aliti oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

ablative neuter singular of āles
ablative feminine singular of āles
ablative masculine singular of āles
dative neuter singular of āles
dative feminine singular of āles
dative masculine singular of āles

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

Definitio alta
High-definition television · high-definition television
Insula alta
High island · high island
Alta planities
Plateau · plateau
Vocalis postica alta non rotundata
close back unrounded vowel
Alta Sequanae
Altum Vadum
Vyšší Brod Monastery
Fanum Sancti Nicolai de Alto
San Nicola dell'Alto


Advanced filtering
Summus locus est 6 metra, sed plurimum insulae est minus quam 3 metra altum.
Its highest point is 6 m, while most of the island is less than 3 m high.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Aves alas habent.
Birds have wings.tatoeba tatoeba
Hoc se alit "Pane vivo".
From this “living bread” she draws her
Cuius rei causa vocationum actio pastoralis congrua subsidia adhibeat, veluti spiritalem moderationem, ut personalis illa responsio erga Dominum alatur, quae summi ponderis est ut discipuli eiusque Regni apostoli fiant.
In view of this, the pastoral work of promoting vocations should make use of suitable help, such as spiritual direction, in order to nourish that personal response of love of the Lord which is the necessary condition for becoming disciples and apostles of his
Hoc flumen huic generi lintris altum satis.
This river isn't deep enough for this kind of boat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Quam altum est hoc flumen?
How deep is this river?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Methodo enim dialogi utitur Ecclesia, quo efficacius perducat homines — eos quidem tam qui per baptismum fideique profession em sese membra agnoscunt christianae communitatis quam qui ab ea sunt alieni — ad conversionem ac paenitentiam, per altam quandam renovationem in propria conscientia ac vita, ratione ducta mysterii redemptionis salutisque, quam Christus est operatus quaeque ipsius ministerio Ecclesiae est commendata.
The church in fact uses the method of dialogue in order the better to lead people-both those who through baptism and the profession of faith acknowledge their membership of the Christian community and also those who are outside-to conversion and repentance, along the path of a profound renewal of their own consciences and lives in the light of the mystery of the redemption and salvation accomplished by Christ and entrusted to the ministry of his
Categoria:Uberibus alere
Category:Breastfeedinglangbot langbot
Hoc igitur Sacramento videmus fidem ali, mentem enutriri, rationalistarum commenta dilui, ordinem rerum quae supra naturam sunt maxime illustrari.
It is plain that by this Sacrament faith is fed, in it the mind finds its nourishment, the objections of rationalists are brought to naught, and abundant light is thrown on the supernatural
Inde, ubi prima fides pelago, placataque venti / dant maria, et lenis crepitans vocat auster in altum, / deducunt socii naves et litora complent. / Provehimur portu, terraeque urbesque recedunt.
Soon as our ships can trust the deep once more, / and South-winds chide, and Ocean smiles serene, / we crowd the beach, and launch, and town and shore / fade from our view.tatoeba tatoeba
Reliqui, qui domi manserunt, se atque illos alunt; hi rursus in vicem anno post in armis sunt, illi domi remanent.
The latter again, in their turn, are in arms the year after: the former remain at home.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Filii autem Israel comederunt man quadraginta annis, donec venirent in terram habitabilem; hoc cibo aliti sunt, usquequo tangerent fines terræ Chanaan.
And the children of Israel ate manna forty years, till they came to a habitable land: with this meat were they fed, until they reached the borders of the land of Canaan.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Palatium altam turrim habet.
The palace has a tall tower.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Turris quindecim metra alta est.
The tower is fifteen metres high.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Quas universi orbis prospectus hoc novo ingrediente Millennio difficultates ostentat, adducunt nos ut credamus solam ex Alto intercessionem facere posse ut minus obscurum nos posthac tempus speremus, quoniam animos illa sola moderari potest eorum qui in disputationum condicionibus versantur nec non qui Nationum sortes gubernant.
The grave challenges confronting the world at the start of this new Millennium lead us to think that only an intervention from on high, capable of guiding the hearts of those living in situations of conflict and those governing the destinies of nations, can give reason to hope for a brighter
Ut Evangelii Verbum frugifere proclametur, oportet potissimum alta Dei experientia habeatur.
To proclaim fruitfully the Word of the Gospel one is first asked to have a profound experience of
Maletum (Tridentinum-Alta Athesia/Tirolis Meridionalis)
Malèlangbot langbot
Quam altus est mons?
How high is the mountain?tatoeba tatoeba
Iniustitiae proficiscenti ex peccato, quod etiam in mundi hodierni compagem alte invasit quodque familiam saepius impedit ne in se ipsa suisque iuribus primariis plene perficiatur, omnes resistere mentis animique conversione debemus, Christum crucifixum in amoris proprii negatione sectantes: huiusmodi vero conversio non poterit quin beneficam ac renovantem vim societatis quoque afferat structuris.
To the injustice originating from sin-which has profoundly penetrated the structures of today's world-and often hindering the family's full realization of itself and of its fundamental rights, we must all set ourselves in opposition through a conversion of mind and heart, following Christ Crucified by denying our own selfishness: such a conversion cannot fail to have a beneficial and renewing influence even on the structures of
Fanum Sancti Nicolai de Alto
San Nicola dell'Altolangbot langbot
Illud spiraculum valde altum est.
That chimney is very high.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Haec unitas respondet altae omnium creaturarum rationalium veritati et, praecipue, hominis, qui inter omnes creaturas inde ab initio elatus est per aeternam Dei in Iesu electionem: “In Christo . . . elegit nos ante mundi constitutionem . . . in caritate, qui praedestinavit nos in adoptionem filiorum per Iesum Christum, secundum beneplacitum voluntatis suae” (Cfr.
This unity corresponds to the profound truth concerning all intelligent creatures and in particular concerning man, who among all the creatures of the visible world was elevated from the beginning through the eternal choice of God in Jesus: "He chose us in (Christ) before the foundation of the world,
Plurimae sunt plantae herbaceae, sed aliquae sunt suffrutices qui ad 60 cm alti crescunt.
Most are herbaceous plants, though a few are subshrubs growing to 60 cm (24 in) tall.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fanum Sanctae Christinae (Tridentinum-Alta Athesia/Tirolis Meridionalis)
Santa Cristina Gherdëinalangbot langbot
Recta igitur et alta notitia naturae et missionis sacerdotii ministerialis via una est persequenda (eamque ipsa Synodus persecuta est) ut exire liceat tandem de «crisi» identitatis sacerdotis.
A correct and in - depth awareness of the nature and mission of the ministerial priesthood is the path which must be taken - and in fact the synod did take it - in order to emerge from the crisis of priestly
207 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.