Aes alienum oor Engels

Aes alienum

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Illicitum est postulare ut aes alienum contractum intolerabilibus cum incommodis solvatur.
It cannot be expected that the debts which have been contracted should be paid at the price of unbearable sacrifices.

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aes alienum

Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels


Illicitum est postulare ut aes alienum contractum intolerabilibus cum incommodis solvatur.
It cannot be expected that the debts which have been contracted should be paid at the price of unbearable sacrifices.

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"Non dicimus ""reposuit beneficium"" aut ""solvit""; nullum nobis placuit, quod aeri alieno convenit, verbum."
Non dicimus ‘reposuit beneficium’ aut ‘solvit’: nullum nobis placuit quod aeri alieno convenit verbum.Literature Literature
Leve aes alienum debitorem facit, grave inimicum.
""" Quid n aes alienum debitorem facit, grave inimicum."Literature Literature
Illicitum est postulare ut aes alienum contractum intolerabilibus cum incommodis solvatur.
It cannot be expected that the debts which have been contracted should be paid at the price of unbearable
Itaque aes alienum provinciae eo biennio multiplicatum est.
And they said that these were loans, exacted by the senate's decree.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Aes alienum
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Mater autem, viginti annos marito suo iunior, aere alieno mariti mortui se demersam invenit.
The married couple lives with the husband's parents for about a year until the groom receives land from his father, upon which a separate dwelling is erected.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Graecia factiones regnantes, quae electoribus proposuerant Graeciam aeris alieni partem soluturam esse, electione parlamenti habita cladem maximam acceperunt.
It differs from horary astrology because, while horary astrologers seek to find the answer to a question based on the time the question was asked, electional astrologers seek to find a period of time which will result in the most preferable outcome for an event being planned.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Eodem anno Galliarum civitates ob magnitudinem aeris alieni rebellionem coeptavere, cuius extimulator acerrimus inter Treviros Iulius Florus, apud Aeduos Iulius Sacrovir.
That same year, some states of Gaul, under the pressure of heavy debts, attempted a revolt. Its most active instigators were Julius Florus among the Treveri and Julius Sacrovir among the Aedui.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Plurimi sunt servi in aere alieno, plerumque in Asia Meridiana, qui ob dolos faeneratorum in aes alienum inciderunt, aliquando per generationes.
Most are debt slaves, largely in South Asia, who are under debt bondage incurred by lenders, sometimes even for generations.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hinc inopia rei nummariae, commoto simul omnium aere alieno, et quia tot damnatis bonisque eorum divenditis signatum argentum fisco vel aerario attinebatur.
Hence followed a scarcity of money, a great shock being given to all credit, the current coin too, in consequence of the conviction of so many persons and the sale of their property, being locked up in the imperial treasury or the public exchequer.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ecclesiae praefuit per annos Magnae Depressionis Oeconomicae, quae multa ex eius propositis impediebant vel sistebant, quia ecclesia gravibus aeris alieni difficultatibus obviam iebat.
Arjuna managed to please Lord Shiva by his severe penance in just months because his penance generated so much intense heat that was unbearable to all living creatures of the earth which ultimately forced Lord Shiva to come to earth.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Laetanter animadvertimus nuper oratorum popularium coetus complurium Nationum, creditam pecuniam vindicantium, magna ex parte debiti synallagmatici pro pauperioribus Nationibus iisque aere alieno magis gravatis remissionem decrevisse.
I am happy to note that recently the Parliaments of many creditor States have voted a substantial remission of the bilateral debt of the poorest and most indebted
Lentulus aeris alieni magnitudine et spe exercitus ac provinciarum et regum appellandorum largitionibus movetur, seque alterum fore Sullam inter suos gloriatur, ad quem summa imperii redeat.
Lentulus was wrought upon by the magnitude of his debts, and the hopes of having the government of an army and provinces, and by the presents which he expected from such princes as should receive the title of friends of the Roman people, and boasted among his friends, that he would be a second Sylla, to whom the supreme authority should return.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Plerique, cum aut aere alieno aut magnitudine tributorum aut iniuria potentiorum premuntur, sese in servitutem dicant nobilibus: in hos eadem omnia sunt iura, quae dominis in servos.
The greater part, when they are pressed either by debt, or the large amount of their tributes, or the oppression of the more powerful, give themselves up in vassalage to the nobles, who possess over them the same rights without exception as masters over their slaves.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Mutatis interea tamen. rerum adiunctis, tum in nationibus aere alieno gravatis tum in ipso pecuniarum commercio inter Civitates instrumentum ita electum, quo progressionibus adiumentum ministraretur, conversum denique in machinamentum est quod contraria effecit.
Circumstances have changed, both within the debtor nations and in the international financial market; the instrument chosen to make a contribution to development has turned into a counterproductive
Cassius legionibus in hiberna dispositis ad ius dicendum Cordubam se recepit contractumque in ea aes alienum gravissimis oneribus provinciae constituit exsolvere; et ut largitionis postulat consuetudo, per causam liberalitatis speciosam plura largitori quaerebantur.
Cassius, having sent his army into winter quarters, fixed his residence at Corduba, for the administration of justice. Being greatly in debt, he resolved to pay it by laying heavy burdens upon the province: and, according to the custom of prodigals, made his liberalities a pretense to justify the most exorbitant demands.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Systemati nummario et fiscali per orbem terrarum vigenti id est proprium et peculiare ut methodi permutationis et quaestus faciendi varientur, quo fit ut generalis ratio creditorum ac debitorum ac status aeris alieni, quibus regiones pauperes conflictantur, inde capiat detrimentum.
The world monetary and financial system is marked by an excessive fluctuation of exchange rates and interest rates, to the detriment of the balance of payments and the debt situation of the poorer
Sic sub libri Levitici lumine (Lev. 25, 8-12) omnium mundi pauperum personam induere debent christiani, Iubilaeum proponentes veluti opportunum tempus decernendi inter alia de internationalis aeris alieni retractatione, si non cuncta de eiusdem remissione, quo complures Nationes gravantur.
Thus, in the spirit of the Book of Leviticus (25:8-12), Christians will have to raise their voice on behalf of all the poor of the world, proposing the Jubilee as an appropriate time to give thought, among other things, to reducing substantially, if not cancelling outright, the international debt which seriously threatens the future of many
Exinde iam non erit periculum, ne nationes, quae ad progressionem nituntur, aere demergantur alieno, ad quod solvendum suos praecipuos quaestus impendant.
Developing countries will thus no longer risk being overwhelmed by debts whose repayment swallows up the greater part of their
Firmius Catus senator, ex intima Libonis amicitia, invenem inprovidum et facilem inanibus ad Chaldaeorum promissa, magorum sacra, somniorum etiam interpretes impulit, dum proavom Pompeium, amitam Scriboniam, quae quondam Augusti coniunx fuerat, consobrinos Caesares, plenam imaginibus domum ostentat, hortaturque ad luxum et aes alienum, socius libidinum et necessitatum, quo pluribus indiciis inligaret.
Firmius Catus, a senator, an intimate friend of Libo's, prompted the young man, who was thoughtless and an easy prey to delusions, to resort to astrologers' promises, magical rites, and interpreters of dreams, dwelling ostentatiously on his great-grandfather Pompeius, his aunt Scribonia, who had formerly been wife of Augustus, his imperial cousins, his house crowded with ancestral busts, and urging him to extravagance and debt, himself the companion of his profligacy and desperate embarrassments, thereby to entangle him in all the more proofs of guilt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Omnia praeparatoria documenta, sicut etiam ac sese evolvente conventu disceptationes, insigniter collustrarunt quaestiones, veluti paupertatem in Africa augescentem, vitae urbanae extensionem, internationale aes alienum, armorum commercium, perfugarum profugorumque quaestionem, demographicas quaestiones et minas quibus familiae afficiuntur, mulierum liberationem, illius morbi quod AIDS appellant propagationem, servitutis adhuc in quibusdam locis exstantis condicionem, ethnicarum partium studium et stirpium contentiones, ad praecipuas provocationes pertinere, quas perpendit Synodus.
All the preparatory documents of the Synod, as well as the discussions in the Assembly, clearly showed that issues in Africa such as increasing poverty, urbanization, the international debt, the arms trade, the problem of refugees and displaced persons, demographic concerns and threats to the family, the liberation of women, the spread of AIDS, the survival of the practice of slavery in some places, ethnocentricity and tribal opposition figure among the fundamental challenges addressed by the
Id filiae quoque uxorique praeceperim, sic patris, sic mariti memoriam venerari, ut omnia facta dictaque eius secum revolvant, formamque ac figuram animi magis quam corporis complectantur, non quia intercedendum putem imaginibus quae marmore aut aere finguntur, sed ut vultus hominum, ita simulacra vultus imbecilla ac mortalia sunt, forma mentis aeterna, quam tenere et exprimere non per alienam materiam et artem, sed tuis ipse moribus possis.
This, too, is what I would enjoin on daughter and wife, to honour the memory of that father, that husband, by pondering in their hearts all his words and acts, by cherishing the features and lineaments of his character rather than those of his person. It is not that I would forbid the likenesses which are wrought in marble or in bronze; but as the faces of men, so all similitudes of the face are weak and perishable things, while the fashion of the soul is everlasting, such as may be expressed not in some foreign substance, or by the help of art, but in our own lives.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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