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De Officiis


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De officiis
De Officiislangbot langbot
Quam fecunda ex eius ore fluit adhortatio de officiis clericorum !
Oh, how fruitful is the exhortation that falls from his lips on the duties of the clergy!
Qui suum timorem in rei frumentariae simulationem angustiasque itineris conferrent, facere arroganter, cum aut de officio imperatoris desperare aut praescribere viderentur.
That those who ascribed their fear to a pretense about the [deficiency of] supplies and the narrowness of the roads, acted presumptuously, as they seemed either to distrust their general's discharge of his duty, or to dictate to him.latin-ancient latin-ancient
De officii conscientia in peculiare bonum commune versa agitur, in quo hominis bonum continetur: item cuiusque domus membri; bonum certe “difficile”, “bonum arduum”, at fascinosum.
We are speaking of the responsibility for that particular common good in which is included the good of the person, of every member of the family community. While certainly a "difficult" good ("bonum arduum"), it is also an attractive
Supervacaneum ducimus hoc loco Nostra iterare monita, quae de cinematographicis ludis deque radiophonicis transmissionibus iam habuimus; de officiis scilicet, quibus hac in re spectatores, auditores, auctores necnon publicae rei Moderatores tenentur.
We consider it superfluous in this place to repeat the warnings with regard to film and radio programmes, which We have already given concerning the obligations binding, in this matter, on spectators, listeners, producers and State
Ex nihilismo illa opinio orta est de nullo officio definitive tenendo, quandoquidem fugacia et temporaria sunt omnia.
Nihilism is at the root of the widespread mentality which claims that a definitive commitment should no longer be made, because everything is fleeting and
Post quae rettulit Caesar capiendam virginem in locum Occiae, quae septem et quinquaginta per annos summa sanctimonia Vestalibus sacris praesederat; egitque grates Fonteio Agrippae et Domitio Pollioni quod offerendo filias de officio in rem publicam certarent.
Next the emperor brought forward a motion for the election of a Vestal virgin in the room of Occia, who for fifty-seven years had presided with the most immaculate virtue over the Vestal worship.latin-ancient latin-ancient
“Crescite et multiplicamini et replete terram et subicite eam” (Gen. 1, 28): hominis de vita officia
"Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it" (Gen 1:28): man's responsibility for
Quod ad hoc pertinet, non possumus solummodo monere de officio caritatis, id est de officio subveniendi per id « quod superest », et interdum etiam per id quod est « necessarium », ut res suppetant quae opus sunt ad pauperum vitam.
In this regard, it is not a matter of the duty of charity alone, that is, the duty to give from one's "abundance", and sometimes even out of one's needs, in order to provide what is essential for the life of a poor
Initium sumentes ab hac descriptione, quaedam iterum argumenta tractabimus quae e traditione Iudaea Christiana manant, ut congruentius nostrum de ambitu officium reddamus.
I will then consider some principles drawn from the Judaeo-Christian tradition which can render our commitment to the environment more
Doctrinam ea quidem ecclesiasticam complectuntur fere omnem ; exstant enim commentarii de sacris Scripturis deque mysteriis fidei, sermones de officiis deque interiore vita, de sacra liturgia lucubrationes, hymni in dies festos Domini, B. Mariae Virginis et Sanctorum, in pompas rogationum et paenitentiales, in defunctorum funera.
There are extant commentaries on Sacred Scripture and the mysteries of the faith; sermons on obligations and on the interior life; studies on the sacred liturgy; hymns for the feastdays of our Lord and of the Blessed Virgin and of the saints, for the processions of prayers and penitential days, for the funerals of the
Adhuc animis haerent ea, quae recens declaravimus, quibus addendus est nuntius abs te editus, cum secundum indiceretur decennium ad «Humanam Progressionem» fovendam; egimus enim de officiis, quibus omnes nationes tenentur ad gravem illam expediendam quaestionem de Nomine omni ex parte communique opera adiutrice promovendo.
Our recent declarations - to which has been added your message of a short time ago on the occasion of the launching of the Second Development Decade - particularly concerning the duties of the community of nations in the serious question of the integral and concerted development of man are still fresh in people's
Explicari nominatim possit nexus inter ea quae diximus de Eucharistiae effectibus in caritatem erga hominem et ea quae modo inculcavimus de officiis erga hominem et Ecclesiam acceptis in ipsa conamunione eucharistica indeque etiam imago effigi possit illius “terrae novae” quae ex Eucharistia per omnem “hominem novum” generatur.
In particular, it would be possible to link what has been said about the effects of the Eucharist on love for others with what we have just noted about commitments undertaken towards humanity and the Church in Eucharistic Communion, and then outline the picture of that "new earth"(34) that springs from the Eucharist through every "new self."(
Verba sunt quae vehementer communitatem christianam monent de officio curandi ut Eucharistia sedes fiat ubi fraternitas concreta fiat solidarietas, ubi novissimi sint primi in fratrum existimatione et dilectione, ubi Ipse Christus, per munificum donum a divitibus pauperioribus tributum, quodam modo, temporum decursu, miraculum multiplicationis panum iterare possit.
These words effectively remind the Christian community of the duty to make the Eucharist the place where fraternity becomes practical solidarity, where the last are the first in the minds and attentions of the brethren, where Christ himself — through the generous gifts from the rich to the very poor — may somehow prolong in time the miracle of the multiplication of the
Quotquot igitur ex ordine Cleri in erudienda multitudine elaborant, hunc locum de officiis civium enucleate pertractent, ut id persuasum penitusque comprehensum animo habeant universi, id omni munere vitae civilis fidem praestari, abstinentiam, integritatem oportere : quod enim privatis in rebus non licet, id nec in publicis licere.
Let those of the clergy, therefore, who are occupied with the instruction of the multitude, treat plainly this topic of the duties of citizens, so that all may understand and feel the necessity, in political life, of conscientiousness, self restraint, and integrity; for that cannot be lawful in public which is unlawful in private
Maria “audiebat verbum” Iesu: cum eos domi visit, ipse dicit Mariae agendi rationem “optimam partem”, esse, comparatam ad Marthae sollicitudinem de domus officiis (Cfr. Luc.
Mary "listened to the teaching" of Jesus: when he pays them a visit, he calls Mary's behaviour "the good portion" in contrast to Martha's preoccupation with domestic matters (
Episcopi officia de disciplina paenitentiali
The Bishop's responsibilities in the discipline of
Nemo in Christum credentium, nullum Ecclesiae institutum potest se subducere de hoc maximo officio: Christum omnibus populis nuntiandi.
No believer in Christ, no institution of the Church can avoid this supreme duty: to proclaim Christ to all
Officium de Liturgicis Celebrationibus Summi Pontificis
Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontifflangbot langbot
Patres synodales excitaverunt animos Episcoporum de eorum magisteriali officio ad rem moralem quod attinet.
The Synod Fathers also called the Bishops' attention to their magisterial responsibilities in the area of
Familia semper novam boni speciem pingit pro hominibus, eaque de causa novam officii conscientiam gignit.
The family always expresses a new dimension of good for mankind, and it thus creates a new
Omnes docentes et administratores, id temporis cum nominantur, monendi sunt de Instituti indole catholica deque eius consectariis, itemque de suo officio hanc indolem provehendi aut, saltem, observandi.
All teachers and all administrators, at the time of their appointment, are to be informed about the Catholic identity of the Institution and its implications, and about their responsibility to promote, or at least to respect, that
De priore autem officio, tanti ponderis tantaeque difficultatis, mentem Nostrani iam nuper quoque significavimus.
Regarding the first point, a grave and delicate one, We recently took occasion to manifest Our
Hoc autem mandatum Ecclesia persecuta, omni tempore, sed recentiore aetate copiosius, sive de matrimonii natura, sive de recto coniugum iurium usu, sive de ipsorum officiis congrua dedit documenta.(
In carrying out this mandate, the Church has always issued appropriate documents on the nature of marriage, the correct use of conjugal rights, and the duties of spouses. These documents have been more copious in recent
Deinde conscius de proprio officio quatenus attinet ad transmissionem et institutionem fidei, quilibet Episcopus curabit ut aequam adhibeant sollicitudinem omnes qui, propter propriam vocationem et missionem, ad fidem transmittendam vocantur.
Conscious, then, of his responsibility in the area of transmitting and teaching the faith, every Bishop must ensure that a corresponding concern is shown by all those who by their vocation and mission are called to hand down the
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