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II Familiaris Consortio, 22). Synodus mores illos et consuetudines reprehendit, “quae mulieribus iura ac debitam observantiam adimunt” (Propositio 48) atque postulat ut inibi Ecclesia contendat ad haec iura servanda.
160) The Synod deplored those African customs and practices "which deprive women of their rights and the respect due to them" (161) and asked the Church on the Continent to make every effort to foster the safeguarding of these
Aliis vero ipse in primis est exercitatiο communis politicae atque oeconomicae potestatis sub unius factionis moderatione, quae se solam asseverat exprimere ac despondere bonum omnium, adempta sive singulis sive ceteris coetibus universa agendi eligendique potestate.
For others, it is first and foremost the collective exercise of political and economic power under the direction of a single party, which would be the sole expression and guarantee of the welfare of all, and would deprive individuals and other groups of any possibility of initiative and
Potestate et auctoritate, quibus ademptis munus hoc vacuefit, Episcopus Romanus communionem omnium Ecclesiarum praestare debet.
With the power and the authority without which such an office would be illusory, the Bishop of Rome must ensure the communion of all the
Technica ars vehementer hominem allicit, quandoquidem ipsi physicas limitationes adimit atque rerum prospectum laxat.
Technology is highly attractive because it draws us out of our physical limitations and broadens our
Etenim, huius praescripto legis, non solum quascumque res Ecclesia mobiles immobiles obtinet, ex earum possessione, quamvis optimo iure parta, detruditur; verum etiam quaevis ei potestas adimitur quidquam sibi in posterum acquirendi.
For by the articles of this decree not only is the Church despoiled of all the property, whether real or movable, which she holds by the strongest of titles, but she is deprived of all power of acquiring anything for the
quidam vinctum ac mox dimissum tradidere ademptis bonis in locum regiae gazae.
Some have said that he was imprisoned and soon released, his property having been taken from him as a substitute for the royal treasure.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Et commotus his Avitus: patienda meliorum imperia; id dis, quos implorarent, placitum, ut arbitrium penes Romanos maneret, quid darent quid adimerent, neque alios iudices quam se ipsos paterentur.
Avitus was impressed by this language and said that people must submit to the rule of their betters; that the gods to whom they appealed, had willed that the decision as to what should be given or taken from them, was to rest with the Romans, who would allow none but themselves to be judges.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Artis technicae absolutismus efficit ut percipiendi adimatur facultas id quod materia una non explicatur.
The supremacy of technology tends to prevent people from recognizing anything that cannot be explained in terms of matter
Cluvius comitatui principis adiectus, non adempta Hispania, quam rexit absens exemplo L. [Arrunti.
Cluvius was attached to the Emperor's retinue; Spain however was not taken from him; he still governed the province though not resident, as L. Arruntius had done before him, whom Tiberius Caesar detained at home, because he feared him; it was not from any apprehension that Vitellius kept Cluvius with him.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quamobrem necesse est ut maturescat conscientia solidalis, iuxta quam et alimonia et accessus ad aquam habeantur tamquam universalia omnium hominum iura, omni adempta distinctione et discriminatione [65].
It is therefore necessary to cultivate a public conscience that considers food and access to water as universal rights of all human beings, without distinction or discrimination[65]
summa expeditionis Antonio Novello, Suedio Clementi primipilaribus, Aemilio Pacensi, cui ademptum a Galba tribunatum reddiderat, permissa.
The command of the expedition was entrusted to Antonius Novellus and Suedius Clemens, centurions of the first rank, and Aemilius Pacensis, to whom Otho had restored the rank of tribune, taken from him by Galba.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Priscum Artoria Flaccilla coniux comitata est, Gallum Egnatia Maximilla, magnis primum et integris opibus, post ademptis; quae utraqe gloriam eius auxere.
Priscus and Gallus were accompanied respectively by their wives, Artoria Flaccilla and Egnatia Maximilla. The latter possessed at first a great fortune, still unimpaired, and was subsequently deprived of it, both which circumstances enhanced her fame.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Fides enim et Εθική Christiana, praeclarissima a Maioribus nostris tradita haer editas, quaeque praecipuum quovis tempore Patriae nostrae, ac tot illustrium Italorum decus extitit, vel insidiose et quasi in occulto, vel palam atque impudentissimo Κυνισμω a quorumdam hominum facilone impetuntur; qui nimirum quam ipsimet iam amiserint, Fidem atque Εθικήν ceteris adimere conantur.
Faith and Christian morals, the precious inheritance be queathed by Our ancestors, and in all past rimes the glory of Our country and of Italy's great ones, are being attacked artfully and in covert ways, or even openly, with cynicism that is revolting, by a handful of men who seek to rob others of that faith and morality they have themselves
Si haec libertas, ob condiciones et structuras, esset eis adempta, mundus, definitive, bonus non esset, quia mundus sine libertate nullo modo est mundus bonus.
If this freedom were to be taken away, as a result of certain conditions or structures, then ultimately this world would not be good, since a world without freedom can by no means be a good
At simul dolendum est haud paucos istorum, quo firmius verbo Dei adhaereant, eo magis humanam rationem adimere, et quo libentius Dei revelantis auctoritatem extollant, eo acrius Ecclesiae Magisterium aspernari, a Christo Domino institutum, ut veritates divinitus revelatas custodiat atque interpretetur.
But at the same time it is a matter of regret that not a few of these, the more firmly they accept the word of God, so much the more do they diminish the value of human reason, and the more they exalt the authority of God the Revealer, the more severely do they spurn the teaching office of the Church, which has been instituted by Christ, Our Lord, to preserve and interpret divine
Sacerdotes enim et fideles, qui sunt curae vestrae concrediti, monemus — quod idem ipsimet et plane scitis et fusius dicturi estis —, per novas Consociationes earumque Statuta iuridicam quidem Ecclesiae apud vos condicionem aliquanto tutiorem eoque ipso meliorem fieri, non adeo tamen, ut nobile illud ac generosum, quod ab initio laudavimus, certamen cessare debeat aut possit; neque enim bona per legem discidii adempta, iustae scilicet restitutionis nomine, recuperari licuit.
In the first place, We wish you to recall a certain fact to your priests and to the faithful confided to your care, a fact which you know already and which you yourselves will explain to them somewhat more in detail. The fact is this. If the new Associations and the statutes which are to govern them contribute to making the juridical position of the Church in your country somewhat more stable and by consequence more satisfactory than it has been, this should not be accepted as a reason for permitting that noble and generous rivalry between them, and which We have already praised in this very letter, to go out of
an obpugnationem inchoaturos adempto omni prospectu, quis aequus locus, quanta altitudo moenium, tormentisne et telis an operibus et vineis adgredienda urbs foret? mox conversus ad singulos, num securis dolabrasque et cetera expugnandis urbibus secum attulissent, rogitabat.
There will be the darkness, the strange localities of the town, the enemy inside the walls, and all possible facilities for ambuscades. Even if the gates were wide open, we ought not to enter the place, except we had first reconnoitred it, and in the day-time.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Dedimus profecto grande patientiae documentum; et sicut vetus aetas vidit quid ultimum in libertate esset, ita nos quid in servitute, adempto per inquisitiones etiam loquendi audiendique commercio.
Certainly we showed a magnificent example of patience; as a former age had witnessed the extreme of liberty, so we witnessed the extreme of servitude, when the informer robbed us of the interchange of speech and hearing.latin-ancient latin-ancient
quod quidem adversante Agrippina, tamquam acta Claudii subverterentur, obtinuere patres, qui in Palatium ob id vocabantur, ut adstaret additis a tergo foribus velo discreta, quod visum arceret, auditus non adimeret.
This was opposed by Agrippina, as a reversal of the legislation of Claudius, but it was carried by the senators who used to be summoned to the palace, in order that she might stand close to a hidden door behind them, screened by a curtain which was enough to shut her out of sight, but not out of hearing.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Auditae dehinc Lacedaemoniorum et Messeniorum legationes de iure templi Dianae Limnatidis, quod suis a maioribus suaque in terra dicatum Lacedaemonii firmabant annalium memoria vatumque carminibus, sed Macedonis Philippi cum quo bellassent armis ademptum ac post C. Caesaris et M. Antonii sententia redditum.
The Lacedaemonians asserted that it had been dedicated by their ancestors and in their territory, and appealed to the records of their history and the hymns of poets, but it had been wrested from, they said, by the arms of the Macedonian Philip, with whom they had fought, and subsequently restored by the decision of Caius Caesar and Marcus Antonius.latin-ancient latin-ancient
iamque apud proximos, iam longius clarescere, cum potentiam eius suspectantes qui factionibus floruerant discedunt ad conterminos populos ac testificantur adimi veterem Germaniae libertatem et Romanas opes insurgere.
He was winning fame among his neighbours and even far beyond them, when some who had found their fortune in party feuds, jealous of his power, fled to the tribes on the border, protesting that Germany was being robbed of her ancient freedom, and that the might of Rome was on the rise.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Posteaquam id obstinate sibi negari vidit, omni spe impetrandi adempta principes Galliae sollicitare, sevocare singulos hortarique coepit uti in continenti remanerent: metu territare: non sine causa fieri, ut Gallia omni nobilitate spoliaretur; id esse consilium Caesaris, ut quos in conspectu Galliae interficere vereretur, hos omnes in Britanniam traductos necaret; fidem reliquis interponere, iusiurandum poscere, ut quod esse ex usu Galliae intellexissent communi consilio administrarent.
After he saw that this request was firmly refused him, all hope of success being lost, he began to tamper with the chief persons of the Gauls, to call them apart singly and exhort them to remain on the continent; to agitate them with the fear that it was not without reason that Gaul should be stripped of all her nobility; that it was Caesar's design, to bring over to Britain and put to death all those whom he feared to slay in the sight of Gaul, to pledge his honor to the rest, to ask for their oath that they would by common deliberation execute what they should perceive to be necessary for Gaul.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Qua falsa semel inita via, nulla iam lege critica scientia cohibetur, suoque marte quidquid non arridet aut rei suae demonstrandae adversari putatur, id omne sacris libris adimitur.
Science once placed on this false road, there is no law of criticism to hold it back; and it cancels at its own caprice from the holy books everything that does not suit it or that it believes to be opposed to the pre-established theses it wishes to
Eiusmodi libita, nedum reformationi liturgicae in se annexa sint vel libris, qui eam secuti sunt, ei directo repugnant, eam deformant et populo christiano veras Liturgiae Ecclesiae divitias adimunt.
Initiatives of this sort, far from being linked with the liturgical reform as such, or with the books which have issued from it, are in direct contradiction to it, disfigure it and deprive the Christian people of the genuine treasures of the Liturgy of the
47 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.