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Huiusmodi communio ipsum est Ecclesiae mysterium, ut recte Concilium Vaticanum II meminit, celeberrima illa verba adhibens Sancti Cypriani: “Sic apparet universa Ecclesia sicut «de unitate Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti plebs adunata»” (Lumen Gentium, 4).
Such communion is the very mystery of the Church, as the Second Vatican Council recalls in the celebrated words of Saint Cyprian: "The Church shines forth as 'a people made one with the unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit'"(52)
Suum nomen in famam folcloricam intravit, et ille nonnumquam in libro Mille et Una Noctes apparet.
He is known by a thousand names in a thousand books, but can only manifest once.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ex eo tempore nomen Lusiani non iam in tabulis geographicis apparet.
At the time Sikkim was nominally outside the Raj.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Immo Episcopi erit efficere ut Liturgia usque appareat « ut “exemplaris forma”, inspirationis fons, perpetuum propositum ultimaque meta pro mariali pietate Dei populi propria ».64 Hoc firmato principio, Episcopus quoque suam marialem pietatem tam personalem quam cum aliis sociatam piis exercitiis colet, quae ab Ecclesia comprobantur et commendantur, praesertim per precationem illam Sancti Rosarii, quod est Evangelii compendium.
Indeed, it will be the Bishop's responsibility to ensure that the liturgy always appears ''as an 'exemplary form', a source of inspiration, a constant point of reference and the ultimate goal'' for the Marian piety of the People of God.64 While holding to this principle, the Bishop will also nourish his personal and communitarian Marian devotion by devotional practices approved and recommended by the Church, especially by the recitation of that compendium of the Gospel which is the Holy
Et respexit Dominus filios Israel et apparuit eis.
And the Lord looked upon the children of Israel, and he knew them.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Eiusmodi introductio manuum operis, spiritali sensu imbuti, nova omnino apparuit.
Seeing manual labour as spiritually meaningful proved
Immo, sicut accidit omni authenticae experientiae humanae et theologali, eius auctoritas profecto superat cuiuslibet aevi societatisve fines ac, temporis et culturae neglecto spatio, mens eius apparet perenniter viva.
And, as with every authentic human and theological experience, her authority reaches far beyond the confines of a single epoch or society; despite the distance of time and culture, her thought has proven to be of lasting
Hac praecise de causa, modus summe communis et capillaris ac simul fundamentalis hanc coordinatam et congruentem virorum et mulierum in Ecclesiae missione et vita tuendi praesentiam est munerum et responsabilitatum coniugum et christianae familiae exercitium, in quo diversarum amoris et vitae formarum apparet et communicatur varietas: forma nempe coningalis, paterna et materna, filialis et fraterna.
Precisely for this reason, the most common and widespread way, and at the same time, fundamental way, to assure this coordinated and harmonious presence of men and women in the life and mission of the Church, is the fulfilment of the tasks and responsibilities of the couple and the Christian family, in which the variety of diverse forms of life and love is seen and communicated: conjugal, paternal and maternal, filial and
Apparent rari nantes in gurgite vasto, / arma virum tabulæque et Troja gaza per undas.
Strewn here and there behold / arms, planks, lone swimmers in the surges grey, / and treasures snatched from Trojan homes away.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Tollens ergo Iacob virgas virides populeas et amygdalinas et ex platanis, ex parte ita decorticavit eas, ut in his, quæ spoliata fuerant, candor appareret.
And Jacob took green rods of poplar, and of almond, and of plane-trees, and pilled them in part; so when the bark was taken off, in the parts that were pilled, there appeared whiteness; but the parts that were whole remained green; and by this means the colour was divers.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Ver Arabicum (Arabice الربيع العربي ar-Rabīʻ al-ʻArabiyy) est unda revolutionaria? manifestationum et multitudinum civium reclamantium quae in mundo Arabico e die 18 Decembris 2010 apparuerunt.
DARPA Network Challenge Tag Challenge The Arab Spring is a revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests occurring in the Arab world that began on Saturday, 18 December 2010.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cuius novationis ratio eadem declaratur in Constitutione liturgica, “ut clare appareat in Liturgia ritum et verbum intime coniungi” (Ibid.) itemque in dogmatica Constitutione de divina Revelatione: “Divinas Scripturas sicut et ipsum Corpus dominicum semper venerata est Ecclesia, cum, maxime in sacra Liturgia, non desinat ex mensa tam verbi Dei quam Corporis Christi panem vitae sumere atque fidelibus porrigere” (Dei Verbum, 21).
The basic reasons for this restoration is expressed both in the Constitution on the Liturgy, namely, so that “the intimate link between rite and word” may be manifested, (32) and also in the Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation, which teaches: “The Church has always venerated the divine Scriptures, just as she has venerated the very body of the Lord, never ceasing above all in the Sacred Liturgy to nourish herself on the bread of life and the table both of the word of God, and of the Body of Christ, and to minister it to the faithful” (33)
Hoc autem tempore, quo magis magisque agnoscitur principale cuiusque populi ius ut secundum suum culturae et mentis patrimonium sese exprimat, singularum Orientis Ecclesiarum experimenta apparent tamquam gravia inculturationis bene peractae exempla.
At a time when it is increasingly recognized that the right of every people to express themselves according to their own heritage of culture and thought is fundamental, the experience of the individual Churches of the East is offered to us as an authoritative example of successful
In hodiernis circumstantiis animi culturae, quas descripsimus, conveniens immo necessarium apparet ut haec Academia velut centrale et internationale forum exsistat ad doctrinam Sancti Thomae melius et accuratius perscrutandam, ita ut realismus metaphysicus actus essendi qui pervadit philosophiam totam et theologiam Doctoris Angelici, possit in dialogum ingredi cum multiplicibus ardoribus hodiernae eruditionis atque doctrinae.
In the cultural circumstances of the present day described above, it seems appropriate, indeed necessary, for this Academy to serve as a central and international forum for studying St Thomas' teaching better and more carefully, so that the metaphysical realism of the actus essendi which pervades all the Angelic Doctor's philosophy and theology can enter into dialogue with the many directions in today's research and
Novum apparuerat possessionis genus, id est pecuniae caput et novum genus laboris, nimirum mercede repensi ac duris rationibus conf ectionis signati, sine debita sexus aetatis vel condicionis familiaris observantia, sed tantummodo efficientia determinati, lucri incrementi causa.
A new form of property had appeared — capital; and a new form of labour — labour for wages, characterized by high rates of production which lacked due regard for sex, age or family situation, and were determined solely by efficiency, with a view to increasing
Polygraphia saeculo 17 apparuerunt, sed usque ad annum 1800 non fuerunt popularia.
Polygraphs appeared in the 17th century but did not become popular until 1800.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ordines tonorum litteris et numeris superscriptis usitate designantur, sed exempla ut RI11, vel RI11, vel RI-11 etiam apparere possunt.
Tone rows are designated by letters and subscript numbers (e.g.: RI11, which may also appear as RI11 or RI-11).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Scire interest: adhuc sperare possum, licet pro vita mea aut in hoc historico momento appareat me nihil habere exspectandum.
It is important to know that I can always continue to hope, even if in my own life, or the historical period in which I am living, there seems to be nothing left to hope
Mirabilis hic Dei providentia influxus in instaurationis opus ab Ecclesia provectum luculenter apparet ea maxime aetate, quae ad bonorum solacium dedit Carolum Borromeum.
9. This wonderful working of Divine Providence in the Church's program of restoration was seen with the greatest clarity and was given as a consolation for the good especially in the century of Saint Charles
Principio legem de qua loquimur, absurdum quiddam esse et monstmosum apparet ex eo, quod rem publicam divini cultus esse expertem statuit, quasi vero non ab Ipso, qui conditor et conservatur est rerum omnium, cum homines singuli tum consociatio quaevis hominum et communitas pendeat: item, quod catholicae religionis observantia solvit Lusitaniam; eius inquimus religionis, quae huic genti maximo semper praesidio et ornamento fuit, quamque universitas fere civium profitetur.
3. At the outset, the absurd and monstrous character of the decree of which We speak is plain from the fact that it proclaims and enacts that the Republic shall have no religion, as if men individually and any association or nation did not depend upon Him who is the Maker and Preserver of all things; and then from the fact that it liberates Portugal from the observance of the Catholic religion, that religion, We say, which has ever been that nation's greatest safeguard and glory, and has been professed almost unanimously by its
Atque id eo magis apparet in America necessarium propter consuetudinem usumque catholicorum cum alienis catholico nomine : quae certe caussa est quamobrem nostris summa animi provisione constantiâque singulari sit opus.
And this seems all the more necessary in America, on account of the familiar intercourse and intimacy between Catholics and those who are estranged from the Catholic name, a condition of things which certainly exacts from our people great circumspection and more than ordinary
“Mulier amicta sole” – prout indicat Apocalypsis – apparuit “in utero habens” (Apoc. 12, 2).
The "woman clothed with the sun"-the Book of Revelation tells us-"was with child" (12:2)
Halucinatio non eadem res est et illusio, nam halucinatio stimulo absente apparet, illusio autem interpretatio falsa est veri sensus.
Unlike a hallucination, which is a distortion in the absence of a stimulus, an illusion describes a misinterpretation of a true sensation.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ut cum maxime viget huiusmodi doctrina Concilii Oecumenici Vaticani II: «Unde apparet christiano nuntio homines ab exstruendo mundo non averti, nec ad bonum sui similium negligendum impelli, sed potius officio haec operandi artius obstringi».36
Here the teaching of the Second Vatican Council is more timely than ever: "The Christian message does not inhibit men and women from building up the world, or make them disinterested in the welfare of their fellow human beings: on the contrary it obliges them more fully to do these very things"
In verbis « sequere me », quae Christus protulit cum unumquemque et unamquamque vestrum, dilecti Fratres et Sorores, « intuitus est et dilexit », haec etiam inest significatio : partem habe, modo quam plenissimo et efficacissimo, in formanda illa «nova creatura » [41], quae e redemptione mundi appareat oportet virtute Spiritus Veritatis, operantis ex mysterii paschalis Christi abundantia.
The words "Follow me," spoken by Christ when He "looked upon and loved" each one of you, dear brothers and sisters, also have this meaning: you take part, in the most complete and radical way possible, in the shaping of that "new creation"(41) which must emerge from the Redemption of the world by means of the power of the Spirit of Truth operating from the abundance of the Paschal Mystery of
201 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.