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31 ‘Mar pegh nebonan erbynn y gentrevek ha mars yw erghys dhe wul ti, hag ev a dheu ha ti a-rag dha alter y’th chi ma, 32 ena, klew yn nev, ha gweythres, ha breus dha wesyon, ow tampnya an den kablus dre dhri y fara war y benn y honan ha previ ewn an den gwiryon orth y wobra herwydh y ewnder.
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AN BIBEL KERNEWEK 2020 1 Myghternedh 8 Solomon a Gyrgh Argh an Kevambos dhe'n Tempel 1Ena Solomon a guntellas henavogyon Ysrael hag oll pennow an loethow, ha hembrenkysi chiow tasow Ysrael, a-rag myghtern Solomon yn Yerusalem, rag dri argh kevambos an ARLOEDH yn-mes a sita Davydh, hag yw Sion. 2Oll gwer Ysrael a omguntellas dhe vyghtern Solomon dhe'n goel y'n mis Ethanim, an seythves mis. 3Oll henavogyon Ysrael a dheuth, ha'n oferysi a gemmeras an argh yn-bann. 4I a dhros yn-bann argh an ARLOEDH, tylda an kuntelles, hag oll an lestri sans esa y'n tylda; an oferysi ha'n Levysi a's dros yn-bann. 5Myghtern Solomon hag oll kuntelles Ysrael re omguntellsa ganso a-rag an argh, ow sakrifia kemmys deves hag oghen ma na allsons bos reknys na niverys. 6Ena an oferysi a dhros argh kevambos an ARLOEDH dh'y thyller, yn sentri pervedhel an chi, y'n tyller an moyha sans, yn-dann eskelli an jerubim. 7Rag an jerubim a lesas aga eskelli a-ugh tyller an argh, may hwrug an jerubim kudhans a-ugh an argh ha'y gwelynni. 8An gwelynni a omystynnas mar bell yn-mes mayth o gwelys pennow an gwelynni dhiworth an tyller sans a-rag an sentri pervedhel; mes ny allsons bos gwelys a'n tenewen a-ves; ymons i ena bys y'n jydh ma. 9Nyns esa travyth y'n argh marnas an dhew legh a veyn re worras Moyses ena yn Horeb, le may hwrug an ARLOEDH kevambos gans fleghes Ysrael, pan dheuthons yn-mes a bow Ejyp. 10Ha pan dheuth an oferysi yn-mes a'n tyller sans, kommolenn a lenwis chi an ARLOEDH, 11ma na ylli an oferysi sevel dhe venystra drefenn an gommolenn; rag golewder an ARLOEDH a lenwis chi an ARLOEDH. 12Ena Solomon a leveris, ‘An ARLOEDH re leveris, ev dhe driga yn tewlder tew. 13Devri my re dhrehevis dhis chi ughel, tyller rag ty dhe driga ynno bys vykken.’ Areth Solomon 14Ena an myghtern a dreylyas yn tro ha benniga oll kuntelles Ysrael, hag oll kuntelles Ysrael a'y sav. 15Ev a leveris, ‘Benniges re bo an ARLOEDH, Duw Ysrael, neb gans y leuv re gollenwis an pyth a ambosas a'y anow dhe'm tas Davydh, ow leverel, 16“A-dhia'n jydh may tres vy ow fobel Ysrael yn-mes a Ejyp, ny dhewisis sita vyth yn-mes a loethow Ysrael rag drehevel ow chi ynni, may fe ow hanow ena; mes my a dhewisas Davydh dhe vos a-ugh ow fobel Ysrael.” 17Hag yth esa yn brys ow thas Davydh drehevel chi rag hanow an ARLOEDH, Duw Ysrael. 18Mes an ARLOEDH a leveris dhe'm tas Davydh, “Da o bos y'th vrys drehevel chi rag ow hanow; 19byttegyns ty ny dhrehevydh an chi, mes dha vab a vydh genys dhis a dhrehav an chi rag ow hanow.” 20Lemmyn an ARLOEDH re geweras an ambos a wrug; rag my re sevis yn le ow thas Davydh; hag esedhys ov war dron Ysrael, dell ambosas an ARLOEDH, ha my re dhrehevis an chi rag hanow an ARLOEDH, Duw Ysrael. 21My re brovias tyller rag an argh, hag ynni kevambos an ARLOEDH a wrug gans agan tasow pan y's dros yn-mes a bow Ejyp.’ Pysadow an Sakrans 22Ena Solomon a sevis a-rag alter an Arloedh yn lok oll kuntelles Ysrael, hag ystynn y dhiwleuv dhe nev. 23Ev a leveris. ‘A ARLOEDH, Duw Ysrael, nyns eus Duw avellos yn nev a-vann na war an nor a-woeles, ow kwitha an kevambos ha tregeredh rag dha wesyon a gerdh a-ragos gans oll aga holonn. 24Ty re withas an pyth a leversys dhe'th was Davydh ow thas; ty a ambosas gans dha anow ha'y gollenwel hedhyw gans dha leuv. 25Ytho lemmyn, A ARLOEDH, Duw Ysrael, gwith rag dha was ow thas Davydh an pyth a leversys dhodho, ow leverel, “Ny fyll dhis nevra gour dhe esedha a-ragov war dron Ysrael, mar mynn dha fleghes gwitha aga fordh, dhe gerdhes a-ragov par dell gerdhsys a-ragov.” 26Ytho, A Dhuw Ysrael, bedhes afydhys dha er a ambossys dhe'th was Davydh ow thas. 27‘Mes a wra Duw triga yn hwir war an dor? Hwath ny yll nev ha nev an nevow dha synsi, myns le an chi ma re dhrehevis! 28Kemmer vri a bysadow dha was ha'y bledyans, A ARLOEDH ow Duw, ow koslowes orth an kri ha'n pysadow a bys dha was dhis hedhyw; 29may fydh igor dha lagasow war-tu ha'n chi ma nos ha dydh. 30Klew pledyans dha was ha'th pobel Ysrael pan bysons war-tu ha'n tyller ma; ha klew yn nev dha drigva; ha pan glewydh, gav. 31‘Mar pegh nebonan erbynn y gentrevek ha mars yw erghys dhe wul ti, hag ev a dheu ha ti a-rag dha alter y'th chi ma, 32ena, klew yn nev, ha gweythres, ha breus dha wesyon, ow tampnya an den kablus dre dhri y fara war y benn y honan ha previ ewn an den gwiryon orth y wobra herwydh y ewnder. 33‘Pan vydh tryghys dha bobel Ysrael a-rag eskerens, wosa pegha er dha bynn, ha treylya arta dhis hag avowa dha hanow, ha pysi ha pledya genes y'n chi ma, 34ena klew yn nev, ha gava pegh dha bobel Ysrael, ha'ga dri arta dhe'n tir a resys dh'aga thasow. 35‘Pan vydh nev degeys ha nyns eus glaw drefenn i dhe begha er dha bynn, hag ena i a bys war-tu ha'n tyller ma, gormel dha hanow, ha treylya dhiworth aga fegh, drefenn ty dh'aga hessydhya, 36ena klew yn nev, ha gav pegh dha wesyon, dha bobel Ysrael, pan dhyskydh dhedha an fordh dha dhe gerdhes ynni; ha dannvon glaw war dha dir, a resys dhe'th pobel avel eretons. 37‘Mars eus divoetter y'n tir, mars eus pla, kleves losk, kleves melynheans, hes a lokustes, po lokustes distruel; mar pydh aga eskerens yn esedhva warnedha yn onan a'ga sitys; py pla pynag po kleves pynag yma; 38ha pan vo pysadow pynag po pledyans pynag gwrys gans den po gans oll dha bobel Ysrael, owth aswonn galarow aga holonn aga honan mayth ystynnons aga diwleuv war-tu ha'n chi ma: 39ena klew yn nev dha drigva, gav, gweythres, ha ri dhe bub a aswonnydh y golonn herwydh y fordhow, rag ty unnsel a woer an pyth eus yn kolonn mab-den oll; 40ma's teffo own ahanas dydhyow oll aga bewnans war enep an tir a resys dh'agan tasow. 41‘Keffrys, pan dheu estren, nag usi a'th pobel Ysrael, a dir pell drefenn dha hanow 42– rag i dhe glewes a'th hanow meur, a'th leuv grev, ha'th vregh ystynnys – pan dheu estren ha pysi war-tu ha'n chi ma, 43ena klew yn nev dha drigva, ha gwra herwydh pup-tra a elow an estren warnas, may hwodhvo oll poblow an bys dha hanow ha perthi own ahanas, par dell wra dha bobel Ysrael, ha may hwodhvons bos gelwys dha hanow war an chi ma re dhrehevis vy. 44‘Mars a dha bobel dhe werrya erbynn aga eskerens, dre fordh bynag y's dannvonydh, hag i a bys dhe'n ARLOEDH war-tu ha'n sita re dhewissys ha'n chi re dhrehevis vy rag dha hanow, 45ena klew yn nev aga pysadow ha'ga fledyans, ha menten aga hen. 46‘Mar peghons er dha bynn – rag nyns eus nagonan na begh – ha ty yw serrys gansa ha's redh dhe eskar, mayth ons degys dhe-ves yn kethneth dhe dir an eskar, pell po ogas; 47hwath mar tons dh'aga skians y'n tir may fons kemmerys yn kethneth, ha bos edregus, ha pledya genes yn tir an re a's dug yn kethneth, ow leverel, “Ni re beghas, ha kammwul; ni re wrug drogedh”, 48ha mar tewhelons a leun golonn hag a leun enev yn tir aga eskerens, a's kemmeras yn kethneth, ha pysi dhis war-tu ha'ga thir, a resys dh'aga thasow, an sita re dhewissys, ha'n chi re dhrehevis rag dha hanow, 49ena klew yn nev dha drigva aga fysadow ha'ga fledyans, menten aga hen 50ha gav dha bobel re beghas er dha bynn, hag oll aga threuspassow a wrussons er dha bynn; ha ro dhedha truedh yn golok an re a's dug yn kethneth, ma's teffo truedh warnedha 51(rag i yw dha bobel ha dha ertach, a dhresys yn-mes a Ejyp, a gres an fornes horn). 52Bedhes dha dhewlagas igor dhe bledyans dha was, ha dhe bledyans dha bobel Ysrael, ow koslowes orta peskweyth may helwons warnas. 53Rag ty re's diberthys yn-mes a boblow oll an bys, rag bos dha ertach, kepar dell ambossys dre Moyses dha was, pan dhresys agan tasow yn-mes a Ejyp, A Arloedh DUW.’ Solomon a Vennik an Kuntelles 54Lemmyn pan worfennas Solomon profya an pysadow ma ha'n pledyans ma dhe'n ARLOEDH, ev a sevis a-dherag alter an ARLOEDH, le may fia war benn-dewlin ha'y dhiwleuv ystynnys dhe nev; 55ev a sevis ha benniga oll kuntelles Ysrael, ughel y lev: 56‘Benniges re bo an ARLOEDH, re ros powes dh'y bobel Ysrael herwydh pup-tra a ambosas; ny fyllis ger vyth a'y ambos da, a gewsis der y was Moyses. 57Bedhes genen an ARLOEDH agan Duw, par dell o gans agan tasow; bynner re wrello agan gasa na'gan forsakya, 58mes treylya agan kolonn dhodho, dhe gerdhes yn y fordhow, ha gwitha y worhemmynnow, y ordenansow, ha'y vreusow, a worhemmynnis dh'agan tasow. 59Bedhes ow geryow ma, gansa may hwrug vy pysi dhe'n ARLOEDH dos nes dhe'n ARLOEDH agan Duw dydh ha nos, dhe ventena ken y was ha ken pobel Ysrael, dell vo edhomm pub dydh; 60may hwodhvo poblow an bys bos an ARLOEDH Duw; nyns eus nahen. 61Ytho re bo agas kolonn perfydh gans an ARLOEDH agan Duw, ow kerdhes yn y ordenansow hag ow kwitha y worhemmynnow, avel y'n jydh ma.’ Solomon a Offrynn Sakrifisow 62Ena an myghtern, hag oll Ysrael ganso, a offrynnas sakrifis a-rag an ARLOEDH. 63Solomon a offrynnas avel offrynn kres dhe'n ARLOEDH dew warn ugens a ojyon ha hwegh-ugens mil a dheves. Ytho an myghtern hag oll an Ysraelysi a sakras chi an ARLOEDH. 64An keth jydh na an myghtern a sakras kres an klos esa a-rag chi an ARLOEDH; rag ena ev a offrynnas offrynn leskys ha'n offrynn greun, ha blonek offrynn kres, drefenn bos re vyghan an alter a vrons esa a-rag an ARLOEDH rag degemmeres an offrynnow leskys ha'n offrynn greun ha blonek an offrynn kres. 65Ytho Solomon a withas an goel y'n prys na, hag Ysrael oll ganso, kuntelles meur, a Lebo-hamath bys yn nans Ejyp, a-rag an ARLOEDH, seyth dydh. 66Y'n ethves dydh ev a dhannvonas an bobel dhe-ves; hag i a vennigas an myghtern, ha mos dh'aga thyldow, lowenek hag yn spyrys da drefenn an dader oll a dhiskwedhas an ARLOEDH dh'y was Davydh ha dh'y bobel Ysrael. © Kesva an Taves Kernewek 2004, 2021 © Cornish Language Board 2004, 2021KING JAMES VERSION (BIBLE SOCIETY PARAGRAPHED EDITION 1954)
1 Kings 8 1Then Solomon assembled the elders of Israel, and all the heads of the tribes, the chief of the fathers of the children of Israel, unto king Solomon in Jerusalem, that they might bring up the ark of the covenant of the LORD out of the city of David, which is Zion. 2And all the men of Israel assembled themselves unto king Solomon at the feast in the month Ethanim, which is the seventh month. 3And all the elders of Israel came, and the priests took up the ark. 4And they brought up the ark of the LORD, and the tabernacle of the congregation, and all the holy vessels that were in the tabernacle, even those did the priests and the Levites bring up. 5And king Solomon, and all the congregation of Israel, that were assembled unto him, were with him before the ark, sacrificing sheep and oxen, that could not be told nor numbered for multitude. 6And the priests brought in the ark of the covenant of the LORD unto his place, into the oracle of the house, to the most holy place, even under the wings of the cherubims. 7For the cherubims spread forth their two wings over the place of the ark, and the cherubims covered the ark and the staves thereof above. 8And they drew out the staves, that the ends of the staves were seen out in the holy place before the oracle, and they were not seen without: and there they are unto this day. 9There was nothing in the ark save the two tables of stone, which Moses put there at Horeb, when the LORD made a covenant with the children of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt. 10And it came to pass, when the priests were come out of the holy place, that the cloud filled the house of the LORD, 11so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud: for the glory of the LORD had filled the house of the LORD. 12Then spake Solomon, The LORD said that he would dwell in the thick darkness. 13I have surely built thee an house to dwell in, a settled place for thee to abide in for ever. 14And the king turned his face about, and blessed all the congregation of Israel: (and all the congregation of Israel stood;) 15and he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Israel, which spake with his mouth unto David my father, and hath with his hand fulfilled it, saying, 16Since the day that I brought forth my people Israel out of Egypt, I chose no city out of all the tribes of Israel to build an house, that my name might be therein; but I chose David to be over my people Israel. 17And it was in the heart of David my father to build an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel. 18And the LORD said unto David my father, Whereas it was in thine heart to build an house unto my name, thou didst well that it was in thine heart. 19Nevertheless thou shalt not build the house; but thy son that shall come forth out of thy loins, he shall build the house unto my name. 20And the LORD hath performed his word that he spake, and I am risen up in the room of David my father, and sit on the throne of Israel, as the LORD promised, and have built an house for the name of the LORD God of Israel. 21And I have set there a place for the ark, wherein is the covenant of the LORD, which he made with our fathers, when he brought them out of the land of Egypt. Solomon's Prayer 22And Solomon stood before the altar of the LORD in the presence of all the congregation of Israel, and spread forth his hands toward heaven: 23and he said, LORD God of Israel, there is no God like thee, in heaven above, or on earth beneath, who keepest covenant and mercy with thy servants that walk before thee with all their heart: 24who hast kept with thy servant David my father that thou promisedst him: thou spakest also with thy mouth, and hast fulfilled it with thine hand, as it is this day. 25Therefore now, LORD God of Israel, keep with thy servant David my father that thou promisedst him, saying, There shall not fail thee a man in my sight to sit on the throne of Israel; so that thy children take heed to their way, that they walk before me as thou hast walked before me. 26And now, O God of Israel, let thy word, I pray thee, be verified, which thou spakest unto thy servant David my father. 27But will God indeed dwell on the earth? behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less this house that I have builded? 28Yet have thou respect unto the prayer of thy servant, and to his supplication, O LORD my God, to hearken unto the cry and to the prayer, which thy servant prayeth before thee to day: 29that thine eyes may be open toward this house night and day, even toward the place of which thou hast said, My name shall be there: that thou mayest hearken unto the prayer which thy servant shall make toward this place. 30And hearken thou to the supplication of thy servant, and of thy people Israel, when they shall pray toward this place: and hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place: and when thou hearest, forgive. 31If any man trespass against his neighbour, and an oath be laid upon him to cause him to swear, and the oath come before thine altar in this house: 32then hear thou in heaven, and do, and judge thy servants, condemning the wicked, to bring his way upon his head; and justifying the righteous, to give him according to his righteousness. 33When thy people Israel be smitten down before the enemy, because they have sinned against thee, and shall turn again to thee, and confess thy name, and pray, and make supplication unto thee in this house: 34then hear thou in heaven, and forgive the sin of thy people Israel, and bring them again unto the land which thou gavest unto their fathers. 35When heaven is shut up, and there is no rain, because they have sinned against thee; if they pray toward this place, and confess thy name, and turn from their sin, when thou afflictest them: 36then hear thou in heaven, and forgive the sin of thy servants, and of thy people Israel, that thou teach them the good way wherein they should walk, and give rain upon thy land, which thou hast given to thy people for an inheritance. 37If there be in the land famine, if there be pestilence, blasting, mildew, locust, or if there be caterpiller; if their enemy besiege them in the land of their cities; whatsoever plague, whatsoever sickness there be; 38what prayer and supplication soever be made by any man, or by all thy people Israel, which shall know every man the plague of his own heart, and spread forth his hands toward this house: 39then hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive, and do, and give to every man according to his ways, whose heart thou knowest; (for thou, even thou only, knowest the hearts of all the children of men;) 40that they may fear thee all the days that they live in the land which thou gavest unto our fathers. 41Moreover concerning a stranger, that is not of thy pople Israel, but cometh out of a far country for thy name's sake; 42(for they shall hear of thy great name, and of thy strong hand, and of thy stretched out arm;) when he shall come and pray toward this house; 43hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place, and do according to all that the stranger calleth to thee for: that all people of the earth may know thy name, to fear thee, as do thy people Israel; and that they may know that this house, which I have builded, is called by thy name. 44If thy people go out to battle against their enemy, whithersoever thou shalt send them, and shall pray unto the LORD toward the city which thou hast chosen, and toward the house that I have built for thy name: 45then hear thou in heaven their prayer and their supplication, and maintain their cause. 46If they sin against thee, (for there is no man that sinneth not,) and thou be angry with them, and deliver them to the enemy, so that they carry them away captives unto the land of the enemy, far or near; 47yet if they shall bethink themselves in the land whither they were carried captives, and repent, and make supplication unto thee in the land of them that carried them captives, saying, We have sinned, and have done perversely, we have committed wickedness; 48and so return unto thee with all their heart, and with all their soul, in the land of their enemies, which led them away captive, and pray unto thee toward their land, which thou gavest unto their fathers, the city which thou hast chosen, and the house which I have built for thy name: 49then hear thou their prayer and their supplication in heaven thy dwelling place, and maintain their cause, 50and forgive thy people that have sinned against thee, and all their transgressions wherein they have transgressed against thee, and give them compassion before them who carried them captive, that they may have compassion on them: 51for they be thy people, and thine inheritance, which thou broughtest forth out of Egypt, from the midst of the furnace of iron: 52that thine eyes may be open unto the supplication of thy servant, and unto the supplication of thy people Israel, to hearken unto them in all that they call for unto thee. 53For thou didst separate them from among all the people of the earth, to be thine inheritance, as thou spakest by the hand of Moses thy servant, when thou broughtest our fathers out of Egypt, O Lord GOD. His Blessing 54And it was so, that when Solomon had made an end of praying all this prayer and supplication unto the LORD, he arose from before the altar of the LORD, from kneeling on his knees with his hands spread up to heaven. 55And he stood, and blessed all the congregation of Israel with a loud voice, saying, 56Blessed be the LORD, that hath given rest unto his people Israel, according to all that he promised: there hath not failed one word of all his good promise, which he promised by the hand of Moses his servant. 57The LORD our God be with us, as he was with our fathers: let him not leave us, nor forsake us: 58that he may incline our hearts unto him, to walk in all his ways, and to keep his commandments, and his statutes, and his judgments, which he commanded our fathers. 59And let these my words, wherewith I have made supplication before the LORD, be nigh unto the LORD our God day and night, that he maintain the cause of his servant, and the cause of his people Israel at all times, as the matter shall require: 60that all the people of the earth may know that the LORD is God, and that there is none else. 61Let your heart therefore be perfect with the LORD our God, to walk in his statutes, and to keep his commandments, as at this day. 62And the king, and all Israel with him, offered sacrifice before the LORD. 63And Solomon offered a sacrifice of peace offerings, which he offered unto the LORD, two and twenty thousand oxen, and an hundred and twenty thousand sheep. So the king and all the children of Israel dedicated the house of the LORD. 64The same day did the king hallow the middle of the court that was before the house of the LORD: for there he offered burnt offerings, and meat offerings, and the fat of the peace offerings: because the brasen altar that was before the LORD was too little to receive the burnt offerings, and meat offerings, and the fat of the peace offerings. 65And at that time Solomon held a feast, and all Israel with him, a great congregation, from the entering in of Hamath unto the river of Egypt, before the LORD our God, seven days and seven days, even fourteen days. 66On the eighth day he sent the people away: and they blessed the king, and went unto their tents joyful and glad of heart for all the goodness that the LORD had done for David his servant, and for Israel his people.langbot langbot
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