk, res dhymm a-gynsow gans an vaghteth. “Ev a leveris, wosa nebes dydhyow, mar fydh chons dhedha, nebes yntra’n bolatys-zombis a allsa omyaghhe – mes nebes hepken yntredha. An yonkers na a allsa bos arta y’n studh byw, normal yn tien.” “Kawgh! Kawgh dien!” yn-medh an souder Ostralek, ow trewa a’y anvodh ewyn dhiworth y gorev – hag a dennas skoedhyans yn mysk y vatys. “Kawgh dien!” a dhassonas kemmys yn mysk an re erell, gwedrennow y’ga diwla ynwedh.
Gately had the answer: “His brother, his identical twin brother, is a zombie. We saw him, too. Really nasty lookin’ he was. Very noisy. Roared a lot. Wasn’t very happy bein’ in a steel cage with everyone gawkin’ at ‘im.” “Nor bein’ shocked with a cattle prod neither!” added Private First Class Swooper, belatedly joining in the discussion and sitting beside his friend and comrade, Gately. The Aussie chewed this over: “So, you’re sayin’ that the zombie brother must have protected the living one?” Gately and Swooper shrugged their shoulders in unison: “Seems so.” The Aussie finished his drink and motioned to the tired-looking barmaid to order another – the two yanks did likewise. (So far, so good.) That essential business done, the Aussie continued: “So, one guy survives among the zombies because he has an identical twin brother to protect him. How many of us have an identical twin zombie? I mean, it’s just so unusual that it makes no difference to what we’re doin’ out there. So, I still don’t see what you’re driving at. You say that I’m wrong. But, as I said, as far as I’m concerned, they’re all fuckin’ zombies. They’re just useless fuckin’ zombies – and we should just wipe ‘em all out ... And, if some of the guys decide to let off a bit of steam by decorating the place with their ‘bits’, it simply doesn’t matter. There’s no dignity in bein’ a zombie, is there?” Gately’s temper was rising but he kept it in check. “No, sir. I still say you’re wrong. There’s somethin’ else this guy told us, my friend – somethin’ only he would know.” “And that is?” said the raw-boned Aussie, pulling on his new beer, freshly served by the barmaid. “He said that, if you give them a chance, in a few days, some of the zombie guys – some, not all – get better and return to normal.” “Bullshit! What utter bullshit!” said the Aussie soldier, involuntarily spitting out some of his froth – and now attracting interested support from his comrades. “Complete bull!” echoed some of the others, also pulling on their beers.langbot langbot
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