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etiam de Claudio agitanti, quod is composita aetate bonarum artium cupiens erat, imminuta mens eius obstitit.
Tiberius had even thought of Claudius, as he was of sedate age and had a taste for liberal culture, but a weak intellect was against him.latin-ancient latin-ancient
sin Vespasianus rem publicam susciperet, obliviscendum offensarum de bello agitantibus.
In the anxiety of his mind, he sent a few of his friends, and carefully surveyed his position from both points of view.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Mali pariter moralis quaestio, quod omnium est tristissimum, in Bibliis agitatur, ubi illud dicitur haud posse ad aliquod vitium materiae debitum redigi, verum vulnus potius esse quod ex inordinata libertatis humanae affirmatione proficiscitur.
The problem of moral evil—the most tragic of evil's forms—is also addressed in the Bible, which tells us that such evil stems not from any material deficiency, but is a wound inflicted by the disordered exercise of human
Nam nec tu agitare et insequi poetas intermittis, et ego, cui desidiam advocationum obicis, cotidianum hoc patrocinium defendendae adversus te poeticae exerceo.
You, in fact, never cease from abusing and inveighing against poets, and I, whom you reproach with neglect of my professional duties, every day undertake to plead against you in defence of poetry.latin-ancient latin-ancient
an ut tu quoque mecum rea falsis criminationibus agiteris?
An ut tu quoque rea falsis criminationibus agiteris ?Literature Literature
Tempus venisse videtur rursus reperiendi vehementem illum afflatum qui Ecclesiam incitavit cum Constitutio “Sacrosanctum Concilium” est praeparata, agitata, decretata, promulgata primisque est adhibita modis.
The time has come to renew that spirit which inspired the Church at the moment when the Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium was prepared, discussed, voted upon and promulgated, and when the first steps were taken to apply
In Indiam reditus contra colonialismum Britannicum iuvenis agitavit.
In The Indian Cholera, he criticized British colonialism for spreading the pandemic.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dum haec in partibus Vitellii geruntur, digressus Narnia Vespasiani exercitus festos Saturni dies Ocriculi per otium agitabat.
While these successes were being achieved on the side of Vitellius, the army of Vespasian had left Narnia, and was passing the holiday of the Saturnalia in idleness at Ocriculum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Hic nempe Christi vultus est quem oportet etiam per sacramentum paenitentiae revelari, quod «Christifideli via est communis, qua veniam consequatur ac remissionem gravium, quae post Baptismum commisit, peccatorum».24 Cum superius memorata Synodus hanc agitaret difficultatem, ob omnium oculos huius Sacramenti discrimen obversabatur, in quibusdam praesertim orbis provinciis.
It is this face of Christ that must be rediscovered through the Sacrament of Penance, which for the faithful is "the ordinary way of obtaining forgiveness and the remission of serious sins committed after Baptism".24 When the Synod addressed the problem, the crisis of the Sacrament was there for all to see, especially in some parts of the
Habetis igitur quae ex desiderio et consilio Nostro in vestris conventibus agitetis: nihil autem dubitamus certum vobis deliberatumque fore omnes curas conferre, ut optatis Nostris respondeatis.
8. Here, therefore, you have the material We want you to consider in your synods. We have no doubt that you will make every certain and deliberative effort to respond to Our
Si haec quaestio agitaretur, modus exstaret detractionis cultum arcendi, qui totum terrarum orbem opprimit, sed hac in parte progressus perexiguos esse conspicimus.
A serious consideration of this issue would be one way of counteracting the throwaway culture which affects the entire planet, but it must be said that only limited progress has been made in this
Non minus autem deludit huius mentis tractatio magnis de aliis philosophiae quaesitis quae, si iam non omnino praetermittuntur, aliqua deliberatione agitantur quae similitudinibus apparentibus fulcitur, fundamento carentibus omnino rationali.
No less disappointing is the way in which it approaches the other great problems of philosophy which, if they are not ignored, are subjected to analyses based on superficial analogies, lacking all rational
Haec pagina est de aere agitato.
As a result of this, the soul remains agitated.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quo descensum novissimo tempore sit, et quid adhuc agitetur animis, plus est iam cognitum, quam ut verbis declarari oporteat.
These things are, indeed, so much a matter of notoriety that it is needless for Us to expatiate on the depths to which society has sunk in these days, or on the designs which now agitate the minds of
Haec igitur apud animum suum agitans, primum omnium expetivit, christianum nomen, christianae beneficia caritatis in occidentem extendere: quod tota rei gestae historia abunde comprobatur.
Considering these things, therefore, in his mind, he sought first of all to extend the Christian name and the benefits of Christian charity to the West, as is abundantly proved by the history of the whole
Num puero summam belli, num credere muros Tyrrhenamque fidem, aut gentis agitare quietas?
num puero summam belli, num credere muros, 70 Tyrrhenamque fidem aut gentis agitare quietas?Literature Literature
Verum, quibus temporibus providentissimus Deus Ecclesiam suam saevis procellis agitari permittit, acriores ipse a nobis animos viresque in auxilium paratiores optimo iure deposcit.
But when Our provident God allows His Church to be vexed with grievous storms, He himself justly demands from Us dispositions and powers more prepared to assist
Namque absentia legati remoto metu Britanni agitare inter se mala servitutis, conferre iniurias et interpretando accendere: nihil profici patientia nisi ut graviora tamquam ex facili tolerantibus imperentur.
Relieved from apprehension by the legate's absence, the Britons dwelt much among themselves on the miseries of subjection, compared their wrongs, and exaggerated them in the discussion.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Canis mea caudam agitat.
My dog is wagging her tail.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Lentulo Gaetulico C. Calvisio consulibus decreta triumphi insignia Poppaeo Sabino contusis Thraecum gentibus, qui montium editis incultu atque eo ferocius agitabant.
In the consulship of Lentulus Gaetulicus and Caius Calvisius, triumphal distinctions were decreed to Poppaeus Sabinus, for a crushing defeat of some Thracian tribes, whose wild life in the highlands of a mountainous country made them unusually fierce.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Canis caudam agitavit.
The dog wagged its tail.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Ac primo Callistus, iam mihi circa necem G. Caesaris narratus, et Appianae cacdis molitor Narcissus fagrantissimaque eo in tempore gratia Pallas agitavere, num Messalinam secretis minis depellerent amore Silii, cuncta alia dissimulantes.
At first Callistus, of whom I have already spoken in connection with the assassination of Caius Caesar, Narcissus, who had contrived the death of Appius, and Pallas, who was then in the height of favour, debated whether they might not by secret threats turn Messalina from her passion for Silius, while they concealed all else.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tametsi partem catholico nomini fidelem cedere non licet, semper tamen agitari decet colloquium cum altera parte.
Although the party faithful to Catholicism cannot give way, dialogue with the other party must always be kept
His rebus agitatis profitentur Carnutes se nullum periculum communis salutis causa recusare principesque ex omnibus bellum facturos pollicentur et, quoniam in praesentia obsidibus cavere inter se non possint ne res efferatur, ut iureiurando ac fide sanciatur, petunt, collatis militaribus signis, quo more eorum gravissima caerimonia continetur, ne facto initio belli ab reliquis deserantur. Tum collaudatis Carnutibus, dato iureiurando ab omnibus qui aderant, tempore eius rei constituto ab concilio disceditur.
"While these things are in agitation, the Carnutes declare ""that they would decline no danger for the sake of the general safety, and promise"" that they would be the first of all to begin the war; and since they can not at present take precautions, by giving and receiving hostages, that the affair shall not be divulged, they require that a solemn assurance be given them by oath and plighted honor, their military standards being brought together (in which manner their most sacred obligations are made binding), that they should not be deserted by the rest of the Gauls on commencing the war."latin-ancient latin-ancient
nam primo duodecim tabulis sanctum ne quis unciario faenore amplius exerceret, cum antea ex libidine locupletium agitaretur; dein rogatione tribunicia ad semuncias redactum, postremo vetita versura.
First, the Twelve Tables prohibited any one from exacting more than 10 per cent., when, previously, the rate had depended on the caprice of the wealthy.latin-ancient latin-ancient
117 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.