accusatio oor Engels


/ak.kuːˈsaː.ti.oː/ naamwoordvroulike

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act of accusing or charging with a crime
Etenim hoc « arguere » pertinet non ad solam accusationem mundi eoque minus ad illius condemnationem.
For it is a "convincing" that has as its purpose not merely the accusation of the world and still less its condemnation.


Etenim hoc « arguere » pertinet non ad solam accusationem mundi eoque minus ad illius condemnationem.
For it is a "convincing" that has as its purpose not merely the accusation of the world and still less its condemnation.



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Accusatio sanguinis
Blood libel · blood libel
Accusatio sanguinis Rhodia
Rhodes blood libel
excusatio non petita accusatio manifesta
an excuse that has not been sought |is| an obvious accusation


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Tolstoj negavit violentiam ut instrumentum certationis contra malum: credidit homines malos accusatione eius atque inoboedientia passiva vincere potuisse.
Gotti's attempt at reconciliation failed, leaving Gravano disillusioned with the mob and doubtful on his chances of winning his case without Shargel, his former attorney.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Haec accusatio a Civitatibus Foederatis velut "absurda" reiecta est.
This accusation was dismissed by the Russian government as "absurd".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sed hae commissiones potestatem imperativam non habent, et Protocolla Optionis quae accusationem personalem admittere possunt, impotentia sunt in qualibus civitatibus, quae haec Protocolla non rata habet.
Also, anyone who is unable to negotiate satisfactory terms with ASCAP, or is otherwise unable to get a license, may go to the court overseeing the consent decree and litigate the terms they find objectionable, and the terms set by the court will be binding upon the licensee and ASCAP.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Accusatio sanguinis Rhodia
Rhodes blood libellangbot langbot
hinc initium accusationis; fratrumque non incestum, sed incustoditum amorem ad infamiam traxit.
Vitellius put an infamous construction on the somewhat incautious though not criminal love between the brother and sister.latin-ancient latin-ancient
eius accusationis auctor extitit Paetus quidam, exercendis apud aerarium sectionibus famosus et tum vanitatis manifestus.
But the proved innocence of Pallas did Pallas did not please men so much, as his arrogance offended them.latin-ancient latin-ancient
nec si Iturius et Calvisius adesis omnibus fortunis novissimam suscipiendae accusationis operam anui rependunt, ideo aut mihi infamia parricidii aut Caesari conscientia subeunda est.
And if Iturius and Calvisius, after having wasted their whole fortunes, are now, as their last resource, repaying an old hag for their hire by undertaking to be informers, it does not follow that I am to incur the infamy of plotting a son's murder, or that a Caesar is to have the consciousness of like guilt.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quandoquidem “christifidelis obligatione tenetur in specie et numero confitendi omnia peccata gravia post baptismum perpetrata et nondum per claves Ecclesiae directe remissa neque in confessione individuali accusata, quorum post diligentem sui discussionem conscientiam habeat”, (16) quaevis consuetudo reprobatur, quae reducat confessionem ad universalem quandam accusationem vel ad unius pluriumve peccatorum, quae maioris momenti censentur, declarationem.
Since “the faithful are obliged to confess, according to kind and number, all grave sins committed after Baptism of which they are conscious after careful examination and which have not yet been directly remitted by the Church's power of the keys, nor acknowledged in individual confession”,(16) any practice which restricts confession to a generic accusation of sin or of only one or two sins judged to be more important is to be
Propter corruptionis accusationes brevem post tempus se a magistratu recedere coactus est.
Extensive pre-trial media coverage available to the pool of potential jurors suggested that the defendants were gang members.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
accusatio tamen apud patres adseveratione eadem peracta, iuravitque Tiberius petiturum se vitam quamvis nocenti, nisi voluntariam mortem properavisset.
Yet the prosecution was continued in the Senate with the same persistency, and Tiberius declared on oath that he would have interceded for his life, guilty though he was, but for his hasty suicide.latin-ancient latin-ancient
compositum inter ipsos ut Latiaris, qui modico usu Sabinum contingebat, strueret dolum, ceteri testes adessent, deinde accusationem inciperent.
They arranged amongst themselves that Latiaris, who had some slight acquaintance with Sabinus, should devise the plot, that the rest should be present as witnesses, and that then they should begin the prosecution.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Etenim hoc « arguere » pertinet non ad solam accusationem mundi eoque minus ad illius condemnationem.
For it is a "convincing" that has as its purpose not merely the accusation of the world and still less its
Inter quae L. Piso ambitum fori, corrupta iudicia, saevitiam oratorum accusationes minitantium increpans, abire se et cedere urbe, victurum in aliquo abdito et longinquo rure testabatur; simul curiam relinquebat.
During this debate Lucius Piso, after exclaiming against the corruption of the courts, the bribery of judges, the cruel threats of accusations from hired orators, declared that he would depart and quit the capital, and that he meant to live in some obscure and distant rural retreat. At the same moment he rose to leave the Senate House.latin-ancient latin-ancient
mox datus testibus locus; et quantum misericordiae saevitia accusationis permoverat, tantum irae P. Egnatius testis concivit.
Place was then given to the witnesses, and the appearance among them of Publius Egnatius provoked as much indignation as the cruelty of the prosecution had excited pity.latin-ancient latin-ancient
quod si in nullius mercedem negotia agantur pauciora fore: nunc inimicitias accusationes, odia et iniurias foveri, ut quo modo vis morborum pretia medentibus, sic fori tabes pecuniam advocatis ferat.
"And, ""apart from this,"" he said, ""the first of noble accomplishments was debased by sordid services, and even good faith could not be upheld in its integrity, when men looked at the greatness of their gains."latin-ancient latin-ancient
et Ancharius Priscus Caesium Cordum pro consule Cretae postulaverat repetundis, addito maiestatis crimine, quod tum omnium accusationum complementum erat.
Ancharius Priscus had prosecuted Caesius Cordus, proconsul of Crete, for extortion, adding a charge of treason, which then crowned all indictments.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Simul vero accusatio haec eripit quodammodo peccatum ex secreto cordis recessu proindeque ex ambitu tantum unius cuiusvis personae, dum indolem eius etiam socialem extollit, quoniam per Paenitentiae ministrum Communitas ecclesialis, peccato laesa, recipit iterum peccatorem, paenitentem ac veniam habentem.
But at the same time this confession in a way forces sin out of the secret of the heart and thus out of the area of pure individuality, emphasizing its social character as well, for through the minister of penance it is the ecclesial community, which has been wounded by sin, that welcomes anew the repentant and forgiven
ac retractus Ravenna exequi accusationem adigitur, non occultante Tiberio vetus odium adversum exulem Serenum.
He was dragged back from Ravenna, and forced to go through the prosecution, during which Tiberius did not disguise the old grudge he bore the exile Serenus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tamen omni accusatione destitit, id a principiis suis abhorrere declarans. .
Till then the India got Independence and hence all the accused being political prisnors were pardoned.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
contra Tiberius praecipuos ad scelera increpans admonuit C. Cestium patrem dicere senatui quae sibi scripisset, suscepitque Cestius accusationem.
Servaeus was an ex-praetor, and had formerly been a companion of Germanicus; Minucius was of equestrian rank, and both had enjoyed, though discreetly, the friendship of Sejanus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Eo tempore, aliae expostulationes etiam ortae sunt de accusationibus ad discriminationem et recusatione conscribi ab Exercitu Americano.
Rich was later indicted in the United States for tax evasion and racketeering in an apparently unrelated case and fled the country.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
ii acerbitate accusationis Q. Pomponium ad necessitatem belli civilis detrusum, Iuliam Drusi filiam Sabinamque Poppaeam ad mortem actas et Valerium Asiaticum, Lusium Saturninum, Cornelium Lupum circumventos, iam equitum Romanorum agmina damnata omnemque Claudii saevitiam Suillio obiectabant.
These men charged Suilius with having driven Quintus Pomponius by a relentless prosecution into the extremity of civil war, with having forced Julia, Drusus's daughter, and Sabina Poppaea to suicide, with having treacherously ruined Valerius Asiaticus, Lusius Saturninus and Cornelius Lupus, in fact, with the wholesale conviction of troops of Roman knights, and with all the cruelty of Claudius.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hinc intellegitur cur a primis inde temporibus rerum christianarum Ecclesia, cum apostolis et Christo eoniuncta, in sacramentale signum Paenitentiae incluserit accusationem peccatorum.
We therefore understand why, from the earliest Christian times, in line with the apostles and with Christ, the church has included in the sacramental sign of penance the confession of
Ne Albinum consularem virum praeiudicatae accusationis poena corriperet, odiis me Cypriani delatoris opposui. 15.
Ne Albinum consularem uirum praeiudicatae accusationis poena corriperet, odiis me Cypriani delatoris opposui.Literature Literature
mox capessendis accusationibus aut reos tutando prosperiore eloquentiae quam morum fama fuit, nisi quod aetas extrema multum etiam eloquentiae dempsit, dum fessa mente retinet silentii impatientiam.
Henceforward as a counsel for the defence or the prosecution he enjoyed the fame of eloquence rather than of virtue, but old age robbed him of much of his speaking power, while, with a failing intellect, he was still impatient of silence.latin-ancient latin-ancient
47 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.