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Reyth Lettyans Gorthbroweghyans
Prevention Of Terrorism Act
Lettyans Gorthbroweghyans
Prevention Of Terrorism


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/ gorthbroweghyans / / /
terrorismlangbot langbot
Henn a syw ‘Our Future Is History’; yth yw lyver da y redya mars esos’ta yn furv-brys gordibowes. Ev yw namnag jagek yn leow, ha nyns yw ev lyver da rag redoryon es aga movya. Wosa dyllans a henna, an awtour a veu dalghennys ha govynys yn-dann Reyth an Senedh Lettyans Gorthbroweghyans!! Red henna yn-dann an liennow-gweli, yn gweli nosweyth mars yw res, mes mar pe omaswonnvos an kennedhel Kernewek a-vri dhis, ha ty a grys yn y ewnder a-barth unnikedh politigiethek – red ev!
The sequel to ‘Our Future Is History’; this is a book to read if you’re in a militant frame of mind. It borders on the shocking in places and isn’t for the timid. After publication of this, the author was arrested and questioned under the Prevention Of Terrorism Act!! Read this under the covers in bed at night with a torch if necessary, but if you value the identity of the Cornish nation and believe in its right to political individuality - read it!langbot langbot
/ Lettyans Gorthbroweghyans / / /
Prevention Of Terrorismlangbot langbot
/ Reyth Lettyans Gorthbroweghyans / / /
Prevention Of Terrorism Actlangbot langbot
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