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Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis


Charlton T. Lewis

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Cornelio Cethego Visellio Varrone consulibus pontifices eorumque exemplo ceteri sacerdotes, cum pro incolumitate principis vota susciperent, Neronem quoque et Drusum isdem dis commendavere, non tam caritate iuvenum quam adulatione, quae moribus corruptis perinde anceps, si nulla et ubi nimia est.
In the consulship of Cornelius Cethegus and Visellius Varro, the pontiffs, whose example was followed by the other priests in offering prayers for the emperor's health, commended also Nero and Drusus to the same deities, not so much out of love for the young princes as out of sycophancy, the absence and excess of which in a corrupt age are alike dangerous.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Omnes alacres et fiduciae pleni ad Alesiam proficiscuntur, neque erat omnium quisquam qui aspectum modo tantae multitudinis sustineri posse arbitraretur, praesertim ancipiti proelio, cum ex oppido eruptione pugnaretur, foris tantae copiae equitatus peditatusque cernerentur.
All march to Alesia, sanguine and full of confidence: nor was there a single individual who imagined that the Romans could withstand the sight of such an immense host: especially in an action carried on both in front and rear, when [on the inside] the besieged would sally from the town and attack the enemy, and on the outside so great forces of cavalry and infantry would be seen.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Numquid sermo Dei talis esse desiit, qualis ab Apostolo dicebatur, vivus et efficax et penetrabilior omni gladio ancipiti?
Has the Word of God then ceased to be what it was described by the Apostle, living and effectual and more piercing than any two-edged sword?
Non illi paucitatem nostrorum militum, non iniquitatem loci atque angustias praeoccupatis castris et ancipitem terrorem intra extraque munitiones, non abscisum in duas partes exercitum, cum altera alteri auxilium ferre non posset, causae fuisse cogitabant.
They did not consider that the smallness of our numbers, and the disadvantage of the place and the confined nature of the ground occasioned by their having first possessed themselves of the camp, and the double danger both from within and without the fortifications, and the separation of the army into two parts, so that the one could not give relief to the other, were the causes of our defeat.latin-ancient latin-ancient
secutaque anceps valitudo iram deum adfirmavit.
A fit of illness which followed, convinced people of the divine displeasure.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Quo consilio capiendo ancipitem viam ingressus erat quia contraria inter sese cupiebant possessores agrorum et avari veterani.
Reports of the first explorers and government surveyors crossing the future state only seemed to confirm the assessment that Michigan land was unsuitable for agriculture or other productive activities.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
proelium tota nocte varium, anceps, atrox, his, rursus illis exitiabile.
The cavalry and the auxiliaries chose their position themselves.latin-ancient latin-ancient
tum intellecto barbarorum inrisu, qui peterent quod eripuerant, consuluit inter primores civitatis Nero, bellum anceps an pax inho[ne]sta placeret.
Then was perceived the mockery of the barbarians in petitioning for what they had wrested from us, and Nero consulted with the chief men of the State whether they should accept a dangerous war or a disgraceful peace.latin-ancient latin-ancient
accessit Galbae vox pro re publica honesta, ipsi anceps, legi a se militem, non emi; nec enim ad hanc formam cetera erant.
"To all this was added Galba's own expression, ""I choose my soldiers, I do not buy them,"" noble words for the commonwealth, but fraught with peril for himself."latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tum vero ancipiti mentem formidine pressus / obstupui, steterumque comae et vox faucibus haesit.
Mute with fear, / perplext, aghast I stood, and upright rose my hair.tatoeba tatoeba
Quae nimia ad id genus accommodationem proclivitas gliscit tum ad philosophiae provinciam - in qua mirum quantum huius saeculi mos et consuetudo pollent, cum contra animus debeat esse liber nullique obnoxius, solius veritatis cupidus, et ad probatorum magistrorum auctoritatem docilis - tum etiam ad vitae actionem, in qua nempe magis magisque anceps et difficile est, quid sit rectum, quidve recta vitae ratio, definire.
This craving for uniformity is observable even in the realm of philosophy (it is extraordinary how much weight is attached to fashion in a province where the mind ought to be free and independent, anxious only to arrive at the truth, and bowing to the authority of none but proved masters). It is observable also in the realm of ethics, making it more and more perplexing and difficult to define moral rectitude and the right conduct of
Quanta operae adsiduitate laborumque patientia iisdem utendum fuit, ut clerum optimis moribus conformatimi excitarent, ut créditos sibi greges rerum acerbitatibus vexatos consolarentur, ut eos denique, quorum anceps nutabat fides, sustentarent, omnique roborarent ope!
What persevering work and patient labor they had to devote to raising up a clergy of the highest moral standard; to consoling the flocks committed to them, harassed by such harsh circumstances; and finally to sustaining and strengthening in every way those whose faith was wavering and faltering!
casus prima ab infantia ancipites; nam proscriptum patrem exul secutus, ubi domum Augusti privignus introiit, multis aemulis conflictatus est, dum Marcellus et Agrippa, mox Gaius Luciusque Caesares viguere; etiam frater eius Drusus prosperiore civium amore erat.
From earliest infancy, perilous vicissitudes were his lot. Himself an exile, he was the companion of a proscribed father, and on being admitted as a stepson into the house of Augustus, he had to struggle with many rivals, so long as Marcellus and Agrippa and, subsequently, Caius and Lucius Caesar were in their glory.latin-ancient latin-ancient
prima iuventa quietis cupidine senatorium ordinem exuerat; idem pro Galba dux coloniae suae, eaque opera procurationem adeptus, susceptis Vespasiani partibus acerrimam bello facem praetulit: non tam praemiis periculorum quam ipsis periculis laetus pro certis et olim partis nova ambigua ancipitia malebat.
Though in early youth the desire of repose had led him to resign his senatorial rank, he afterwards put himself at the head of his colony in fighting for Galba, and by this service he obtained his procuratorship. Subsequently embracing the cause of Vespasian, he lent the movement the stimulus of a fiery zeal.latin-ancient latin-ancient
nec Antonius ultra institit, memor laboris ac vulnerum, quibus tam anceps proelii fortuna, quamvis prospero fine, equites equosque adflictaverat.
The near neighbourhood of the fortifications of Cremona, while it gave more hope of escape, diminished the vigour of their resistance.latin-ancient latin-ancient
iamque et Albani Hiberique prensare, detrudere, ancipitem pugnam hostibus facere, quos super eques et propioribus vulneribus pedites adflictabant.
And now the Albanians and Iberians seized, and hurled the Parthians from their steeds, and embarrassed their enemy with a double attack, pressed as they were by the cavalry on the heights and by the nearer blows of the infantry.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Extricare posse, qui se Massonum impedivit in plagas, res profecto est et multi negotii et exitu anceps, si sectae ingenium spectetur : nullius tamen desperanda sanatio, quia caritatis apostolicae mira vis est, Deo nimirum opitulante, cuius in potestate arbitrioque ipsae sunt hominum voluntates.
To be sure, the task of extricating those who have fallen into the snares of the Masons is laborious, and its outcome is doubtful, if we consider the cleverness of the sect: still the recovery of no one should ever be despaired of since the force of apostolic charity is truly
Hoc enim superioribus diebus timens Caesar, ne navibus nostri circumvenirentur, duplicem eo loco fecerat vallum, ut, si ancipiti proelio dimicaretur, posset resisti.
For some days before, Caesar, apprehending that our men might be surrounded by sea, had made a double rampart there, that if he should be attacked on both sides, he might have the means of defending himself.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ac forte illis diebus oblatum Caesari anceps periculum auxit vana rumoris praebuitque ipsi materiem cur amicitiae constantiaeque Seiani magis fideret.
It happened at this time that a perilous accident which occurred to the emperor strengthened vague rumours and gave him grounds for trusting more fully in the friendship and fidelity of Sejanus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Si civitas, in qua orti sunt, longa pace et otio torpeat plerique nobilium adolescentium petunt ultro eas nationes, quae tum bellum aliquod gerunt; quia et ingrata genti quies, et facilius inter ancipitia clarescunt, magnumque comitatum non nisi vi belloque tuentur: exigunt enim principis sui liberalitate illum bellatorem equum, illam cruentam victricemque frameam.
If their native state sinks into the sloth of prolonged peace and repose, many of its noble youths voluntarily seek those tribes which are waging some war, both because inaction is odious to their race, and because they win renown more readily in the midst of peril, and cannot maintain a numerous following except by violence and war. Indeed, men look to the liberality of their chief for their war-horse and their blood-stained and victorious lance.latin-ancient latin-ancient
nam quia discumbentis Neronis apud Simbruina stagna [in villa], cui Sublaqueum nomen est, ictae dapes mensaque disiecta erat, idque finibus Tiburtum acciderat, unde paterna Plauto origo, hunc illum numine deum destinari credebant, fovebantque multi, quibus nova et ancipitia praecolere avida et plerumque fallax ambitio est.
While Nero was reclining at dinner in his house named Sublaqueum on the Simbruine lake, the table with the banquet was struck and shattered, and as this happened close to Tibur, from which town Plautus derived his origin on his father's side, people believed him to be the man marked out by divine providence; and he was encouraged by that numerous class, whose eager and often mistaken ambition it is to attach themselves prematurely to some new and hazardous cause.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Tum vero ancipiti mentem formidine pressus / obstupui, steterumque comæ et vox faucibus hæsit.
Mute with fear, / perplext, aghast I stood, and upright rose my hair.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Ita ancipiti proelio diu atque acriter pugnatum est.
Thus, was the contest long and vigorously carried on with doubtful success.latin-ancient latin-ancient
abditos principis sensus et si quid occultius parat exquirere inlicitum, anceps: nec ideo adsequare.
To explore the prince's secret thoughts, or any of his hidden plans, is a forbidden, a dangerous thing, nor does it follow that one could reach them.latin-ancient latin-ancient
segniter eae voces acceptae, non amore in maritum, sed ne Silius summa adeptus sperneret adulteram scelusque inter ancipitia probatum veris mox pretiis aestimaret.
"Messalina would have the same power as before, with the additional advantage of a quiet mind, if only they took Claudius by surprise, who, though unsuspicious of treachery, was hasty in his wrath."" The suggestion was coldly received, not because the lady loved her husband, but from a fear that Silius, after attaining his highest hopes, would spurn an adulteress, and soon estimate at its true value the crime which in the midst of peril he had approved."latin-ancient latin-ancient
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