agitationibus oor Engels



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agitation · brandishing|waving|shaking|moving violently · exercise · motion · movement · prosecution · pursuit · working
Agitatio Australis El Niño / La Niña
El Niño Southern Oscillation


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Quoniam igitur tantum ii possunt religioni importare commodi, quibus cum catholicae professionis gratia felicem indolem ingenii benignum Numen impertiit, ideo in hac acerrima agitatione studiorum quae Scripturas quoquo modo attingunt, aptum sibi quisque eligant studii genus, in quo aliquando excellentes, obiecta in illas improbae scientiae tela, non sine gloria, repellant.
Seeing, then, that those can do so much for the advantage of religion on whom the goodness of Almighty God has bestowed, together with the grace of the faith, great natural talent, let such men, in this bitter conflict of which the Holy Scripture is the object, select each of them the branch of study most suitable to his circumstances, and endeavour to excel therein, and thus be prepared to repulse with credit and distinction the assaults on the Word of
Ingeniaria petrolei est disciplina artis ingeniariae quae agitationes ad hydrocarbonea producta pertinent tractat, quae esse possunt aut petroleum crudum aut gasium naturale.
Petroleum engineering is a field of engineering concerned with the activities related to the production of hydrocarbons, which can be either crude oil or natural gas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Agitatio Australis El Niño / La Niña
El Niño Southern Oscillationlangbot langbot
Finis maior studii codicis est invenire relationem inter stimulum et responsum neuralem singularis aut summae et relationem inter agitationem electricam neuronum in summa.
The main goal of studying neural coding is to characterize the relationship between the stimulus and the individual or ensemble neuronal responses and the relationship among electrical activity of the neurons in the ensemble.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Multum eorum agitationis in 291, pinacotheca Alfredi Stieglitz, et in domu Gualterii et Ludovicae Arensberg nisum est.
Much of their activity centered in Alfred Stieglitz's gallery, 291, and the home of Walter and Louise Arensberg.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ordo tertius in Principes Secreti consistit, quae, peritissimi dicti, agitationes ordinum inferiorum per communicationem incorporealem cum principibus ordinis secundi direxerunt.
Thurston's original request was met with a specification for a third-order Fresnel lens, but as time passed plans were upgraded to use a second-order, and then a first-order lens.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hae sententiae quandam consequi possunt vim suasoriam ex earum vicinitate cum captu scientiae, quae merito sollicita est de artificiosis et oeconomicis ordinandis agitationibus secundum computationem opum et quaestuum necnon processuum et effectuum.
These theories can gain a certain persuasive force from their affinity to the scientific mentality, which is rightly concerned with ordering technical and economic activities on the basis of a calculation of resources and profits, procedures and their
Etenim, teterrimo bello vix dissipato, civitatibus deinde partium agitatione perturbatis, ea hominum mentes animosque studia effrenata pervaserunt, eaeque opinionum perversitates, ut iam sit extimescendum ne optimus quisque Christifidelium atque etiam sacerdotum, falsa veri bonique specie allectus, lugenda errorum contagione inficiatur.
As an after-effect of the upheaval caused by the Great War and of its political and social consequences, false ideas and unhealthy sentiments have, like a contagious disease, so taken possession of the popular mind that We have grave fears that even some among the best of our laity and of the clergy, seduced by the false appearance of truth which some of these doctrines possess, have not been altogether immune from
Praecipuae agitationes Russicae in territorio fuerant commercium pellis opusque missionariorum inter indigenas.
Russia's primary activities in the territory had been fur trade and missionary work among the Native Alaskans.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Agitatione feministica multisque amoribus innotuit.
The strange woman vanishes mysteriously.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quodsi domus, ad quas pertinetis, hospitalitatem fraternam ample exercent, vestrum erit assiduitatem et modum eius constituere, ut omnes inanis agitatio devitetur et expeditior hospitibus vestris reddatur intima cum Deo coniunctio.
If according to your constitutions the houses to which you belong widely practice fraternal hospitality, it will be for you to regulate the frequency and mode of that hospitality, so that all unnecessary disturbance is avoided, and so that your guests are helped to attain close union with
Ornatusuniformis est vestimentum quod induitur a membro societatis participante in sua agitatione.
A uniform is a type of clothing worn by members of an organization while participating in that organization's activity.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Notissima exempla Maccarthismi sunt orationes, investigationes, et senatoriales cognitiones ipsius senatoris McCarthy; proscriptio Ruscisilvestris, cum cognitionibus a Consilio Agitationum Non Americanarum Camerae Repraesentativorum habitis; et variae agitationes contra communismum a Ministerio Investigationis Foederali effectae, Ioanne Edgaro Hoover duce.
The most famous examples of McCarthyism include the speeches, investigations and hearings of Senator McCarthy himself; the Hollywood blacklist, associated with hearings conducted by the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC); and the various anti-communist activities of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under Director J. Edgar Hoover.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
13 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.