agricolarum oor Engels



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Georgius Agricola
Georgius Agricola
Giulio Agricola
Giulio Agricola
Gnaeus Iulius Agricola
Gnaeus Julius Agricola
Acrocephalus agricola
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Temperavit Agricola vim suam ardoremque compescuit, ne incresceret, peritus obsequi eruditusque utilia honestis miscere.
Agricola moderated his energy and restrained his ardour, that he might not grow too important, for he had learnt to obey, and understood well how to combine expediency with honour.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Per negotia rustica et conventus syndicati, mulieres cenas ferebant et inter se certabant ut probarent quam gregem maxime pascere potuerit, et agricolae post negotia intente disceptabant de quibus honoris causa eorum hospites nocte domi fuerint.
At rural affairs and union meetings, the farm women would bring "suppers" and would vie with each other to see who could feed the troupe most, and after the affair the farmers would have earnest discussions about who would have the honor of taking them home for the night.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Atqui in nationibus etiam oeconomica ratione progressis, ubi scientiarum inquisitiones et victoriae technologiae vel politica agendi via ipsius Civitatis agrorum culturam ad locum altissimum provexerunt, laedi potest operis ius, cum agricolae potestas negatur communicandi consilia et decisiones, quae operam ipsius afficiunt, vel cum ius denegatur ineundi libere consociationes propter iustam progressionem socialem, culturalem, oeconomicam opificis agricolae.
But even in the economically developed countries, where scientific research, technological achievements and State policy have brought agriculture to a very advanced level, the right to work can be infringed when the farm workers are denied the possibility of sharing in decisions concerning their services, or when they are denied the right to free association with a view to their just advancement socially, culturally and
Satis constabat lecto testamento Agricolae, quo coheredem optimae uxori et piissimae filiae Domitianum scripsit, laetatum eum velut honore iudicioque.
It was well known that on reading the will, in which he was named co-heir with Agricola's excellent wife and most dutiful daughter, he expressed delight, as if it had been a complimentary choice.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Cœpitque Noe agricola plantare vineam; bibensque vinum inebriatus est et nudatus in tabernaculo suo.
And Noah a husbandman began to till the ground, and planted a vineyard. And drinking of the wine was made drunk, and was uncovered in his tent.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Eo die agricolae coronas in fontes iaciebant.
A farm leans on the ruins.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Pater eius agricola erat.
His father was an agriculturist.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quod ut obtineatur, opus omnino est, ut agricolae et egregie in suis laboribus generatim erudiantur, et in novis edoceantur inventis, denique a peritis viris in sua efficienda arte iuventur.
To ensure this, farmers must be given up-to-date instruction on the latest methods of cultivation, and the assistance of experts must be put at their
De vita et moribus Iulii Agricolae
Agricola (book)langbot langbot
Igitur triumphalia ornamenta et inlustris statuae honorem et quidquid pro triumpho datur, multo verborum honore cumulata, decerni in senatu iubet addique insuper opinionem, Syriam provinciam Agricolae destinari, vacuam tum morte Atili Rufi consularis et maioribus reservatam.
For Agricola was still the governor of Britain. Accordingly the Emperor ordered that the usual triumphal decorations, the honour of a laurelled statue, and all that is commonly given in place of the triumphal procession, with the addition of many laudatory expressions, should be decreed in the senate, together with a hint to the effect that Agricola was to have the province of Syria, then vacant by the death of Atilius Rufus, a man of consular rank, and generally reserved for men of distinction.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Iamque in ipsis castris pugnabatur, cum Agricola iter hostium ab exploratoribus edoctus et vestigiis insecutus, velocissimos equitum peditumque adsultare tergis pugnantium iubet, mox ab universis adici clamorem; et propinqua luce fulsere signa.
And now the battle was raging within the camp itself, when Agricola, who had learnt from his scouts the enemy's line of march and had kept close on his track, ordered the most active soldiers of his cavalry and infantry to attack the rear of the assailants, while the entire army were shortly to raise a shout. Soon his standards glittered in the light of daybreak.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tradiderat interim Agricola successori suo provinciam quietam tutamque.
Meanwhile Agricola had handed over his province in peace and safety to his successor.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Georgius Agricola
Georgius Agricolalangbot langbot
In domibus agricolarum de re publica, de difficultatibus operariorum, de antisemitismo et unionismo, de bello et pace et securitate sociali disceptare solebant—"et semper," Puparii referunt, "agricolae scire volebant quod fieri potuerit ad instituendam unitatem validiorem inter se et operarios urbanos.
In the farmers' homes they talked about politics and the farmers' problems, about antisemitism and Unionism, about war and peace and social security—"and always," the puppeteers report, "the farmers wanted to know what can be done to create a stronger unity between themselves and city workers.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Id quod pendet non tantum e gradu progressionis ipsius technicae artis agricolaris, verum — immo fortasse etiam magis — ex agnitione iustorum iurium operariorum agricolarum ac denique e gradu conscientiae communis de re ethica sociali laboris.
This depends not only on the level of development of agricultural technology but also, and perhaps more, on the recognition of the just rights of agricultural workers and, finally, on the level of awareness regarding the social ethics of
Avus meus agricola erat.
My grandfather was a farmer.tatoeba tatoeba
Contemplantes evadere debent opifices agricolae – laborantes –, nobis dicit.
Contemplatives—contemplantes—must become agricultural labourers—laborantes—he
Sicut sollers agricola, Pater suam curat vineam.
As a diligent vinedresser, the Father takes care of his
Igitur ad sollemnia pietatis profectus Agricola, nuntio adfectati a Vespasiano imperii deprehensus ac statim in partis transgressus est.
Agricola, who instantly set out to discharge the duties of affection, was overtaken by the tidings that Vespasian was aiming at the throne.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Condiciones vero agrestium operisque rustici haud eaedem ubi que sunt diversique pariter sunt status sociales opificum agricolarum in regionibus variis.
The conditions of the rural population and of agricultural work vary from place to place, and the social position of agricultural workers differs from country to
Ita petita pace ac dedita insula clarus ac magnus haberi Agricola, quippe cui ingredienti provinciam, quod tempus alii per ostentationem et officiorum ambitum transigunt, labor et periculum placuisset.
And so, peace having been sued for and the island given up, Agricola became great and famous as one who, when entering on his province, a time which others spend in vain display and a round of ceremonies, chose rather toil and danger.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Iamque agmina et armorum fulgores audentissimi cuiusque procursu; simul instruebatur acies, cum Agricola quamquam laetum et vix munimentis coercitum militem accendendum adhuc ratus, ita disseruit: 'septimus annus est, commilitones, ex quo virtute et auspiciis imperii Romani, fide atque opera vestra Britanniam vicistis.
And now was seen the assembling of troops and the gleam of arms, as the boldest warriors stepped to the fro, As the line was forming, Agricola, who, though his troop were in high spirits and could scarcely be kept within the entrenchments, still thought it right to encourage them, spoke as follows--latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ex quo id re similiter consequitur quod Paraguaiani Episcopi edixerunt: “Quisque agricola naturali fruitur iure congruam agri partem possidendi, ubi suam domum exstruere, se operando suamque familiam sustentare atque suam aetatem tuto agere possit.
This has practical consequences, such as those pointed out by the bishops of Paraguay: “Every campesino has a natural right to possess a reasonable allotment of land where he can establish his home, work for subsistence of his family and a secure
Iesus, ut quosdam aspectus Regni Dei aperiat, vineae symbolum adhibet: “Vineam pastinavit homo et circumdedit saepem et fodit lacum et aedificavit turrim et locavit eam agricolis et peregre profectus est” (Marc. 12, 1; Cfr.
Jesus himself once again takes up the symbol of the vine and uses it to illustrate various aspects of the Kingdom of God: "A man planted a vineyard, and set a hedge around it, and dug a pit for the winepress, and built a tower and let it out to tenants and went into another country" (Mk 12:1;
135 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.