Opes naturales oor Engels

Opes naturales

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production resources
In hoc possessionis genere divitiae consistunt Nationum ad quaestuosae industriae incrementa provectarum, multo magis quam in possessione opum naturalium.
The wealth of the industrialized nations is based much more on this kind of ownership than on natural resources.

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Opes naturales proprietas civitatis per constitutionem sunt.
By their nature, apostolic constitutions are addressed to the public.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Venetiola sua industria petrolifera, sua ambitali? diversitate, et suis opibus naturalibus notissima est.
Today, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is known widely for its petroleum industry, the environmental diversity of its territory, and its natural features.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In hoc possessionis genere divitiae consistunt Nationum ad quaestuosae industriae incrementa provectarum, multo magis quam in possessione opum naturalium.
The wealth of the industrialized nations is based much more on this kind of ownership than on natural resources.vatican.va vatican.va
Maxime igitur incomrnodum videtur aequum accessum adipisci ad mercaturam internationalem, positum quidem non in principio illo — unam tantum partem spectante — opibus naturalibus abutendi, sed potius in aestimatione opum humanarum (72).
It seems therefore that the chief problem is that of gaining fair access to the international market, based not on the unilateral principle of the exploitation of the natural resources of these countries but on the proper use of human resources.72vatican.va vatican.va
Alia hodiernae condicionis indicia ad deficientes naturales opes attinent.
Other indicators of the present situation have to do with the depletion of natural resources.vatican.va vatican.va
Conatus ad tolerabilem naturalium opum usum non sunt inutile impendium, sed bonorum collocatio, quae alia oeconomica beneficia brevi offerre potest.
Efforts to promote a sustainable use of natural resources are not a waste of money, but rather an investment capable of providing other economic benefits in the medium term.vatican.va vatican.va
Homo terrae quidem iam eo ipso dominatur quod animalia mansuefacit, ea nutricans indeque cibum et indumenta capiens necessaria, et eo quod e terra et mari varii generis opes elicit naturales.
Man dominates the earth by the very fact of domesticating animals, rearing them and obtaining from them the food and clothing he needs, and by the fact of being able to extract various natural resources from the earth and the seas.vatican.va vatican.va
Oecologica cultura redigi nequit ad seriem urgentium partialiumque responsionum ad quaestiones quae oriuntur de ambitus degradatione, naturalium opum absumptione atque contaminatione.
Ecological culture cannot be reduced to a series of urgent and partial responses to the immediate problems of pollution, environmental decay and the depletion of natural resources.vatican.va vatican.va
Hoc rerum in contextu Documentum Apparitiopolitanum requirit “ut ne in naturalibus opibus tractandis praevaleant coetuum oeconomicorum emolumenta, quae irrationabiliter vitae delent fontes”.[
The Aparecida Document urges that “the interests of economic groups which irrationally demolish sources of life should not prevail in dealing with natural resources”.[vatican.va vatican.va
Naturales Cameroniae opes optime idoneae agriculturae et arboriculturae sunt.
Cameroon's natural resources are very well suited to agriculture and arboriculture.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sed non minus patet summos illos conatus irritos futuros fuisse vanosque, immo vero ne tentari quidem potuisse, nisi Creator omnium Deus pro sua bonitate divitias et supellectilem naturalem, opes ac vires naturae, prius fuisset largitus.
But it is no less evident that, had not God the Creator of all things, in keeping with His goodness, first generously bestowed natural riches and resources - the wealth and forces of nature - such supreme efforts would have been idle and vain, indeed could never even have begun.vatican.va vatican.va
Si naturam ambitumque adimus stupore dempto et admiratione, si fraternitatis pulchritudinisque verba in nostra cum mundo necessitudine amplius non proferimus, nostri mores erunt illius qui dominatur, consumit vel solum naturalibus opibus abutitur, ac sua commoda proxima continere non valet.
If we approach nature and the environment without this openness to awe and wonder, if we no longer speak the language of fraternity and beauty in our relationship with the world, our attitude will be that of masters, consumers, ruthless exploiters, unable to set limits on their immediate needs.vatican.va vatican.va
24] Laudabile est studium internationalium institutionum civiliumque societatis institutorum, quae populos concitant atque scienter cooperantur, etiam coercitionis legitimis adhibitis instrumentis, ut omne regimen proprium et non transmittendum officium gerat loca servandi aeque ac naturales opes propriae Nationis, illicitis locorum exterarumque Nationum repulsis emolumentis.
24] We cannot fail to praise the commitment of international agencies and civil society organizations which draw public attention to these issues and offer critical cooperation, employing legitimate means of pressure, to ensure that each government carries out its proper and inalienable responsibility to preserve its country’s environment and natural resources, without capitulating to spurious local or international interests.vatican.va vatican.va
Adest enim verum “oecologicum debitum”, potissimum inter septentrionalem et meridianam orbis partem, quod cum perturbationibus mercatus oecologicum ambitum deformantibus, nec non cum inaequli naturalium usu opum sociatur, quibus nonnullae Nationes historice fruuntur.
A true “ecological debt” exists, particularly between the global north and south, connected to commercial imbalances with effects on the environment, and the disproportionate use of natural resources by certain countries over long periods of time.vatican.va vatican.va
Nostrae aetatis homo, praesertim in provincia technici cultus atque industriae quaestuosae usquequaque progressae, factus maximum in modum est explorator ipsius naturae, quam haud raro ad proprias utilitates tractat, dum sic plures eius opes ac venustates delet et loca ipsa naturalia suae terrestris vitae coinquinat.
Man today, especially in the context of highly developed technical and industrial civilization, has become the explorer of nature on a grand scale, often treating it in a utilitarian way, thus destroying many of its treasures and attractions and polluting the natural environment of earthly existence.vatican.va vatican.va
131] Id potissimum vim habet si inceptum quoddam incrementum afferre potest in utendis naturae opibus, emissionibus et retrimentis, eiectamentis effectis, vel manifesta prospectus mutatione, naturali generum custoditorum domicilio vel publico loco.
131] This is especially the case when a project may lead to a greater use of natural resources, higher levels of emission or discharge, an increase of refuse, or significant changes to the landscape, the habitats of protected species or public spaces.vatican.va vatican.va
Conexio intima, quae intercedit inter veram progressionem et iurium hominis observantiam, ostendit etiam eiusmodi progressionis indolem moralem: vera hominis altitudo, vocationi naturali et historicae cuiusque consentanea, non comparatur solo usu copiae bonorum vel ministeriorum vel facultate opum technicarum, quae « substructiones » appellantur.
The intrinsic connection between authentic development and respect for human rights once again reveals the moral character of development: the true elevation of man, in conformity with the natural and historical vocation of each individual, is not attained only by exploiting the abundance of goods and services, or by having available perfect infrastructures.vatican.va vatican.va
Quodsi fere necessario contingit, ut maiores civitates, utpote quae uberioribus opibus floreant ac potentia praestent, in societatibus de re oeconomica cum minoribus civitatibus coniungendis normas ipsae statuant, nihilominus tamen his minoribus civitatibus aeque ac ceteris praecidi nequit, salvo communi omnium bono, ius rem publicam libere administrandi nullique se addicendi parti in nationum contentionibus, ut praecipit ipsum ius naturale et ius gentium; itemque ad has minores civitates ius pertinet suum tuendi rei oeconomicae incrementum.
For although it is almost inevitable that the larger States, in view of their greater power and vaster resources, will themselves decide on the norms governing their economic associations with small States, nevertheless these smaller States cannot be denied their right, in keeping with the common good, to political freedom, and to the adoption of a position of neutrality in the conflicts between nations. No State can be denied this right, for it is a postulate of the natural law itself, as also of international law. These smaller States have also the right of assuring their own economic development.vatican.va vatican.va
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