Honoris causa oor Engels

Honoris causa

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honorary degree

degree awarded waiving requirements to honour an individual

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honoris causa

Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

for the sake of honor

Said of an honorary title, such as "Doctor of Science honoris causa".

honoris causa

adjective noun
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1993: Honoris Causa Doctor ab Universitate Valentiae.
1993, Honoris Causa Doctor by the Universitat de València.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Anno 2012, Universitas Yalensis Doctoratum Litterarum honoris causa ei concessit.
On 14 April 2012 Rhodes University conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Species typica est K. richardsoni, honoris causa Scoti Richardson, voluntarii qui specimen holotypicum et multa alia fossilia apud monumentum repperit.
The type species is K. richardsoni, named in honor of Scott Richardson, a volunteer who discovered the holotype specimen and many other fossils within the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Die 19 Iulii 1873, Gulielmus Gosse metator Uluru primum contigit, quod nominavit Ayers Rock honoris causa Henrici Ayers Equitis, secretarii praecipui Australiae Australis.
On 19 July 1873, the surveyor William Gosse sighted the landmark and named it Ayers Rock in honour of the then Chief Secretary of South Australia, Sir Henry Ayers.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Domina Post fuit mater domestica honoris causa Sigma Beta Epsilon, primae collegii fraternitatis, quae anno 1969 facta est Novi Eboraci capitulum beta fraternitatis Sigma Alpha Epsilon, maximae Civitatum Foederatarum fraternitatis.
Post served as the honorary house mother of the college's first local fraternity, Sigma Beta Epsilon, which, in 1969, became the New York Beta chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Per negotia rustica et conventus syndicati, mulieres cenas ferebant et inter se certabant ut probarent quam gregem maxime pascere potuerit, et agricolae post negotia intente disceptabant de quibus honoris causa eorum hospites nocte domi fuerint.
At rural affairs and union meetings, the farm women would bring "suppers" and would vie with each other to see who could feed the troupe most, and after the affair the farmers would have earnest discussions about who would have the honor of taking them home for the night.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A die 3 Septembris 2001, respublicae Israel et Georgia coniuncte notas postalicas honoris Rustaveli causa distribuunt.
On September 3, 2001, Israel and Georgia jointly issued postage stamps to honor Shota Rustaveli.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ac spem fovemus bonam fore ut ardor ille, quo tenebrarum filii ad suas athei materialismi fallacias propagandas die noctuque allaborant, stimulos filiis lucis admoveat, quibus ad non dissimile studium, immo etiam vehementius, divini honoris causa impellantur.
We cherish the firm hope that the fanaticism with which the sons of darkness work day and night at their materialistic and atheistic propaganda will at least serve the holy purpose of stimulating the sons of light to a like and even greater zeal for the honor of the Divine Majesty.vatican.va vatican.va
Ioannes Pascoli natus est Sancti Mauri in Flaminia (honoris eius causa renominatus Sanctus Maurus Pascoli anno 1932), in familiam prosperam.
Giovanni Pascoli was born at San Mauro di Romagna (renamed "San Mauro Pascoli" in his honor in 1932), into a well-to-do family.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
nec ideo sincerae caritatis fidem adsecutus amoliri iuvenem specie honoris statuit struxitque causas aut forte oblatas arripuit.
Still, failing to obtain credit for sincere affection, he resolved to get the young prince out of the way, under pretence of conferring distinction, and for this he invented reasons, or eagerly fastened on such as chance presented.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Caesar honoris Diviciaci atque Haeduorum causa sese eos in fidem recepturum et conservaturum dixit, et quod erat civitas magna inter Belgas auctoritate atque hominum multitudine praestabat, DC obsides poposcit.
Caesar said that on account of his respect for Divitiacus and the Aeduans, he would receive them into his protection, and would spare them; but, because the state was of great influence among the Belgae, and pre-eminent in the number of its population, he demanded 600 hostages.latin-ancient latin-ancient
sciscitanti causam apud Caecinam Tuscum epulari multos, praecipuum honore Iunium Blaesum nuntiatur; cetera in maius, de apparatu et solutis in lasciviam animis.
Inquiring the cause, he was told that Caecina Tuscus was entertaining a large party, of whom Junius Blaesus was the most distinguished.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Nemini sane civi optimo non id in votis fuerit, ut, sublatis dissentiendi causis, suus Ecclesiae ne abnuatur honos, ex quo pariter civitati luculentius niteat suus, in foedere ductique avitae religionis.
For surely all good citizens pray that by removing causes for disagreement, the Church will not be denied its proper honor. Then the proper honor of the state too will shine more brilliantly in alliance with and under the guidance of the ancestral religion.vatican.va vatican.va
Etenim ipsae christianae communitates id agere debent, ut propriae regionis statum ex rei ventate perscrutentur, ut eum luce immutabilium Evangelii verborum illustrent, ut principia cogitandi, iudicandi normas, regulas operandi e sociali doctrina Ecclesiae hauriant; doctrinam dicimus eau, quae temporum cursu est confecta, maxime vero hac machinaria aetate, ex illo scilicet die, historia digno, quo Leo XIII «de opificum condition» nuntium edidit, cuius anniversariam memoriam recolere est Nobis hodie et honoris et laetitiae causa.
It is up to the Christian communities to analyze with objectivity the situation which is proper to their own country, to shed on it the light of the Gospel's unalterable words and to draw principles of reflection, norms of judgment and directives for action from the social teaching of the Church. This social teaching has been worked out in the course of history and notably, in this industrial era, since the historic date of the message of Pope Leo XIII on "the condition of the workers", and it is an honor and joy for us to celebrate today the anniversary of that message.vatican.va vatican.va
Sequuntur virorum inlustrium mortes, Domitii Afri et M. Servilii, qui summis honoribus et multa eloquentia viguerant, ille orando causas, Servilius diu foro, mox tradendis rebus Romanis celebris et elegantia vitae, quod clariorem effecit, ut par ingenio, ita morum diversus.
Then followed the deaths of two illustrious men, Domitius Afer and Marcus Servilius, who had flourished through a career of the highest honours and great eloquence. The first was a pleader; Servilius, after long practice in the courts, distinguished himself by his history of Rome and by the refinement of his life, which the contrast of his character to that of Afer, whom he equalled in genius, rendered the more conspicuous.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Honor igitur esto silenti huic Fratrum nostrorum agmini, qui per sacramentalis Paenitentiae ministerium reconciliationis causae egregie servierunt ac cotidie serviunt!
Praise then to this silent army of our brothers who have served well and serve each day the cause of reconciliation through the ministry of sacramental penance!vatican.va vatican.va
Titus Vespasianus, e Iudaea incolumi adhuc Galba missus a patre, causam profectionis officium erga principem et maturam petendis honoribus iuventam ferebat, sed vulgus fingendi avidum disperserat accitum in adoptionem.
Titus Vespasian had been sent from Judaea by his father while Galba still lived, and alleged as a reason for his journey the homage due to the Emperor, and his age, which now qualified him to compete for office.latin-ancient latin-ancient
His igitur et honoribus et ornamentis et facultatibus refertas domos eorum videmus, qui se ab ineunte adulescentia causis forensibus et oratorio studio dederunt.
It is these honours and splendours, aye and substantial wealth, that we see filling the homes of those who from early youth have given themselves to practice at the bar and to the study of oratory.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hisce de causis Nostrarum esse partium ducimus, debito honore augere sive eos viros qui, divini Redemptoris amore impulsi, veluti eius praenuntii sunt putandi, aequo saepius ignorati, sive eos qui, illorum exempla aemulati, vestigia persecuti, nostro etiam tempore se iis quodammodo in magnanimam gratuitamque servitutem dicant, quibus Christi Evangelium nuntiant.
So We deem it fitting to praise those oft forgotten pioneers who were motivated by love for Christ, just as We honor their imitators and successors who today continue to put themselves at the generous and unselfish service of those to whom they preach the Gospel.vatican.va vatican.va
Id igitur in causa est, cur Nobis, ut propitiam christiano populo hanc potentissimam Reginam habeamus, mens sit ac propositum Eam maiori semper honore sub Rosarii nomine prosequendi, eiusque augendi cultum.
And to make this most powerful Queen more and more propitious, We would honour her more and more in the invocation of the Rosary, and increase this devotion.vatican.va vatican.va
Insequente praetura ampliato honore vectigalia quae Metellus inposuisset, a senatu petisse et eius pecuniae provinciam liberasse simulque patrocinio suscepto multis legationibus ab se in senatum inductis simul publicis privatisque causis multorum inimicitiis susceptis defendisse.
In fine, that when he was consul, he had, though absent, rendered the province all the services in his power; that instead of making a suitable return for so many favors, they had always discovered the utmost ingratitude both toward him and the people of Rome; as well in this last war as the preceding.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ista quidem, quae in conspectu Ecclesiae universae dedistis, fidei, constantiae magnique animi praeclara documenta, sciatis cum voluptati bonis omnibus, tum vobis honori, tum ipsi laboranti Lusitaniae emolumento fuisse non mediocri. — Quare pergite, ut instituistis, Religionis causam, quacum salus ipsa communis patriae connexa est, agere pro viribus: sed videte in primis, ut et ipsi inter vos, et christianus populus vobiscum, et omnes cum hac Beati Petri Cathedra summam consensionem et concordiam retineatis diligenter et confirmetis.
Wherefore, continue as you have begun, to defend with all your might the cause of religion with which the very welfare of your common fatherland is bound up; but see to it, first and above all else, that you carefully preserve and strengthen the greatest concord and unity between yourselves, then between yourselves and Christian people, and all of you with this See of Blessed Peter.vatican.va vatican.va
Hunc etsi augurem prius faetum quam Italiam attingeret in itinere audierat, tamen non minus iustam sibi causam municipia et colonias adeundi existimavit, ut eis gratias ageret, quod frequentiam atque officium suum Antonio praestitissent, simulque se et honorem suum sequentis anni commendaret, propterea quod insolenter adversarii sui gloriarentur L. Lentulum et C. Marcellum consules creatos qui omnem honorem et dignitatem Caesaris spoliarent, ereptum Ser.
Though Caesar heard on the road, before he reached Italy that he was created augur, yet he thought himself in honor bound to visit the free towns and colonies, to return them thanks for rendering such service to Antonius by their presence in such great numbers [at the election], and at the same time to recommend to them himself, and his honor in his suit for the consulate the ensuing year.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quandoquidem et perversitate scholarum, quibus aetatula cerea fingitur, et improbitate scriptorum, quibus, quotidie aut per intervalla, imperitae multitudinis mens formatur, et aliarum causa rerum, ad quas opinio popularis exigitur, quando, inquimus, ille infusus est animis perniciosissimus error, non sperandum esse homini sempiternum aevum in quo beatus sit; hic, hic licere ei esse beato, divitiis, honoribus, voluptatibus huius vitae fruendis; nemo mirabitur hos homines, natura factos ad beatitatem, ea vi qua ad eorum adeptionem bonorum rapiuntur, eadem quicquid sibi moram in hac re aut impediment um fecerit, repellere.
15. Once the plastic minds of children have been moulded by godless schools, and the ideas of the inexperienced masses have been formed by a bad daily or periodical press, and when by means of all the other influences which direct public opinion, there has been instilled into the minds of men that most pernicious error that man must not hope for a state of eternal happiness; but that it is here, here below, that he is to be happy in the enjoyment of wealth and honour and pleasure: what wonder that those men whose very nature was made for happiness should with all the energy which impels them to seek that very good, break down whatever delays or impedes their obtaining it.vatican.va vatican.va
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