Nona oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels


Charlton T. Lewis

5th elsewhen

Piotr Szelma

7th of month

Piotr Szelma

En 4 vertalings meer. Besonderhede is ter wille van die beknoptheid verborge

July · March · May · ninth day before the ides

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Noun, Syfer

Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels


adjective noun
Hunc ad egrediendum nequaquam idoneum locum arbitratus, dum reliquae naves eo convenirent ad horam nonam in ancoris expectavit.
Considering this by no means a fit place for disembarking, he remained at anchor till the ninth hour, for the other ships to arrive there.



see nonus

Charlton T. Lewis
feminine of nōnus

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Soortgelyke frases

nonum decimum
nonum ddecimum
nona decima
nonus decimus
nineteen · nineteenth
Castrum ad Nonum
Castello di Annone
9th · ninth


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Ex anno millesimo nongentesimo octogesimo nono hic sunt.
They have been here since 1989.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Castrum ad Nonum
Castello di Annonelangbot langbot
In Hemisphaerio Septentrionali, Cingulum Orionis in caelo nocturno optime videtur per mensem Ianuarium, circa hora nona vespere.
In the Northern Hemisphere, Orion's Belt is best visible in the night sky during the month of January around 9:00 pm, when it is approximately around the local meridian.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Castrorum sic situs erat. Superioribus diebus nona Caesaris legio, cum se obiecisset Pompeianis copiis atque opere, ut demonstravimus, circummuniret, castra eo loco posuit.
The situation of the two camps was as follows: a few days before, when Caesar's ninth legion had opposed a party of Pompey's troops, and were endeavoring to inclose them, Caesar's troops formed a camp in that place.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Datum Romæ, apud Sanctum Petrum, die nona mensis Octobris anno Domini bis millesimo quinto, Pontificatus Nostri primo.
Given at St Peter's in Rome, 9 October in the year of the Lord 2005, the first of Our
Ex Aedibus Vaticanis, die vicesimo nono mensis Martii, quarta Dominica Quadragesimae, anno millesimo nongentesimo nonagesimo secundo, Pontificatus Nostri quarto decimo.
Given at the Vatican, on 29 March, the Fourth Sunday of Lent, in the year 1992, the fourteenth of my
Anno millesimo nongentesimo septuagesimo nono natus sum.
I was born in 1979.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Ex Aedibus Vaticanis, die v mensis Iunii, anno Domini MCMLXXXVII, Pontificatus Nostri nono.
From the Vatican, 5 June 1987, in the ninth year of my
Drusus deinde extinguitur, cum se miserandis alimentis, mandendo e cubili tomento, nonum ad diem detinuisset.
Next Drusus perished, after having prolonged life for eight days on the most wretched of food, even chewing the stuffing, his bed.latin-ancient latin-ancient
isque primus principatus dies in posterum celebratus, quamvis Iudaicus exercitus quinto nonas Iulias apud ipsum iurasset, eo ardore ut ne Titus quidem filius expectaretur, Syria remeans et consiliorum inter Mucianum ac patrem nuntius.
That day was ever after celebrated as the first of his reign, though the army of Judaea on July 3rd took the oath to Vespasian in person with such eager alacrity that they would not wait for the return of his son Titus, who was then on his way back from Syria, acting as the medium between Mucianus and his father for the communication of their plans.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Interim ad Labienum per Remos incredibili celeritate de victoria Caesaris fama perfertur, ut, cum ab hibernis Ciceronis milia passuum abesset circiter LX, eoque post horam nonam diei Caesar pervenisset, ante mediam noctem ad portas castrorum clamor oreretur, quo clamore significatio victoriae gratulatioque ab Remis Labieno fieret.
In the mean while the report respecting the victory of Caesar is conveyed to Labienus through the country of the Remi with incredible speed, so that, though he was about sixty miles distant from the winter-quarter of Cicero, and Caesar had arrived there after the ninth hour, before midnight a shout arose at the gates of the camp, by which shout an indication of the victory and a congratulation on the part of the Remi were given to Labienus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
In his cum legio Caesaris nona praesidium quoddam occupavisset et munire coepisset, huic loco propinquum et contrarium collem Pompeius occupavit nostrosque opere prohibere coepit et, cum una ex parte prope aequum aditum haberet, primum sagittariis funditoribusque circumiectis, postea levis armaturae magna multitudine missa tormentisque prolatis munitiones impediebat; neque erat facile nostris uno tempore propugnare et munire.
In one of these, when Caesar's ninth legion had gained a certain post, and had begun to fortify it, Pompey possessed himself of a hill near to and opposite the same place, and endeavored to annoy the men while at work; and as the approach on one side was almost level, he first surrounded it with archers and slingers, and afterward by detaching a strong party of light infantry, and using his engines, he stopped our works; and it was no easy matter for our men at once to defend themselves, and to proceed with their fortifications.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Cocus ille nundinalest, in nonum diem 325 solet ire eoetum.
ANT. cocus ille nundinalest, in nonum diem solet ire coctum.Literature Literature
Datum ex Arce Gandulphi, prope Romam, die XX mensis Novembris, anno MDCCCCXXXXVII, Pontificatus Nostri nono.
Given at Castel Gandolfo, near Rome, on the 20th day of November in the year 1947, the 9th of Our
Potest enim ut nonae, velut calendae idusque, instituta essent secundum vices lunae.
Generally, these are weekend rentals only as the school still gives classes from Monday to Friday.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Itaque usus singulari militum studio eodem, quo venerat, die post horam nonam oppidum altissimis moenibus oppugnare aggressus ante solis oocasum expugnavit et ad diripiendum militibus concessit statimque ab oppido castra movit et Metropolim venit, sic ut nuntios expugnati oppidi famamque antecederet.
Accordingly, taking advantage of the unusual ardor of the soldiers, he began his assault on the town at a little after three o'clock on the very day on which he arrived, and took it, though defended with very high walls, before sunset, and gave it up to his army to plunder, and immediately decamped from before it, and marched to Metropolis, with such rapidity as to outstrip any messenger or rumor of the taking of Gomphi.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Itaque peculiari hac “vitalitate” Sancti Stanislai, Patroni Polonorum, innixi – nono revoluto saeculo ab eius testimonio, quod vita et morte reddidit sua – oportet Deo uni in Trinitate, per Matrem Christi et Ecclesiae, exhibeamus quidquid effecit et continenter constituit amplissimam hereditatem, quam historia salutis in regione Polonica cum anno MLXXIX conexuit.
And so, supported by this special "vitality" of Saint Stanislaus, Patron of Poland—on the occasion of the ninth centenary of the witness he gave by his life and death—we must make known, as the vast heritage which the history of salvation in Poland has connected with the year 1079, that which through the Mother of Christ and of the Church, he accomplished and continually consolidated for God who is one and
Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Petrum, die XXIX mensis Iunii, in sollemnitate Sanctorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli, anno MCMLXXI, Pontificatus Nostri nono.
From the Vatican, on the Feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, 29 June 1971, in the ninth year of our
Si forte hostes trium legionum numero posset elicere ad dimicandum, agminis ordinem ita constituit, ut legio septima, octava, nona ante omnia irent impedimenta, deinde omnium impedimentorum agmen, quod tamen erat mediocre, ut in expeditionibus esse consuevit, cogeret undecima, ne maioris multitudinis species accidere hostibus posset quam ipsi depoposcissent.
In order if possible to entice the enemy to an engagement by the appearance of only three legions, he ranged his army in the following manner, that the seventh, eighth, and ninth legions should march before all the baggage; that then the eleventh should bring up the rear of the whole train of baggage (which however was but small, as is usual on such expeditions), so that the enemy could not get a sight of a greater number than they themselves were willing to encounter.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Abbreviatio est ante diem IV Nonas Iunias.
Abbreviated form of ante diem IV Nonas Maias.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aperi librum tuum ad paginam nonam.
Open your book to page nine.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Ipso quidem anno, quo Ecclesia ibi constituta nonum saeculum celebrat expletum ex quo idem Sanctus Stanislaus, Episcopus Cracoviensis, martyrio est coronatus, fieri non potest, ut vox desit Episcopi Romani ac beati Petri successoris.
It cannot be that the voice of the Bishop of Rome and successor of Blessed Peter should be silent in the very year in which the Church founded there celebrates the ninth centenary of the martyrdom of the same Saint Stanislaus, Bishop of
Lapis Rosettae anno millesimo septingentesimo nonagesimo nono reperta est.
The Rosetta Stone was found in 1799.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Scholae nona hora incipiunt.
School begins at 9.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Condita est die nono mensis Iunii anni 1905 et in tertia categoria Italici pediludii (italice: serie C1) ludit.
For the 1913–14 season they were entered into a FIGC organised league in the form of the Terza Categoria, which at the time was the third level of Italian football (today's equivalent is Serie C1).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
75 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.