Animal dilectum oor Engels

Animal dilectum

Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels




an animal kept as a companion

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Animalia dilecta
Animals kept as pets


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Aliae pelliculae populares continit status facetos cum animalibus dilectis sive pueris, dum aliquae iocularia sunt.
They are usually trusted by their Filipino owners to roam around town markets or the neighborhood to socialize with other dogs which is why these dogs are seen by the Western people as stray dogs when, in fact, they are not.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Nonnullae species curantur ut animalia dilecta.
Some feed on dicotyledon species.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Animal dilectum
Petlangbot langbot
Funera sunt pro cultu Gallorum magnifica et sumptuosa; omniaque quae vivis cordi fuisse arbitrantur in ignem inferunt, etiam animalia, ac paulo supra hanc memoriam servi et clientes, quos ab eis dilectos esse constabat, iustis funeribus confectis una cremabantur.
Their funerals, considering the state of civilization among the Gauls, are magnificent and costly; and they cast into the fire all things, including living creatures, which they suppose to have been dear to them when alive; and, a little before this period, slaves and dependents, who were ascertained to have been beloved by them, were, after the regular funeral rites were completed, burnt together with them.latin-ancient latin-ancient
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