a fortiori oor Engels

a fortiori

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a fortiori


from the stronger

Loosely, "even more so" or "with even stronger reason". Often used to lead from a less certain proposition to a more evident corollary.

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Ipsi sapientes ethnici et norunt et tradiderunt, fallacia vulgi iudicia spernenda esse a forti et constanti viro.
The pagan philosophers themselves both knew and taught that the fallacious judgments of the masses must be spurned by a courageous and steadfast man.vatican.va vatican.va
Accepi pecuniam a patre hodie, si forte tibi est opus.
I got money from my father today if you happen to need any.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Episcopus eparchialis vi can. 192 § 1 animo apostolico prosequi tenetur coniuges separatos vel divortio digressos, qui propter suam vitae condicionem forte a praxi religionis defecerint.
The eparchical bishop, under can. 192, §1 is obliged, with an apostolic spirit, to attend to separated or divorced spouses who perhaps, by the conditions of their lives, have abandoned religious practice.vatican.va vatican.va
Investigatio pastoralis elementa utilia colligit ad causae introductionem coram tribunali competenti a coniugibus vel eorum patrono forte faciendam.
The pastoral investigation will collect elements useful for the introduction of the case before the competent tribunal either by the spouses or perhaps by their advocates.vatican.va vatican.va
accepitque eos centurio Insteius ab Ummidio missus forte prior e[a] de causa adito rege.
A centurion, Insteius, sent perhaps by Ummidius on some previous occasion, received them after an interview with the king.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Celeriter, ut ante Caesar imperaverat, ignibus significatione facta, ex proximis castellis eo concursum est, pugnatumque ab hostibus ita acriter est ut a viris fortibus in extrema spe salutis iniquo loco contra eos qui ex vallo turribusque tela iacerent pugnari debuit, cum in una virtute omnis spes consisteret.
by the Roman soldiers] from the nearest fort; and the battle was fought by the enemy as vigorously as it ought to be fought by brave men, in the last hope of safety, in a disadvantageous place, and against those who were throwing their weapons from a rampart and from towers; since all hope of safety depended on their courage alone.latin-ancient latin-ancient
equos dehinc, orsus a suis, legatorum tribunorumque nulla ambitione fortissimo cuique bellatori tradit, ut hi, mox pedes in hostem invaderent.
Next he handed over the horses, beginning with his own, of the officers and tribunes, to the bravest fighters in the army, quite impartially, that these first, and then the infantry, might charge the enemy.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Respondit Iacob: Quia timui. Dixi enim, ne forte violenter auferres filias tuas a me.
Jacob answered: That I departed unknown to thee, it was for fear lest thou wouldst take away thy daughters by force.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Accepi pecuniam a patre hodie, si forte tibi est opus." "Mihi nihil opus est nunc, sed tamen ago tibi gratias maximas, quod pro tua liberalitate ultro offers mihi beneficium; nam quotusquisque facit id?"
"I got money from my father today, if you happen to need any." "I don't right now, but thanks a lot. You offer to do me a favour out of your own generosity and how many would do that?"Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Eadem proinde conscientia haecque vocatio primaria mulierem instituunt de dignitate quam a Deo recipit ipso; id quod eam “fortem” reddit eiusque confirmat vocationem.
This awareness and this fundamental vocation speak to women of the dignity which they receive from God himself, and this makes them "strong" and strengthens their vocation.vatican.va vatican.va
Nisi forte iudicas interesse, utrum aliquis ab homine an a fortuna mutuum sumpserit.
Omnia; nisi forte iudicas interesse utrum aliquis ab homine an a fortuna mutuum sumpserit.Literature Literature
Descenderunt igitur fratres Ioseph decem, ut emerent frumenta in Aegypto, Beniamin fratre Ioseph domi retento a Iacob, qui dixerat fratribus eius: Ne forte in itinere quidquam patiatur mali.
So the ten brethren of Joseph went down, to buy corn in Egypt, whilst Benjamin was kept at home by Jacob, who said to his brethren: Lest perhaps he take any harm in the journey.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Anno 1982, quattuor belli clandestini circuli, EGP, ORPA, FAR et PGT, commixti sunt et Unitatem Revolutionariam Nationalem Guatimalensem (Hispanice Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca) formavere, a Salvatoriensi exercitu clandestino FMLN, a Nicaraguensi FSLN et a Cubana gubernatione adfectam ut fortior fieret.
In 1982, the four guerrilla groups, EGP, ORPA, FAR and PGT, merged and formed the URNG, influenced by the Salvadoran guerrilla FMLN, the Nicaraguan FSLN and Cuba's government, in order to become stronger.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
is mox adultus, inter septimanos a Galba conscriptus, oblatum forte patrem et vulnere stratum dum semianimem scrutatur, agnitus agnoscensque et exanguem amplexus, voce flebili precabatur placatos patris manis, neve se ut parricidam aversarentur: publicum id facinus; et unum militem quotam civilium armorum partem? simul attollere corpus, aperire humum, supremo erga parentem officio fungi.
"Clasping the expiring man in his arms, in piteous accents he implored the spirit of his father to be propitious to him, and not to turn from him with loathing as from a parricide. ""This guilt,"" he said, ""is shared by all; how small a part of a civil war is a single soldier!"" With these words he raised the body, opened a grave, and discharged the last duties for his father."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Iamvero, si ita falsa principia mitigantur et aliqua ratione oblitterantur, oritur, seu potius immerito a quibusdam movetur quaestio, num forte etiam christianae veritatis principia aliqua ratione aut mitigari aut temperari possint ita, ut socialismo eatur obviam et media quasi via cum eo conveniatur.
Now if these false principles are modified and to some extent erased from the program, the question arises, or rather is raised without warrant by some, whether the principles of Christian truth cannot perhaps be also modified to some degree and be tempered so as to meet Socialism half-way and, as it were, by a middle course, come to agreement with it.vatican.va vatican.va
Vir enim si a Deo mulieri singulariter concreditur, nonne hinc forte significat Christum ab ea exspectare perfunctionem illius “regalis sacerdotii” (1 Petr. 2, 9), quod thesaurus est hominibus ab eo traditus?
61] If the human being is entrusted by God to women in a particular way, does not this mean that Christ looks to them for the accomplishment of the "royal priesthood" (1 Pt 2:9), which is the treasure he has given to every individual?vatican.va vatican.va
non a Caesare Pompeium, non ab Augusto Antonium incolumis relictos, nisi forte Vespasianus altiores spiritus gerat, Vitellii cliens, cum Vitellius collega Claudio foret.
Caesar did not leave Pompey, Augustus did not leave Antony in safety, though, perhaps, Vespasian may show a more lofty spirit, Vespasian, who was a dependant of Vitellius, when Vitellius was the colleague of Claudius.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Firth, Fortes, Evans-Pritchardque curam personarum socialium et institutorum a Malinowski datam cum cura structurarum socialium a Radcliffe-Brown data nullo negotio miscuerunt.
Firth, Fortes, and Evans-Pritchard found it easy to combine Malinowski's attention to social roles and institutions with Radcliffe-Brown's concern with social structures.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Revera doctrinis divinitus acceptis se ipsa Ecclesia sustentans, nihil habuit antiquius, quam ut munus sibi demandatum a Deo sancte expleret: eademque circumcisis undique difficultatibus fortior, pro libertate magisterii sui propugnare nullo tempore destitit.
Sustained by the truth received from her divine Founder, the Church has ever sought to fulfill holily the mission entrusted to her by God; unconquered by the difficulties on all sides surrounding her, she has never ceased to assert her liberty of teaching, and in this way the wretched superstition of paganism being dispelled, the wide world was renewed unto Christian wisdom.vatican.va vatican.va
Horum omnium fortissimi sunt Belgae, propterea quod a cultu atque humanitate provinciae longissime absunt, minimeque ad eos mercatores saepe commeant atque ea quae ad effeminandos animos pertinent important, proximique sunt Germanis, qui trans Rhenum incolunt, quibuscum continenter bellum gerunt.
Of these people, the Belgae are the bravest, because they are the farthest from the culture and civilization of the province, and merchants visit them the least often and bring in such things that are of interest for those with weak minds, and closest are the Germans, who live across the Rhine, with whom they constantly wage war.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
176 — Præfecturæ munus competit moderandi et gubernandi bonorum administrationes, quæ a Sancta Sede pendent vel quibus ipsa præest, quæcumque est autonomia qua forte gaudeant.
176 — The Prefecture for the Economic Affairs of the Holy See has the function of supervising and governing the temporal goods of the administrations that are dependent on the Holy See, or of which the Holy See has charge, whatever the autonomy these administrations may happen to enjoy.vatican.va vatican.va
Quod idem, ac forte gravius, quae modo sunt tempora postulare a nobis videntur, quum tot hominum nutet fides, nec desint qui, captandae gloriolae cupidine, ingenio aetatis indulgeant, adulterantes verbum Dei, vitaeque cibum subducentes fidelibus.
We are convinced that this care is even more urgent in our times when so many men are wavering in the Faith and some vain-glorious men, filled with the spirit of the age, "adulterate the word of God" and deprive the faithful of the food of life.vatican.va vatican.va
Opinari etiam licet transitum a simplici praesentia, desidi interdum et muta, ad pleniorem et actuosiorem participationem aliquid nimium forte ab aliquibus postulasse.
It can also be supposed that the transition from simply being present, very often in a rather passive and silent way, to a fuller and more active participation has been for some people too demanding.vatican.va vatican.va
Estis autem fortes etiam ad pugnam: non sane ad pugnam contra hominem, obtentu cuiusvis ideologiae aut praxis a radicibus Evangelii ipsis avulsae, at fortes pro contentione adversus malum, adversus malum verum: contra id omne, quod Deum offendit, contra iniuriam omnem omnemque quaestum iniquum, adversus omne falsum ac mendacium, adversus illud omne, quod offendit et deicit, contra omnia, quae consortionem humanam corrumpunt ac mutuam necessitudinem, adversus omne scelus in vitam intentum, contra quodlibet peccatum.
You are also strong for the struggle: not for the struggle of one against another in the name of some ideology or practice separated from the very roots of the Gospel, but strong for the struggle against evil, against the real evil: against everything that offends God, against every injustice and exploitation, against every falsehood and deceit, against everything that insults and humiliates, against everything that profanes human society and human relationships, against every crime against life: against every sin.vatican.va vatican.va
Marcellus, ad extremum fortis Arianismi adversarius, anno 336 munere motus, tum est anno 343 restitutus a Synodo Serdicae, qui Photinum episcopum Sirmii creavit.
Marcellus, in later life a staunch opponent of Arianism, was deposed in 336 but reinstated by the Synod of Serdica in 343, which also made Photinus bishop of Sirmium.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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