auditionem oor Engels



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Parentum filiorumque admodum tranquilla conveniendi ratio, exempli gratia, opportunitas esse potest non solum ad mutuam auditionem sese aperiendi, sed etiam ad tempus quoddam institutorium maiorisque meditationis simul vivendum.
For example, the relaxed gathering of parents and children can be an opportunity not only to listen to one another but also to share a few formative and more reflective
En ratio cur martyrum testimonium ad hodiernum diem admirationem moveat, auditionem inveniat et uti exemplum sumatur.
This is why to this day the witness of the martyrs continues to arouse such interest, to draw agreement, to win such a hearing and to invite
In solitudine et silentio per Verbi Dei auditionem, divini cultus celebrationem, sui ipsorum asceticam exercitationem, per orationem, mortificationem caritatisque fraternae communionem, vitam suam totam navitatemque informant ad Dei contemplationem.
In solitude and silence, by listening to the word of God, participating in divine worship, personal asceticism, prayer, mortification and the communion of fraternal love, they direct the whole of their lives and all their activities to the contemplation of
Didymus bonam auditionem habet.
Tom has good hearing.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Nihil vero dubitari licet quin sanctitatis hic precationisque principatus concipi non possit nisi post renovatam verbi Dei auditionem.
There is no doubt that this primacy of holiness and prayer is inconceivable without a renewed listening to the word of
Familia Sacra exemplar specimenque cuiusque hominum familiae, opituletur ut quisque animo Nazareth semper ambulet; cuivis auxilietur familiari nucleo, ut suum altius perspiciat civile ecclesialeque munus per Verbi Dei auditionem, per precationem fraternamque vitae participationem.
May the Holy Family, icon and model of every human family, help each individual to walk in the spirit of Nazareth. May it help each family unit to grow in understanding of its particular mission in society and the Church by hearing the Word of God, by prayer and by a fraternal sharing of
Det Deus praesertim ut dialogus oecumenicus perducat ad reconciliation em circa ea omnia, quae cum aliis Ecclesiis christianis communi a habemus: fidem in lesum Christum, Dei Filium, qui factus est homo, Salvatorem ac Dominum, auditionem verbi Dei, studium Revelationis, Sacramentum Baptismi.
May the Lord especially grant that ecumenical dialogue will also lead to a sincere reconciliation concerning everything that we already have in common with the other Christian churches- faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man, our savior and Lord; a listening to the word; the study of revelation and the sacrament of
Etenim, cum agitur de Evangelio nuntiando, praeterquam de ipsius nuntii orthodoxia, magni quoque interest ut cura adhibeatur de quadam acri hortatione, quae ipsius auditionem et acceptationem excitet.
Where the preaching of the Gospel is concerned, care must not only be shown for the orthodoxy of its presentation but also for its incisiveness and its ability to be heard and
Impellit alios avaritia, alios iracundia et temeritas, quae maxime illi hominum generi est innata, ut levem auditionem habeant pro re comperta.
Some are stimulated by avarice, others by revenge and credulity, which is an innate propensity in that race of men to such a degree that they consider a slight rumor as an ascertained fact.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Ducente immo pietate populari perducantur fideles oportet ad singularem cum Christo conventum, ad consortium cum Beata Virgine Maria et Sanctis, praesertim per verbi Dei auditionem, recursum ad precationem, vitae sacramentalis participationem, caritatis atque operum misericordiae testificationem.157
The faithful, through popular piety, should be led to a personal encounter with Christ and to fellowship with the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints, especially through hearing the word of God, recourse to prayer, participation in the Church's sacramental life, and the witness of charity and the works of
10 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.