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« SPE SALVI facti sumus » – ait sanctus Paulus Romanis et nobis quoque (Rom 8,24).
In view of the concerns raised by France and Sweden, to indicate and to substantiate where necessary, any differences between Compagel gel for horses and reference product Tensolvet # (authorised in Germany) that could justify different conclusions on the efficacy for the two productsvatican.va vatican.va
Spe salvi
The Committee of the Regions is increasingly insistent in drawing the attention of the European institutions to the challenges facing urban regionslangbot langbot
Ut diximus Nostris in Litteris encyclicis Spe salvi, tali modo ex historia spes christiana tollitur [86], quae secus validum est sociale subsidium in bonum integrae humanae progressionis, in libertate et iustitia quaesitae.
What are you talking about, Homer?vatican.va vatican.va
Fiducia, innixa affirmatione et experientia amoris Dei eiusque bonitatis et misericordiae, proposita est quoque in recentiore magisterio pontificio, prout constat ex Litteris Encyclicis Dives in misericordia et ex Adhortatione Apostolica Postsynodali Ecclesia in Europa, quae verum est praeconium Evangelii spei, sicut etiam docere intendimus in Litteris Encyclicis Spe Salvi.
You didn' t have todo thatvatican.va vatican.va
Profecto tam sollicitos atque anxios ista Nos tenent, ut nihil magis; atque utinam spes affulgeat, si non bona, at aliqua tamen, posse Nos, divino salvo iure, id inire experimenti, ut dilectos filios tantorum maiorum metu liberemus.
We are a long way from the model of the social market economy that might represent a European ideal, humanely reconciling the necessity for private initiative with the need for a social guarantee that each and every person's basic needs will be met.vatican.va vatican.va
In his Ecclesia, in his civilis societas spem optimam reponet futuros aliquando egregios cives, quorum consilio, prudentia, doctrina, et rerum civilium ordo et domesticae vitae tranquillitas possit salva consistere.
Yeah, uh, always tough to see from herevatican.va vatican.va
7 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.