altiori oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Latyn - Engels

dative neuter singular of altior
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dative masculine singular of altior

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Summus locus est 6 metra, sed plurimum insulae est minus quam 3 metra altum.
Its highest point is 6 m, while most of the island is less than 3 m high.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Haec parametra, statione adumbrationis opticae introducta, lentem Panomorph sinunt ut altiorem resolutionem in zoná definitá offerant quam alii panoramici imaginatores soliti.
The zones of interest or whole image improvements resulting from using any of these design strategies in a given panomorph lenses allow providing improved optical performances compared to other traditional wide-angle lenses.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Atqui in nationibus etiam oeconomica ratione progressis, ubi scientiarum inquisitiones et victoriae technologiae vel politica agendi via ipsius Civitatis agrorum culturam ad locum altissimum provexerunt, laedi potest operis ius, cum agricolae potestas negatur communicandi consilia et decisiones, quae operam ipsius afficiunt, vel cum ius denegatur ineundi libere consociationes propter iustam progressionem socialem, culturalem, oeconomicam opificis agricolae.
But even in the economically developed countries, where scientific research, technological achievements and State policy have brought agriculture to a very advanced level, the right to work can be infringed when the farm workers are denied the possibility of sharing in decisions concerning their services, or when they are denied the right to free association with a view to their just advancement socially, culturally and
Hoc flumen huic generi lintris altum satis.
This river isn't deep enough for this kind of boat.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Quam altum est hoc flumen?
How deep is this river?Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Methodo enim dialogi utitur Ecclesia, quo efficacius perducat homines — eos quidem tam qui per baptismum fideique profession em sese membra agnoscunt christianae communitatis quam qui ab ea sunt alieni — ad conversionem ac paenitentiam, per altam quandam renovationem in propria conscientia ac vita, ratione ducta mysterii redemptionis salutisque, quam Christus est operatus quaeque ipsius ministerio Ecclesiae est commendata.
The church in fact uses the method of dialogue in order the better to lead people-both those who through baptism and the profession of faith acknowledge their membership of the Christian community and also those who are outside-to conversion and repentance, along the path of a profound renewal of their own consciences and lives in the light of the mystery of the redemption and salvation accomplished by Christ and entrusted to the ministry of his
Est duobus digitis altior quam ego.
He is two inches taller than I am.tatoeba tatoeba
id militaris animos altius coniectantibus praecipuum indicium magni atque inplacabilis motus, quod neque disiecti nec paucorum instinctu, set pariter ardescerent, pariter silerent, tanta aequalitate et constantia ut regi crederes.
To those who could guess the temper of soldiers with some penetration, the strongest symptom of a wide-spread and intractable commotion, was the fact that, instead of being divided or instigated by a few persons, they were unanimous in their fury and equally unanimous in their composure, with so uniform a consistency that one would have thought them to be under command.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Iamvero sicut animi humani naturam simplicem, spiritualem atque immortalem, sic et libertatem nemo nec altius praedicat, nec constantius asserit Ecclesia catholica, quae scilicet utrumque omni tempore docuit, sicque tuetur ut dogma.
4. As the Catholic Church declares in the strongest terms the simplicity, spirituality, and immortality of the soul, so with unequalled constancy and publicity she ever also asserts its
sic pedes; equites vado secuti aut altiores inter undas adnantes equis tramisere.
Thus the infantry crossed, while the cavalry followed by fording, or, where the water was deep, swam by the side of their horses.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ita aperte superata est notio altioris societatis, cui apud antiquos perquisitio veritatis erat reservata.
The elitism which had characterized the ancients' search for truth was clearly
Inde, ubi prima fides pelago, placataque venti / dant maria, et lenis crepitans vocat auster in altum, / deducunt socii naves et litora complent. / Provehimur portu, terraeque urbesque recedunt.
Soon as our ships can trust the deep once more, / and South-winds chide, and Ocean smiles serene, / we crowd the beach, and launch, and town and shore / fade from our view.tatoeba tatoeba
Si oeconomicae altioris progressionis Nationes cooperantes, sicut interdum usu venit, non considerant propriam aliorumque culturalem indolem, factam ex humanis valoribus, cum civibus Nationum egentium nullum verum dialogum instituere possunt.
If the parties to cooperation on the side of economically developed countries — as occasionally happens — fail to take account of their own or others' cultural identity, or the human values that shape it, they cannot enter into meaningful dialogue with the citizens of poor
Palatium altam turrim habet.
The palace has a tall tower.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Turris quindecim metra alta est.
The tower is fifteen metres high.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Quas universi orbis prospectus hoc novo ingrediente Millennio difficultates ostentat, adducunt nos ut credamus solam ex Alto intercessionem facere posse ut minus obscurum nos posthac tempus speremus, quoniam animos illa sola moderari potest eorum qui in disputationum condicionibus versantur nec non qui Nationum sortes gubernant.
The grave challenges confronting the world at the start of this new Millennium lead us to think that only an intervention from on high, capable of guiding the hearts of those living in situations of conflict and those governing the destinies of nations, can give reason to hope for a brighter
Exstinguitur autem haec in eo conscientia ob nimiam moderationern grapheocraticam, omnia in unum conferentem, in qua opifex potius sibi videtur particula esse maximi cuiusdam machinamenti altiore potentia moti, immo potius — et pluribus quidern de causis — nudum effectionis bonorum utensile quam verum laboris subiectum, proprio suo interiore impetu praeditum.
This awareness is extinguished within him in a system of excessive bureaucratic centralization, which makes the worker feel that he is just a cog in a huge machine moved from above, that he is for more reasons than one a mere production instrument rather than a true subject of work with an initiative of his
Ut Evangelii Verbum frugifere proclametur, oportet potissimum alta Dei experientia habeatur.
To proclaim fruitfully the Word of the Gospel one is first asked to have a profound experience of
Maletum (Tridentinum-Alta Athesia/Tirolis Meridionalis)
Malèlangbot langbot
Quam altus est mons?
How high is the mountain?tatoeba tatoeba
At in paschali mysterio limes transitul' multiplicis mali, cuius fit consors homo terrestri in vita: nam facit crux Christi, ut altiores perspiciamus mali radices in peccatum mortemque descendentes et sic ea efficitur eschatologicum signum.
In the paschal mystery the limits of the many sided evil in which man becomes a sharer during his earthly existence are surpassed: the cross of Christ, in fact, makes us understand the deepest roots of evil, which are fixed in sin and death; thus the cross becomes an eschatological
Iniustitiae proficiscenti ex peccato, quod etiam in mundi hodierni compagem alte invasit quodque familiam saepius impedit ne in se ipsa suisque iuribus primariis plene perficiatur, omnes resistere mentis animique conversione debemus, Christum crucifixum in amoris proprii negatione sectantes: huiusmodi vero conversio non poterit quin beneficam ac renovantem vim societatis quoque afferat structuris.
To the injustice originating from sin-which has profoundly penetrated the structures of today's world-and often hindering the family's full realization of itself and of its fundamental rights, we must all set ourselves in opposition through a conversion of mind and heart, following Christ Crucified by denying our own selfishness: such a conversion cannot fail to have a beneficial and renewing influence even on the structures of
Oportet ut oratio post communionem atque conclusionis ritus — benedictio et Missae discessus — hoc in conspectu, iterum detegantur et melius aestimentur, ut quotquot Eucharistiae participes fuerunt responsalitatem sibi concreditam altiore ratione sentiant.
Given this, the Prayer after Communion and the Concluding Rite — the Final Blessing and the Dismissal — need to be better valued and appreciated, so that all who have shared in the Eucharist may come to a deeper sense of the responsibility which is entrusted to
Fanum Sancti Nicolai de Alto
San Nicola dell'Altolangbot langbot
Illud spiraculum valde altum est.
That chimney is very high.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
202 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.