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first-person plural pluperfect active subjunctive of āvehō

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nam Hiberi Albanique saltuosos locos incolentes duritiae patientiaeque magis insuevere; feruntque se Thessalis ortos, qua tempestate Iaso post avectam Medeam genitosque ex ea liberos inanem mox regiam Aeetae vacuosque Colchos repetivit.
They claim to have been descended from the Thessalians, at the period when Jason, after the departure of Medea and the children born of her, returned subsequently to the empty palace of Aeetes, and the vacant kingdom of Colchi. They have many traditions connected with his name and with the oracle of Phrixus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
praefectus alae Batavorum Claudius Labeo, oppidano certamine aemulus Civili, ne interfectus invidiam apud popularis vel, si retineretur, semina discordiae praeberet, in Frisios avehitur.
Claudius Labeo, prefect of the Batavian horse, who had been the rival of Civilis in some local contest, was sent away into the country of the Frisii; to kill him might be to give offence to his countrymen, while to keep him with the army might be to sow the seeds of discord.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Plurimi auctores consentiunt orta per Aegyptum tabe quae corpora foedaret, regem Bocchorim adito Hammonis oraculo remedium petentem purgare regnum et id genus hominum ut invisum deis alias in terras avehere iussum.
Most writers, however, agree in stating that once a disease, which horribly disfigured the body, broke out over Egypt; that king Bocchoris, seeking a remedy, consulted the oracle of Hammon, and was bidden to cleanse his realm, and to convey into some foreign land this race detested by the gods.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Extemplo tentanda fuga canit aequora Calchas, / nec posse Argolicis exscindi Pergama telis, / omina ni repetant Argis, numenque reducant, / quod pelago et curvis secum avexere carinis."
"Back o'er the deep," cries Calchas; "nevermore / shall Argives hope to quell the Trojan might, / till, homeward borne, new omens ye implore, / and win the blessing back, which o'er the waves ye bore."tatoeba tatoeba
Jura dabat legesque viris, operumque laborem / partibus aequabat justis, aut sorte trahebat: / cum subito Aeneas concursu accedere magno / Anthea Sergestumque videt fortemque Cloanthum / Teucrorumque alios, ater quos aequore turbo / dispulerat penitusque alias avexerat oras.
There, ministering justice, she presides, / and deals the law, and from her throne of state, / as choice determines or as chance decides, / to each, in equal share, his separate task divides. / Sudden, behold a concourse. Looking down, / his late-lost friends AEneas sees again, / Segestus, brave Cloanthus of renown, / Antheus and others of the Trojan train, / whom the black squall had scattered o'er the main, / and driven afar upon an alien strand.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Scinditur incertum studia in contraria vulgus. / Primus ibi ante omnes, magna comitante caterva, / Laocoon ardens summa decurrit ab arce, / et procul: 'O miseri, quæ tanta insania, cives? / Creditis avectos hostes, aut ulla putatis / dona carere dolis Danaum? Sic notus Ulixes?'"
"Thus while they waver and, perplex with doubt, / urge diverse counsels, and in parts divide, / lo, from the citadel, foremost of a rout, / breathless Laocoon runs, and from afar cries out: / 'Ah! wretched townsmen! do ye think the foe / gone, or that guileless are their gifts? O blind / with madness! Thus Ulysses do ye know?'"Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
"Extemplo tentanda fuga canit æquora Calchas, / nec posse Argolicis exscindi Pergama telis, / omina ni repetant Argis, numenque reducant, / quod pelago et curvis secum avexere carinis."
"Back o'er the deep," cries Calchas; "nevermore / shall Argives hope to quell the Trojan might, / till, homeward borne, new omens ye implore, / and win the blessing back, which o'er the waves ye bore."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
ab eo contracti haruspices monuere ut reliquiae prioris delubri in paludes aveherentur, templum isdem vestigiis sisteretur: nolle deos mutari veterem formam.
The soothsayers whom he assembled directed that the remains of the old shrine should be removed to the marshes, and the new temple raised on the original site.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Itaque interfectis Novioduni custodibus quique eo negotiandi causa convenerant pecuniam atque equos inter se partiti sunt; obsides civitatum Bibracte ad magistratum deducendos curaverunt; oppidum, quod a se teneri non posse iudicabant, ne cui esset usui Romanis, incenderunt; frumenti quod subito potuerunt navibus avexerunt, reliquum flumine atque incendio corruperunt. Ipsi ex finitimis regionibus copias cogere, praesidia custodiasque ad ripas Ligeris disponere equitatumque omnibus locis iniciendi timoris causa ostentare coeperunt, si ab re frumentaria Romanos excludere aut adductos inopia in provinciam expellere possent.
Therefore, having put to the sword the garrison of Noviodunum, and those who had assembled there for the purpose of trading or were on their march, they divided the money and horses among themselves; they took care that the hostages of the [different] states should be brought to Bibracte, to the chief magistrate; they burned the town to prevent its being of any service to the Romans, as they were of opinion that they could not hold it; they carried away in their vessels whatever corn they could in the hurry, they destroyed the remainder, by [throwing it] into the river or setting it on fire, they themselves began to collect forces from the neighboring country, to place guards and garrisons in different positions along the banks of the Loire, and to display the cavalry on all sides to strike terror into the Romans, [to try] if they could cut them off from a supply of provisions.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Scinditur incertum studia in contraria vulgus. / Primus ibi ante omnes, magna comitante caterva, / Laocoon ardens summa decurrit ab arce, / et procul: 'O miseri, quae tanta insania, cives? / Creditis avectos hostes, aut ulla putatis / dona carere dolis Danaum? Sic notus Ulixes?'"
"Thus while they waver and, perplex with doubt, / urge diverse counsels, and in parts divide, / lo, from the citadel, foremost of a rout, / breathless Laocoon runs, and from afar cries out: / 'Ah! wretched townsmen! do ye think the foe / gone, or that guileless are their gifts? O blind / with madness! Thus Ulysses do ye know?'"tatoeba tatoeba
neque probris temperabat: egregium patrem, magnum imperatorem, fortem exercitum, quorum tot manus unam mulierculam avexerint.
"He flew hither and thither among the Cherusci, demanding ""war against Segestes, war against Caesar."" And he refrained not from taunts."latin-ancient latin-ancient
12 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.