Scientia falsa oor Engels

Scientia falsa

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practice or claim that lacks scientific status; term used to describe a claim, belief, or practice presented as scientific, but which does not adhere to the scientific method

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Scientia falsa
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Neutri tamen animum advertunt ad ea quae perperam ponunt ac praesumunt, hoc est ad falsi nominis scientiam, a qua profecti, necessario ad falsa concedenda ducuntur.
Both the former and the latter fail to see that they start from a false hypothesis, that is to say, from science falsely so called, which logically forces them to conclusions equally
In illo primo genere discedant a me omnes, qui ea quæ falsa sunt, se scire arbitrantur.
In illo primo genere discedant a me omnes, qui ea quae falsa sunt, se scire arbitrantur.Literature Literature
Nos equidem, Venerabiles Fratres, diligentissime providebimus ne homines sacri cleri ex insidiis capiantur novae cuiusdam ac fallacis scientiae, quae Christum non redolet, quaeque, ñica tis astutisque argumentis, rationalismi aut semirationalismi errores invehere nititur; quos ut caveret iam Apostolus Timotheum monebat, scribens: Depositum custodi, devitans profanas vocum novitates et oppositiones falsi nominis scientiae, quam quidam promittences circa fidem exciderunt [30].
Rest assured, Venerable Brethren, that We on Our side will use the greatest diligence to prevent the members of the clergy from being drawn to the snares of a certain new and fallacious science, which savoureth not of Christ, but with masked and cunning arguments strives to open the door to the errors of rationalism and semi-rationalism; against which the Apostle warned Timothy to be on his guard, when he wrote: "Keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding the profane novelties of words, and oppositions of knowledge falsely so called which some promising have erred concerning the faith" (I. Tim. vi., 20 s.)
habitune et incessu an illo muliebri ornatu mereretur imperium? falluntur quibus luxuria specie liberalitatis imponit: perdere iste sciet, donare nesciet.
Shall he earn that Empire now by his manner and his gait, or by those womanish adornments? They are deceived, on whom luxury imposes by its false show of liberality; he will know how to squander, he will not know how to give.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quia vero ista, quum e principiorum christianae revelationis natura, tum ex intimis nostri apostolatus proprietatibus necessario fluunt, iam videtis, Venerabiles Fratres, quanto in errore versentur qui existimant bene se de Ecclesia mereri ac frugiferam operam in aeternam hominum salutem conferre, si profana quadam prudentia, falsi nominis scientiae multa largiantur, vana spe ducti, posse ita facilius errantium sibi gratiam conciliare, re autem vera ipsi se perditionis periculo committentes.
25. Now since all this springs necessarily both from the nature of the principles of Christian revelation, and from the intrinsic properties which Our Apostolate should have, you see clearly, Venerable Brethren, how mistaken are those who think they are doing service to the Church, and producing fruit for the salvation of souls, when by a kind of prudence of the flesh they show themselves liberal in concessions to science falsely so called, under the fatal illusion that they are thus able more easily to win over those in error, but really with the continual danger of being themselves
Qua falsa semel inita via, nulla iam lege critica scientia cohibetur, suoque marte quidquid non arridet aut rei suae demonstrandae adversari putatur, id omne sacris libris adimitur.
Science once placed on this false road, there is no law of criticism to hold it back; and it cancels at its own caprice from the holy books everything that does not suit it or that it believes to be opposed to the pre-established theses it wishes to
quae nimia et incertum an falso iacta originem tamen e severitate ducis traxere; intentumque et magnis delictis inexorabilem scias cui tantum asperitatis etiam adversus levia credebatur.
These extreme and possibly false stories at least had their origin in the general's real severity. We may be sure that he was strict and implacable to serious offences, when such sternness in regard to trifles could be believed of him.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Falluntur vero vehementer qui, posthabitis aut neglectis his, quae naturam excedunt, rationibus, naturalium scientiarum usu et inventis (biologiae scilicet, scientiae transmissionis hereditariae, aliarumque id genus) homines induce re posse putant, ut carnis desideriis frenos iniciant.
101. They are greatly deceived who having underestimated or neglected these means which rise above nature, think that they can induce men by the use and discovery of the natural sciences, such as those of biology, the science of heredity, and the like, to curb their carnal
Exempli gratia, anno 1994, Susan Blackmore, parapsychologa quae facta est scepticior et deinde anno 1991 se coniunxit cum CSICOP, descripsit rem quam ea nominavit "pessimum scepticismi falsi genus.": "Sunt in gregibus scepticorum qui plane credant se verum respondum ante investigationem scire.
In 1994 Susan Blackmore, a parapsychologist who became more skeptical and eventually became a CSICOP fellow in 1991, described what she termed the "worst kind of pseudoskepticism": There are some members of the skeptics' groups who clearly believe they know the right answer prior to inquiry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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