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Denique, ut Cardinales electores cavere possint ab aliorum imprudenta nec non ab insidiis, quas facultati suo ipsorum utendi iudicio et libertati decernendi fortasse parari contingat, omnino interdicimus, ne in illis locis in quibus electio peragitur introducantur, sub quolibet praetextu, nec, si ibi forte iam exstent, adhibeantur quaelibet genera instrumentorum vocibus vel imaginibus vel scriptionibus mechanice imprimendis, reddendis, transmittendis.
Finally, in order that the Cardinal electors may be protected from the indiscretion of others and from possible threats to their independence of judgment and freedom of decision, I absolutely forbid the introduction into the place of the election, under whatsoever pretext, or the use, should they have been introduced, of technical instruments of any kind for the recording, reproducing or transmitting of sound, visual images or
Verumtamen oblivisci nefas est Apostoli voces semper valere: “Flecto genua mea ad Patrem, ex quo omnis paternitas in caelis et in terra nominatur”.
At the same time, however, we cannot forget the perennial validity of the words of the Apostle: "I bow my knees before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named"
Una cum precibus, coetus synodalis vocem suam intendit, ut omne violentiae genus damnaretur ultimaeque eius radices ostendenderentur in hominis peccato positae esse.
Together with its prayers, the Synodal assembly spoke out in condemnation of all forms of violence and identified their ultimate source in human
Inter varias technicas artes, quae cogitata hominum propagant, illae hodie peculiarem locum occupant, ut diximus, quae cum auribus unaque simul cum oculis, per voces nempe imaginesque, omne genus nuntios quam latissime communicant.
Among the various technical arts which transmit the ideas of men, those occupy a special place today, as We said, which communicate as widely as possible news of all kinds to ears and eyes by means of sounds and
In Iesu Christi crucifixi resuscitatique nomine, in operis messianici eius spiritu, quod in generis humani permanet historia, vocem nostram precemque attollimus, ut hoc in tempore historiae rursus adhuc ille reveletur amor, qui in Patre est, per Filiumque ac Spiritum Sanctum praesens demonstretur in mundo hodierno et potentior omni malo: peccato videlicet potentior ac morte.
In the name of Jesus Christ crucified and risen, in the spirit of His messianic mission, enduring in the history of humanity, we raise our voices and pray that the Love which is in the Father may once again be revealed at this stage of history, and that, through the work of the Son and Holy Spirit, it may be shown to be present in our modern world and to be more powerful than evil: more powerful than sin and
Scilicet illo igne vocem populi Romani et libertatem senatus et conscientiam generis humani aboleri arbitrabantur, expulsis insuper sapientiae professoribus atque omni bona arte in exilium acta, ne quid usquam honestum occurreret.
They fancied, forsooth; that in that fire the voice of the Roman people, the freedom of the Senate, and the conscience of the human race were perishing, while at the same time they banished the teachers of philosophy, and exiled every noble pursuit, that nothing good might anywhere confront them.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Itaque, si verum quaeritur, pareat primum omnium Iesu Christo, in eiusque magisterio secura conquiescat humana ratio, propterea quod Christi voce loquitur ipsa veritas. — Innumerabilia genera sunt, in quibus humani facultas ingenii, velut in uberrimo campo et quidem suo, investigando contemplandoque, libere excurrat, idque non solum concedente, sed plane postulante natura.
Wherefore if the Truth be sought by the human intellect, it must first of all submit it to Jesus Christ, and securely rest upon His teaching, since therein Truth itself speaketh. There are innumerable and extensive fields of thought, properly belonging to the human mind, in which it may have free scope for its investigations and speculations, and that not only agreeably to its nature, but even by a necessity of its
Hoc idem genus communicationis commonere debet pastores ipsos, Episcopos praesertim et presbyteros, Ecclesiam in mundum mitti ut loquatur, ut Evangelium vocibus gestibusque praedicet.
This same kind of communication must remind pastors, especially Bishops and priests, that the Church is sent to speak, to preach the Gospel in words and
Ex quibus inventis alia hominum vires potentiamque adaugent atque multiplicant ; alia eorum vitae condiciones meliores efficiunt; alia denique, cum animum potissimum respiciant, vel per se, vel per artificiosas imagines ac voces multitudines ipsas attingunt, et cum iisdem cuiusvis generis nuntios, cogitata et praecepta facilitate summa communicant, quibus veluti mentis pabulo enutriantur per requietis etiam ac relaxationis horas.
Of these inventions, some increase and multiply the strength and power of men; others improve their conditions of life; while others - and these particularly concern the mind - reach the mass of the people themselves, either directly or through the pictures and sounds they produce, and convey to them in a form easy to understand, the news, thoughts and usages of every nation, and by these means provide, as it were, food for the mind especially during the hours of rest and
Actionibus in sacris etiam corporea natura ad laudem vocatur ac venustas ea, quae in Oriente una habetur carissimarum vocum ut divina consonantia exprimatur atque exemplum etiam transformati hominum generis (Cfr. CLEMENTIS ALEXANDRINI Paedagogus, III, 1, 1: SCh 158, 12), ubique conspicitur: in aedium structuris, in sonis et coloribus, in luce et fragrantiis.
In the sacred act, even bodiliness is summoned to praise, and beauty, which in the East is one of the best loved names expressing the divine harmony and the model of humanity transfigured,(30) appears everywhere: in the shape of the church, in the sounds, in the colors, in the lights, in the
Hinc ille gestus non sedatus et gravis, sed qualis in scaena aut in concione populari solet agi; hinc illae vocis vel remissiones molliorès, vel contentiones tragicae; hinc illud orationis genus proprium ephemeridum; hinc sententiarum illa copia ab impiorum et acatholicorum petita scriptis, non a divinis Litteris, non a Sanctis Patribus; hinc denique illa et, quae ab eorum plerisque usurpatur volubilitas tanta verborum, qua obtundant quidem aures et admirationem moveant audientibus, sed nihil his boni afferant quod domum reportent.
[II Tim. vi:3] Hence that unrestrained and undignified gesture such as may be seen on the stage or on the hustings, that effeminate lowering of the voice or those tragic outbursts; that diction peculiar to journalism; those frequent allusions to profane and non-Catholic literature, but not to the Sacred Scriptures or the Holy Fathers; finally that volubility of utterance often affected by them, wherewith they strike the ears and gain their hearers' admiration, but give them no lesson to carry
Una autem hoc cum iure quod — uti efferri decet — Pontifex aperte opificibus adsignat sive, nempe secundum ipsius vocem, `proletariis', adfirmantur consimili claritate ius quoque ne opus « in plures extrahatur horas », ius ad quiescendi intervalla, ius diversum puerorum et decus in muliebri genere, quantum naturam attingit diuturnitatemque operis (21).
Together with this right, which — it must be stressed — the Pope explicitly acknowledges as belonging to workers, or, using his own language, to "the working class", the Encyclical affirms just as clearly the right to the "limitation of working hours", the right to legitimate rest and the right of children and women21 to be treated differently with regard to the type and duration of
In manus huius Matris, cuius vox « Fiat » exordium fuit illius « plenitudinis temporum », in qua a Christo perfecta est hominis reconciliatio cum Deo, in eius Cor Immaculatum, cui iterato totum commendavimus hominum genus peccato conturbatum disruptumque tot contentionibus ac dimicationibus, tradimus nunc peculiari ratione hanc intentionem: ut, ipsa deprecante, ipsum hominum genus conversionis viam, quae una perducere eos poterit ad plenam reconciliationem, detegat atque percurrat.
Into the hands of this mother, whose fiat marked the beginning of that "fullness of time" in which Christ accomplished the reconciliation of humanity with God, to her immaculate heart-to which we have repeatedly entrusted the whole of humanity, disturbed by sin and tormented by so many tensions and conflicts-I now in a special way entrust this intention: that through her intercession humanity may discover and travel the path of penance, the only path that can lead it to full
Omnes enim, quotquot sunt, Iesus Christus a peccati servitute, profuso in pretium suo sanguine, liberavit; nec vero est ullus, qui a beneficiis redemptionis huius exceptione excludatur: itaque genus humanum divinus Pastor partim Ecclesiae suae caulis iam feliciter inclusum habet, partim se eodem compulsurum amantissime affirmat: Et alias oves habeo, quae non sunt ex hoc ovili: et illas oportet me adducere, et vocem meam audient [2]. — Equidem, non vos hoc celabimus, venerabiles Fratres: ante omnia, divina certe benignitate excitatum, sensimus in animo incredibilem quemdam studii et amoris impetum ad cunctorum salutem hominum quaerendam; atque illud ipsum fuit Nostrum in Pontificatu suscipiendo votum, quod Iesu, mox crucem subeuntis, fuerat: Pater sancte, serva eos in nomine tuo, quos dedisti mihi [3].
For the whole of mankind was freed from the slavery of sin by the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ as their ransom, and there is no one who is excluded from the benefit of this Redemption: hence the Divine Pastor has one part of the human race already happily sheltered within the fold, the others He declares He will lovingly urge to enter therein: "and other sheep I have, that are not of this fold; them also must I bring, and they shall hear my voice" (John x. 16)
15 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.