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a concept found in moral, political, and bioethical philosophy
Ars technica – quod est extollendum – res est prorsus humana, quae cum autonomia hominisque libertate nectitur.
Technology — it is worth emphasizing — is a profoundly human reality, linked to the autonomy and freedom of man.

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In praesenti regiones nec autonomia fruuntur nec administrativum characterem habent.
Before independence the three different regions in Kerala had been under different administrative systems.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In eiusmodi condicione obscuratio aut deminutio sensus peccati efficiuntur sive eo quod quaevis relatio cum iis quae naturam nostram transcendunt, respuitur, cum autonomia personalis, quam dicunt, expetatur; sive eo quod exemplis ethicis obsecundatur, quae communi assensu moribusque temporum iniunguntur, licet cuiusque conscientia reprobentur; sive propter gravissimas condiciones sociales oeconomicas, quibus tot homines premuntur, ita ut eorum animi inclinentur ad errores culpasque solum intra fines rei socialis statuendos; sive, ac quidem potissimum, eo quod notio paternitatis Dei eiusque dominii vitae hominis obscuratur.
In such a situation the obscuring or weakening of the sense of sin comes from several sources: from a rejection of any reference to the transcendent in the name of the individual's aspiration to personal independence; from acceptance of ethical models imposed by general consensus and behavior, even when condemned by the individual conscience; from the tragic social and economic conditions that oppress a great part of humanity, causing a tendency to see errors and faults only in the context of society; finally and especially, from the obscuring of the notion of God's fatherhood and dominion over man's
Ars technica – quod est extollendum – res est prorsus humana, quae cum autonomia hominisque libertate nectitur.
Technology — it is worth emphasizing — is a profoundly human reality, linked to the autonomy and freedom of
Ne importuna igitur videatur gravis firmaque Nostra compellatio, ut fides et philosophia artam illam coniunctionem redintegrent, quae eas congruas efficiat earum naturae, autonomia vicissim servata.
This is why I make this strong and insistent appeal—not, I trust, untimely—that faith and philosophy recover the profound unity which allows them to stand in harmony with their nature without compromising their mutual
Quandoquidem Actio Catholica non in orbe quodam clauso versatur, sed veluti e fonte circum luce et calore latissime radiante, alia quoque incepta aliasque institutiones auxiliares congruenter disponit, quae, licet quadam autonomia iustaque agendi libertate ad particularem cuiusque finem necessaria fruantur, generales tamen normas regulasque communes sequantur oportet.
In fact, it does not hold itself rigidly to fixed plans, but rather coordinates, as if about a radial center of light and heat, other initiatives and auxiliary institutions; which, enjoying always a just autonomy and a fitting liberty of action necessary for the accomplishment of their specific aims, feel the need of following the directions of its
Ipsae autem in conclusis culturalis moralisque ordinis aestimationibus inveniri possunt, initio ab illa mente sumpto, quae subiectivitatis nimium extollens notionem et vel depravans, participem iurium solummodo agnoscit, qui incohata plenave quadam autonomia se ostendit seque ab omni aliorum dicione subducit.
We can find them in an overall assessment of a cultural and moral nature, beginning with the mentality which carries the concept of subjectivity to an extreme and even distorts it, and recognizes as a subject of rights only the person who enjoys full or at least incipient autonomy and who emerges from a state of total dependence on
Quorum iudiciorum maturitas ac responsalitas – et definite ipsius hominis qui eorum est subiectum – non perpenduntur ex conscientiae liberatione a veritate obiectiva, pro coniecta quadam eius consiliorum autonomia, sed ex contrario ex intenta veritatis investigatione, necnon ex potestate veritati facta gubernandi proprios actus.
The maturity and responsibility of these judgments — and, when all is said and done, of the individual who is their subject — are not measured by the liberation of the conscience from objective truth, in favour of an alleged autonomy in personal decisions, but, on the contrary, by an insistent search for truth and by allowing oneself to be guided by that truth in one's
Autonomylangbot langbot
Si autem obiectiva communisque veritas attingi re non posse existimatur, verenda civium libertas – qui in populari regimine vera potestate pollent – ex lege postulat ut singularum conscientiarum agnoscatur autonomia ideoque in normis constituendis quas utique civilis convictus necessario inducit quaevis voluntas maioris partis prorsus servetur.
Furthermore, if it is believed that an objective truth shared by all is de facto unattainable, then respect for the freedom of the citizens-who in a democratic system are considered the true rulers-would require that on the legislative level the autonomy of individual consciences be acknowledged. Consequently, when establishing those norms which are absolutely necessary for social coexistence, the only determining factor should be the will of the majority, whatever this may
Ulterius urgentem extulerunt necessitatem ut christifideles laici magistri et professores in diversis scholis, catholicis vel non catholicis, veri testes sint Evangelii per vitae exemplum, professionalem peritiam et rectitudinem, christianam inspirationem docentiae, salva semper, ut est evidens, variarum scientiarum et disciplinarum autonomia.
In addition they have emphasized the urgent need in various schools, whether Catholic or not, for teachers and professors among the lay faithful to be true witnesses of the gospel, through their example of life, their professional competence and uprightness, their Christian inspired teaching, preserving always-as is obvious-the autonomy of various sciences and
Quamvis hac de re necesse esset ut normae ferrentur, oportuit ob oculos habere quod iustitia ac responsalitas postulabant, quas Pastores coram fidelibus in se recipiunt, legitima cuiusvis instituti moderatorum servata autonomia.
While it was necessary to lay down norms in this regard, there was also a need to consider the requirements of justice and the responsibility of Bishops before the faithful, with respect for the legitimate autonomy of each
Lingua Groenlandica et Danica usum in publicis rebus ex autonomia anno 1979 statuta habuerunt, et plerique incolae ambabus linguis utuntur.
Both Danish and Greenlandic have been used in public affairs in Greenland since the establishment of home rule in 1979; the majority of the population can speak both languages.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De autonomia rationum.
The Nature of Rationality.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sodalicia haec in tuto semper posita legitima monasteriorum autonomia valida subsidia ad quaestiones communes enodandas praestare possunt, ut sunt congrua renovatio, institutio sive prima sive permanens, mutuum oeconomicum auxilium atque ipsorum monasteriorum reconcinnatio.
Such bodies, which must always respect the legitimate autonomy of monasteries, can in fact offer valuable help in adequately resolving common problems, such as appropriate renewal, initial and continuing formation, mutual economic support and even the reorganization of the monasteries
Rerum terrestrium est autonomia, quae vult “res creatas et ipsas societates propriis legibus valoribusque gaudere, ab homine gradatim dignoscendis, adhibendis et ordinandis” (Gaudium et Spes, 36).
This is the autonomy of earthly realities, which means that "created things have their own laws and values which are to be gradually discovered, utilized and ordered by man"
Alias sic intellegitur libertas quasi absoluta omnino gaudeat autonomia, et quasi unus ipsa sibi sit optionum personalium fons primasque sibi partes ubique reservandas esse autumet.
In other cases, freedom is understood in terms of total autonomy, the sole and indisputable basis for personal choices, and effectively as self - affirmation at any
176 — Præfecturæ munus competit moderandi et gubernandi bonorum administrationes, quæ a Sancta Sede pendent vel quibus ipsa præest, quæcumque est autonomia qua forte gaudeant.
176 — The Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See has the function of supervising and governing the temporal goods of the administrations that are dependent on the Holy See, or of which the Holy See has charge, whatever the autonomy these administrations may happen to
18 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.