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Carolus Felix
Charles Felix of Sardinia
Faustus Cornelius Sulla Felix
Faustus Cornelius Sulla Felix
Felix Houphouët-Boigny
Félix Houphouët-Boigny
Felix de Hartmann
Felix von Hartmann
Felix · Félix Miéli Venerando
Felicem Natalem Christi
Merry Christmas
Felix de Blochausen
Félix de Blochausen


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Quoniam igitur tantum ii possunt religioni importare commodi, quibus cum catholicae professionis gratia felicem indolem ingenii benignum Numen impertiit, ideo in hac acerrima agitatione studiorum quae Scripturas quoquo modo attingunt, aptum sibi quisque eligant studii genus, in quo aliquando excellentes, obiecta in illas improbae scientiae tela, non sine gloria, repellant.
Seeing, then, that those can do so much for the advantage of religion on whom the goodness of Almighty God has bestowed, together with the grace of the faith, great natural talent, let such men, in this bitter conflict of which the Holy Scripture is the object, select each of them the branch of study most suitable to his circumstances, and endeavour to excel therein, and thus be prepared to repulse with credit and distinction the assaults on the Word of God.vatican.va vatican.va
Felix (nomen)
Felixlangbot langbot
Notitia conciliabuli apud Sanctum Felicem de Caraman celebrati
Council of Saint-Félixlangbot langbot
Bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria nube.
Let others wage wars, you, fortunate Austria, marry.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Et quid felicius desiderare possum?
What greater happiness can I desire?Literature Literature
Felix, qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas.
Happy is he who was able to learn the causes of things.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Felix sum.
I'm happy.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Locus Felix
Wallsee-Sindelburglangbot langbot
Industria oecumenica dierum nostrorum, id est propensio illa ad mutuam appropinquationem et communionem – maxime inter Ecclesias orbis occidentalis et orientalis – non potest nec omittere nec minuere momentum et utilitatem singulorum conatuum restituendae unitatis Ecclesiae qui superioribus facti sunt saeculis quique felicem – etsi partim tantum – eventum habuerunt.
But it is shown especially in the common prayer by which we are all united to carry out the will of our Lord expressed in his prayer: "Father... that they may be one" (Jn 17:11), The ecumenical work of our day, that is, that striving after mutual fellowship and communion, especially between the Churches of the West and East, cannot overlook or lessen the importance and usefulness of each of the attempts at restoring the unity of the Church which were made in the past and which—even if only partially—had happy results.vatican.va vatican.va
Conscii sunt scientiae artisque technicae progressum idem non esse ac humani generis historiaeque progressum, et perspiciunt alias esse vias fundamentales ad futurum felix aevum.
There is a growing awareness that scientific and technological progress cannot be equated with the progress of humanity and history, a growing sense that the way to a better future lies elsewhere.vatican.va vatican.va
Felix Bloch
Felix Blochlangbot langbot
Felices qui nullo modo possunt negari successus scientificae investigationes nec non horum temporum technologiae plurimum adiuverunt ut mens scientistica disseminaretur quae nullis iam videtur finibus circumscribi, cum in varias iam intraverit culturae formas et mutationes fundamentales ibi quoque effecerit.
The undeniable triumphs of scientific research and contemporary technology have helped to propagate a scientistic outlook, which now seems boundless, given its inroads into different cultures and the radical changes it has brought.vatican.va vatican.va
Nulla absolutio, quae ex indulgentibus doctrinis etiam philosophicis vel theologicis provenit, hominem vere felicem facere potest: una Crux gloriaque Christi ab inferis excitati, pacem eius conscientiae eiusque vitae salutem donare possunt.
No absolution offered by beguiling doctrines, even in the areas of philosophy and theology, can make man truly happy: only the Cross and the glory of the Risen Christ can grant peace to his conscience and salvation to his life.vatican.va vatican.va
Roma sub eius imperio placidissima et felicissima habebatur.
Robert and his family were among the most successful and prominent early settlers.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hac via, quam felix rerum usus non semel comprobavit, omni alacritate incedendum esse non est cnr ambigamus.
Upon this road so often tried by happy experience, there is no reason why we should hesitate to go forward with all speed.vatican.va vatican.va
[20]Vide Et quid quaeque ferat regio et quid quaeque recuset: Hic segetes, illic veniunt felicius uvae.
Vide ; Et quid quaeque ferat regio et quid quaeque recuset Hie segetes, illic veniunt felicius uvae.Literature Literature
Et quamvis illud « pro omnibus » partem habeat magnae spei – non possum, revera, adversus alios et sine iisdem felix fieri – verum manet spem, quae ad me directe non pertinet, ne veram quidem esse spem.
And however much “for all” may be part of the great hope—since I cannot be happy without others or in opposition to them—it remains true that a hope that does not concern me personally is not a real hope.vatican.va vatican.va
Inquam. — Feliciores, inquit, esse improbos supplicia luentes quam si eos nulla iustitiae poena coherceat.
"""Feliciores,"" inquit, ""esse improbos supplicia luentes quam si eos nulla iustitiae poena coerceat."Literature Literature
Felicem cursum tibi opto.
Have a good trip.tatoeba tatoeba
Tutor Trevirorum copias, recenti Vangionum, Caeracatium, Tribocorum dilectu auctas, veterano pedite atque equite firmavit, corruptis spe aut metu subactis legionariis; qui primo cohortem praemissam a Sextilio Felice interficiunt, mox ubi duces exercitusque Romanus propinquabant, honesto transfugio rediere, secutis Tribocis Vangionibusque et Caeracatibus.
Their first act was to cut to pieces a cohort, which had been sent on in advance by Sextilius Felix; soon afterwards, however, on the approach of the Roman generals at the head of their army, they returned to their duty by an act of honourable desertion, and the Triboci, Vangiones, and Caeracates, followed their example.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quare Ecclesia aptiores amplioresque rationes praeparationis ad matrimonium provehat oportet ut, quantum fieri possit, amoveantur difficultates, quibus plurimi coniuges premuntur, atque etiam amplius certe foveatur ortus et auctus matrimoniorum, quae felicem exitum habent.
The Church must therefore promote better and more intensive programs of marriage preparation, in order to eliminate as far as possible the difficulties that many married couples find themselves in, and even more in order to favor positively the establishing and maturing of successful marriages.vatican.va vatican.va
Felix Faure
Félix Faurelangbot langbot
Felix IV
Pope Felix IVlangbot langbot
Ac ne fortunam quidem vatum et illud felix contubernium comparare timuerim cum inquieta et anxia oratorum vita.
Look again at the poet's lot, with its delightful companionships. I should not be afraid of comparing it with the harassing and anxious life of the orator.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ken felix est.
Ken is happy.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
209 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.