Arcae oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

Archi, Abruzzo




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Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

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Arcis-le-Ponsartlangbot langbot
Coburn consilium rei habuit cum, ambulans prope officinam suam, arcam vigilum vidit.
The IRA vehicles were escorted by scout cars, to alert about the presence of security checkpoints ahead.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Recordatus autem Deus Noe cunctorumque animantium et omnium iumentorum, quæ erant cum eo in arca, adduxit spiritum super terram, et imminutæ sunt aquæ.
And God remembered Noah, and all the living creatures, and all the cattle which were with him in the ark, and brought a wind upon the earth, and the waters were abated.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Quæ, cum non invenisset, ubi requiesceret pes eius, reversa est ad eum in arcam; aquæ enim erant super universam terram. Extenditque manum et apprehensam intulit in arcam.
But she not finding where her foot might rest, returned to him into the ark: for the waters were upon the whole earth: and he put forth his hand, and caught her, and brought her into the ark.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Domum et insularum et templorum, quae amissa sunt, numerum inire haud promptum fuerit; sed vetustissima religione, quod Servius Tullius Lunae, et magna ara fanumque, quae praesenti Herculi Arcas Evander sacraverat, aedesque Statoris Iovis vota Romulo Numaeque regia et delubrum Vestae cum penatibus populi Romani exusta; iam opes tot victoriis quaesitae et Graecarum artium decora, exim monumenta ingeniorum antiqua et incorrupta, [ut] quamvis in tanta resurgentis urbis pulchritudine multa seniores meminerint, quae reparari nequibant.
It would not be easy to enter into a computation of the private mansions, the blocks of tenements, and of the temples, which were lost. Those with the oldest ceremonial, as that dedicated by Servius Tullius to Luna, the great altar and shrine raised by the Arcadian Evander to the visibly appearing Hercules, the temple of Jupiter the Stayer, which was vowed by Romulus, Numa's royal palace, and the sanctuary of Vesta, with the tutelary deities of the Roman people, were burnt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Mater fidei, Filium hominis comitata es ad templum qui promissa Patribus facta impleret; trade Patri gloriae eius causa sacerdotes Filii tui, Foederis Arca.
O Mother of Faith, you accompanied to the Temple the Son of Man, the fulfillment of the promises given to the fathers; give to the Father for his glory the priests of your Son, O Ark of the
Ecce autem telis Panthus elapsus Achivum, / Panthus Othryades, arcis Phoebique sacerdos, / sacra manu victosque deos parvumque nepotem / ipse trahit, cursuque amens ad limina tendit.
Lo, Panthus, flying from the Grecian bands, / Panthus, the son of Othrys, Phoebus' seer, / bearing the sacred vessels in his hands, / and vanquished home-gods, to the door draws near, / his grandchild clinging to his side in fear.tatoeba tatoeba
Calisto arcas
Calisto arcaslangbot langbot
arca, arcae, f.
crate, strongboxlangbot langbot
Hoc in libro invenitur illud famosum epitaphium derisorium de rege Georgio IV : GEORGIUS IV Heic jacet, Qui ubique et semper jacebat Familiae pessimae homo pessimus Georgius Britanniae Rex ejus nominis IV Arca ut decet ampla et opipare ornata est Continet enim omnes Nerones.
Heic jacet, Qui ubique et semper jacebat Familiae pessimae homo pessimus Georgius Britanniae Rex ejus nominis IV Arca ut decet ampla et opipare ornata est Continet enim omnes Nerones.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Et ex cunctis animantibus universæ carnis bina induces in arcam, ut vivant tecum, masculini sexus et feminini.
And of every living creature of all flesh, thou shalt bring two of a sort into the ark, that they may live with thee: of the male sex, and the female.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"An non habetis in arca vestra?" "Non." "Quid non?" "Quia mater non solet dare nobis opsonium, nisi in præsens tempus."
"Don't you have any in your box?" "No." "Why not?" "Because my mother doesn't usually give us food, except for the present time."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Eam cogitavit Noë, arca sospita inclusus; Abraham nati nece prohibitus; Iacob scalam videns perque illam ascendentes et descendentes angelos; Moyses miratus rubum, qui ardebat et non comburebatur; David exsiliens et psallens dum adduceret arcam Dei; Elias nubeculam intuitus ascendentem de mari.
Noë thought of her when shut up in the ark of safety, and Abraham when prevented from the slaying of his son; Jacob at the sight of the ladder on which angels ascended and descended; Moses amazed at the sight of the bush which burned but was not consumed; David escorting the arc of God with dancing and psalmody; Elias as he looked at the little cloud that rose out of the
"""Quin,"" fere impatiens respondi, ""tu haud minus me scis arcam ad Armand et Fils spectare."""
"""Why,"" I said, a little impatiently, ""you know as well as I do that it belongs to Armand & Son."""Literature Literature
Requievitque arca mense septimo, decima septima die mensis super montes Ararat.
And the ark rested in the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, upon the mountains of Ararat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Nam, ut quondam humanae genti e Noetiea arca exeunti amici foederis signum illucescere Deus voluit, « arcum apparentem in nubibus » (5), sic turbulentissimis recentioris aevi temporibus, cum vaferrima omnium serperet haeresis illa ianseniana, amori in Deum pietatique inimica, quae Deum non tam diligendum ut patrem quam extimescendum ut implacabilem iudicem praedicabat, benignissimus Iesus Cor suum Saeratissimum, quasi pacis et caritatis vexillum, elatum gentibus ostendit, haud dubiam portendens in cercamine victoriam.
For as in olden time when mankind came forth from Noe's ark, God set His "bow in the clouds" (Genesis ix, 13), shining as the sign of a friendly covenant; so in the most turbulent times of a more recent age, when the Jansenist heresy, the most crafty of them all, hostile to love and piety towards God, was creeping in and preaching that God was not to be loved as a father but rather to be feared as an implacable judge; then the most benign Jesus showed his own most Sacred Heart to the nations lifted up as a standard of peace and charity portending no doubtful victory in the
Ecce autem telis Panthus elapsus Achivum, / Panthus Othryades, arcis Phœbique sacerdos, / sacra manu victosque deos parvumque nepotem / ipse trahit, cursuque amens ad limina tendit.
Lo, Panthus, flying from the Grecian bands, / Panthus, the son of Othrys, Phoebus' seer, / bearing the sacred vessels in his hands, / and vanquished home-gods, to the door draws near, / his grandchild clinging to his side in fear.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Chest (furniture)langbot langbot
Archi, Abruzzolangbot langbot
cito agmine forum et imminentia foro templa praetervecti erigunt aciem per adversum collem usque ad primas Capitolinae arcis fores.
They hurried at quick march past the Forum and the temples which hang over it, and advanced their line up the opposite hill as far as the outer gates of the Capitol.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Praecipuae arcae sparguntur per curriculum quae suppeditant res iuvandi aurigis.
Moss had pushed his car hard trying to overcome a failing gearbox, claiming a new lap record.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Arca (genus)
Arca (genus)langbot langbot
Ita minora castra inclusa maioribus castelli atque arcis locum obtinebant.
By this means, the lesser camp, included within the greater, answered the purpose of a fort and citadel.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hæc quoque dixit Deus ad Noe et ad filios eius cum eo: Ecce ego statuam pactum meum vobiscum et cum semine vestro post vos et ad omnem animam viventem, quæ est vobiscum tam in volucribus quam in iumentis et in omnibus bestiis terræ, quæ sunt vobiscum, cunctis, quæ egressa sunt de arca, universis bestiis terræ.
Thus also said God to Noah, and to his sons with him: Behold I will establish my covenant with you, and with your seed after you: And with every living soul that is with you, as well in all birds, as in cattle and beasts of the earth, that are come forth out of the ark, and in all the beasts of the earth.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Robertus Bellarminus exclamavit: « Et quis, obsecro, credere posset, arcam sanctitatis, domicilium Verbi, templum Spiritus Sancti corruisse?
Robert Bellarmine exclaimed: "And who, I ask, could believe that the ark of holiness, the dwelling place of the Word of God, the temple of the Holy Spirit, could be reduced to ruin?
67 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.