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simul transitus Alpium praesidiis occupati, suspecta Germania, tamquam in auxilium Vitellii accingeretur.
At the same time the passes of the Alps were occupied with troops, for it was suspected that Germany was arming itself to support Vitellius.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quid aliud infestis patribus nuper Eprius Marcellus quam eloquentiam suam opposuit? Qua accinctus et minax disertam quidem, sed inexercitatam et eius modi certaminum rudem Helvidii sapientiam elusit.
What but his eloquence did Eprius Marcellus oppose the other day to the senators in their fury? Armed with this, and consequently terrible, he baffled the sagacious but untrained wisdom of Helvidius Priscus, which knew nothing of such encounters.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Illi se praedae accingunt dapibusque futuris: / tergora deripiunt costis et viscera nudant; / pars in frusta secant veribusque trementia figunt; / litore aëna locant alii flammasque ministrant.
All straightway gird them to the feast. These flay / the ribs and thighs, and lay the entrails bare. / Those slice the flesh, and split the quivering prey, / and tend the fires and set the cauldrons in array.tatoeba tatoeba
Sic autem comedetis illum: renes vestros accingetis, calceamenta habebitis in pedibus, tenentes baculos in manibus, et comedetis festinanter; est enim Pascha (id est Transitus) Domini!
And thus you shall eat it: you shall gird your reins, and you shall have shoes on your feet, holding staves in your hands, and you shall eat in haste; for it is the Phase (that is the Passage) of the Lord.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Perspicillis solaribus accingerer.
I was wearing sunglasses.tatoeba tatoeba
Hinc ferro accingor rursus, clipeoque sinistram / insertabam aptans meque extra tecta ferebam; / ecce autem complexa pedes in limine conjux / haerebat, parvumque patri tendebat Iulum.
Once more I girt me with the sword and shield, / and forth had soon into the battle hied, / when lo, Creusa at the doorway kneeled, / and reached Iulus to his sire and cried:tatoeba tatoeba
alii nulla dedecoris cura pecuniam aut carissima sibimet ipsi circumdare, quidam expedire arma telisque tamquam in aciem accingi.
While they were thus occupied, the time for their departure arrived, and proved even more dismal than their anticipation.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Bis millesimum diem anniversarium huius eventus, gaudio pleni, celebrare accingimur per proximum Magnum Iubilaeum.
It is the two thousandth Anniversary of that event of great joy which we are preparing to celebrate with the coming Great
Egressus Tobias invenit juvenem stantem et accinctum ad iter faciendum.
While Tobias was going out, he found a young man standing there, prepared for the journey ahead.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Id vero aegre tolerante milite prope seditionem ventum, cum progressi equites sub ipsa moenia vagos e Cremonensibus corripiunt, quorum indicio noscitur sex Vitellianas legiones omnemque exercitum, qui Hostiliae egerat, eo ipso die triginta milia passuum emensum, comperta suorum clade in proelium accingi ac iam adfore.
The soldiers, however, were impatient, and a mutiny had almost broken out, when some cavalry, who had advanced to the very walls of Cremona, seized some stragglers from the town, from whose information it was ascertained, that the six legions of Vitellius and the entire army which had been quartered at Hostilia had on that very day marched a distance of thirty miles, and having heard of the defeat of their comrades, were preparing for battle, and would soon be coming up.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Pisonem Q. Granius secreti sermonis incusavit adversum maiestatem habiti, adiecitque in domo eius venenum esse eumque gladio accinctum introire curiam.
Quintus Granius accused Piso of secret treasonable conversation, and added that he kept poison in his house and wore a dagger whenever he came into the Senate.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hinc ferro accingor rursus, clipeoque sinistram / insertabam aptans meque extra tecta ferebam; / ecce autem complexa pedes in limine conjux / hærebat, parvumque patri tendebat Iulum.
Once more I girt me with the sword and shield, / and forth had soon into the battle hied, / when lo, Creusa at the doorway kneeled, / and reached Iulus to his sire and cried:Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
bella plane accinctis obeunda: sed revertentibus post laborem quod honestius quam uxorium levamentum? at quasdam in ambitionem aut avaritiam prolapsas.
War of course requires that men should be unincumbered, but when they return what worthier solace can they have after their hardships than a wife's society? But some wives have abandoned themselves to scheming and rapacity.latin-ancient latin-ancient
simul Domitianus Mucianusque accingebantur, dispari animo, ille spe ac iuventa properus, hic moras nectens quis flagrantem retineret, ne ferocia aetatis et pravis impulsoribus, si exercitum invasisset, paci belloque male consuleret.
At the same time Domitian and Mucianus prepared to set out, but in a very different mood; Domitian in all the hope and impatience of youth, Mucianus ever contriving delays to check his ardent companion, who, he feared, were he to intrude himself upon the army, might be led by the recklessness of youth or by bad advisers to compromise at once the prospects of war and of peace.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Apri enim dentibus accinctus, cacumina montium et umbram galeati transcendet.
Apri igitur dentibus accinctus, cacumina montium et umbram galeati transcendet.Literature Literature
nam principem orabat deligere senatores ex quis viginti sorte ducti et ferro accincti, quoties curiam inisset, salutem eius defenderent.
He begged the emperor to select a number of senators, twenty out of whom should be chosen by lot to wear swords and to defend his person, whenever he entered the Senate House.latin-ancient latin-ancient
sed provisum, quonam modo poenas eversae rei publicae daret: accingeretur modo navare operam et militum acerrimos ducere in partes, ac digna pretia exspectaret.
"The Senate, she affirmed, ""had no power left it; yet means had been provided whereby he might pay the penalty of having destroyed the State."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hinc ferro accingor rursus clipeoque sinistram insertabam aptans, meque extra tecta ferebam.
Arma, 670 Hinc ferro accingor rursus clipeoque sinistram Insertabam aptans meque extra tecta ferebam.Literature Literature
"Hic Juno Scaeas saevissima portas / prima tenet, sociumque furens a navibus agmen / ferro accincta vocat. "
"Here, girt with steel, the foremost in the fight, / fierce Juno stands, the Scaean gates before, / and, mad with fury and malignant spite, / calls up her federate forces from the shore."tatoeba tatoeba
Illi se prædæ accingunt dapibusque futuris: / tergora deripiunt costis et viscera nudant; / pars in frusta secant veribusque trementia figunt; / litore aëna locant alii flammasque ministrant.
All straightway gird them to the feast. These flay / the ribs and thighs, and lay the entrails bare. / Those slice the flesh, and split the quivering prey, / and tend the fires and set the cauldrons in array.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Hic Juno Scæas sævissima portas / prima tenet, sociumque furens a navibus agmen / ferro accincta vocat. "
"Here, girt with steel, the foremost in the fight, / fierce Juno stands, the Scaean gates before, / and, mad with fury and malignant spite, / calls up her federate forces from the shore."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
igitur Pharasmanes iuvenem potentiae promptum et studio popularium accinctum, vergentibus iam annis suis metuens, aliam ad spem trahere et Armeniam ostentare, pulsis Parthis datam Mithridati a semet memorando: sed vim differendam et potiorem dolum quo incautum opprimerent.
Pharasmanes accordingly seeing the young prince had power in his grasp and was strong in the attachment of his people, fearing too his own declining years, tempted him with other prospects and pointed to Armenia, which, as he reminded him, he had given to Mithridates after driving out the Parthians.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Dividimus muros et mœnia pandimus urbis. / Accingunt omnes operi, pedibusque rotarum / subjiciunt lapsus, et stuppea vincula collo / intendunt. Scandit fatalis machina muros, / feta armis; pueri circum innuptæque puellas / sacra canunt, funemque manu contingere gaudent.
We breach the walls, and ope the town inside. / All set to work, and to the feet below / fix wheels, and hempen ropes around the neck they throw. / Mounting the walls, the monster moves along, / teeming with arms. Boys, maidens joy around / to touch the ropes, and raise the festive song.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
ea munimenta dux Romanus, quamquam sine robore legionum socialis copias ducebat, perrumpere adgreditur et distributis cohortibus turmas quoque peditum ad munia accingit.
Through these defences the Roman general, though he had with him only the allied troops, without the strength of the legions, attempted to break, and having assigned their positions to his cohorts, he equipped even his cavalry for the work of infantry.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Dividimus muros et moenia pandimus urbis. / Accingunt omnes operi, pedibusque rotarum / subjiciunt lapsus, et stuppea vincula collo / intendunt. Scandit fatalis machina muros, / feta armis; pueri circum innuptaeque puellas / sacra canunt, funemque manu contingere gaudent.
We breach the walls, and ope the town inside. / All set to work, and to the feet below / fix wheels, and hempen ropes around the neck they throw. / Mounting the walls, the monster moves along, / teeming with arms. Boys, maidens joy around / to touch the ropes, and raise the festive song.tatoeba tatoeba
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