bona patria oor Engels

bona patria

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goods of a country

A jury or assize of countrymen, or good neighbors.

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- Ut, quod ad Regnum pertineant Filii tui, ne umquam putari possit a quoquam adversari bono patriae terrenae!
-May their membership of the Kingdom of your Son never be considered by anyone to be contrary to the good of their earthly homeland!
Propter hoc etiam mihi tata nexum patriae bonus.
Because of my dad's connection even in this country, so is good.QED QED
Quod autem ea ad Tuum pertinet regnum sanctitatis ac vitae, a nullo id existimetur cum patriae terrestris bono dissentire.
Let no one consider that its membership of your kingdom of holiness and life is contrary to the well-being of the earthly
Nihil enim maius ille pro certo in Lusitaniae bonum operari potuisset, si ex patria vestra fuisset ortus.
He could have done nothing greater for the good of Portugal if he had been born in your
quo iure Vulcacius Moschus exul in Massiliensis receptus bona sua rei publicae eorum et patriae reliquerat.
Volcatius Moschus, also an exile, had been received with a similar privilege by the inhabitants of Massilia, and had left his property to their community, as being now his own country.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Id ab Episcopo in caelestis Patris providentia plenam fiduciam, magnanimam bonorum communionem, severum vitae vivendi modum, perpetuam personalem conversionem postulat.
On the Bishop's part, this calls for complete trust in the providence of the heavenly Father, an open-hearted communion of goods, an austere way of life and continuous personal
Imprimis meminerit ipse esse omni tempore et videri vere catholicus, accedens ad publica officia eaque exercens firmo ac constanti proposito pro viribus bonum sociale oeconomicumque patriae et praesertim populi promovendi, iuxta normas civilitatis vere christianae, atque simul defendendi suprema Ecclesiae iura, quae sunt eadem ac religionis et iustitiae.
Above all else he must remember to be and to act in every circumstance as a true Catholic, accepting and fulfilling public offices with the firm and constant resolution of promoting by every means the social and economic welfare of the country and particularly of the people, according to the maxims of a truly Christian civilization, and at the same time defending the supreme interests of the Church, which are those of religion and
Quod ipsum gaudium commonstrat bonum quoddam inviolatum: filius enim quamvis prodigus non verus cessat esse filius sui patris; gaudium insuper denotat bonum recuperatum, quod in filii prodigi casu reditus eius fuit ad veritatem de se ipso.
This joy indicates a good that has remained intact: even if he is a prodigal, a son does not cease to be truly his father's son; it also indicates a good that has been found again, which in the case of the prodigal son was his return to the truth about
Si quidem quartum mandatum deposcit ut honor patri matrique tribuatur, id ipsum pro familiae bono expostulat.
If the fourth commandment demands that honour should be shown to our father and mother, it also makes this demand out of concern for the good of the
Iterum est mane in America, et sub ductum Praesidentis Reagan, patria nostra est glorior et potentior et melior.
It's morning again in America, and under the leadership of President Reagan, our country is prouder and stronger and better.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vos gradatim, hoc sociale vinculum experientes, vinculo familiari amplius, incipitis in vos suscipere bonum commune illius maioris familiae, quae est “patria” terrena cuiusque vestrum.
And as you gradually experience this social bond which is wider than that of the family, you also begin to share in responsibility for the common good of that larger family which is the earthly "homeland" of each one of
Hac in peregrinatione ad patriam, ad certamen quoddam vocatur homo, ut continenter bonum eligat malumque vitet.
On this pilgrimage towards the homeland, the human person is called to a struggle in order constantly to choose what is good and avoid
Ioseph vero patri et fratribus suis dedit possessionem in Aegypto in optimo terræ loco, in terra Ramesses, ut præceperat pharao; et alebat eos omnemque domum patris sui præbens cibaria singulis.
And Joseph placed his father and his brethren, and gave them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best of the land, in the land of Rameses, as Pharaoh had commanded. And Joseph nourished his father, and his brethren, and all his father's household, with bread, according to their families.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Sed graviores condiciones quae praevalebant ipsius in patria tandem fecerunt ut ad irritum redigerentur optimae unionis spes quae in Concilio illo Florentino propositae erant.
But the more serious conditions which prevailed in his fatherland at length made the high hopes of unity, which had been seen in the Council of Florence, come to
Sic auspicato fiebat, ut in animos teneros pietas erga Deum facile influeret, ex qua officia hominis in se aliosque et patriam maturrime explicata, maturrime etiam in optimam spem florerent.
Under such auspices it would come to pass that piety towards God would easily imbue their tender minds, after which the duty of man towards himself, his neighbour, and his country having been duly set before them, there is every hope that they would bring forth fruit in due
Nunc ergo, fili mi, audi vocem meam in eo, quod præcipio tibi. Pergens ad gregem affer mihi duos hædos optimos, ut faciam ex eis escas patri tuo, quibus libenter vescitur. Quas cum intuleris patri tuo, et comederit, benedicat tibi, priusquam moriatur.
Now therefore, my son, follow my counsel: And go thy way to the flock, bring me two kids of the best, that I may make of them meat for thy father, such as he gladly eateth. Which when thou hast brought in, and he hath eaten, he may bless thee before he die.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Quippe: am or est qui non sola efficit bona sed perficit etiam, ut participatio contingat ipsius Dei vitae: Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.
It is love which not only creates the good but also grants participation in the very life of God: Father, Son and Holy
Qui nunc vero sunt homines, etsi Christiana lege instituti, fluxa praesentis aevi bona plerique sic consectantur, ut potiorem patriam in aevi sempiterni beatitate, non memoria solum elabi, sed extinctam prorsus ac deletam per summum dedecus velint; frustra commonente Paullo: Non habemus hic manentem civitatem, sed futuram inquirimus (Hebr.
But men of our day, albeit they have had the advantages of Christian instruction, pursue the false goods of this world in such wise that the thought of their true Fatherland of enduring happiness is not only set aside, but, to their shame be it said, banished and entirely erased from their memory, notwithstanding the warning of St. Paul, "We have not here a lasting city, but we seek one which is to come" (Heb. xiii., 4)
Profusis nempe facultatibus, quas a patre acceperat, reversus meretur prodigus filius lucrari vietum operando mercenarii ritu intra patrios parietes deinceps paulatim sibi cumulare copiam quandam bonorum etsi numquam tantam fortassis quantam is disperdiderat.
The prodigal son, having wasted the property he received from his father, deserves - after his return - to earn his living by working in his father's house as a hired servant and possibly, little by little, to build up a certain provision of material goods, though perhaps never as much as the amount he had
Salus in Christo, quam Ecclesia testatur et nuntiat, communicatio est, qua Deum se communicat: quippe “Amor est qui non sola efficit bona sed perficit etiam, ut participatio contingat ipsius Dei vitae Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti.
Salvation in Christ, as witnessed to and proclaimed by the Church, is God's self-communication: "It is love which not only creates the good, but also grants participation in the very life of God: Father, Son and Holy
Domini promissio in Ecclesiae animo orationem excitat, fidentem implorationem ardentemque ex Patris amore, qui quem ad modum Iesum misit Bonum Pastorem Apostolos et eorum Successores innumerabilemque presbyterorum multitudinem, sic etiam huius temporis hominibus fidelitatem suam ostendere pergit suamque bonitatem.
The Lord's promise calls forth from the heart of the Church a prayer, that is a confident and burning petition in the love of the Father, who, just as he has sent Jesus the good shepherd, the apostles, their successors and a countless host of priests, will continue to show to the people of today his faithfulness, his
Ita Vobis agentibus erit summae laudi iustaeque gratulationi quod optime mereri potueritis de religione, cui studetis summopere, ac de patria et gente vestra, qui vehementer optatis, non minus quam cupimus Ipsi, ut constet immota tranquillitas et cuncta ex sententia procedant.
Thus will it be your high praise and just congratulation that in yourlabours you were able to deserve most nobly of the religion which you uphold sowell, and of your country and your race, for whom you, no less than Ourselves, greatly desire an unbroken tranquillity and a lease of perfect
Christi sanguis, dum permagnam Patris dilectionem revelat, ostendit simul quemadmodum pretiosus sit ante Dei oculos homo et inaestimabile sit eius vitae bonum.
The blood of Christ, while it reveals the grandeur of the Father's love, shows how precious man is in God's eyes and how priceless the value of his
Hanc suam precem Patri luminis exhibens, ex quo descendit "omne datum optimum et omne donum perfectum" (Iac 1, 17), credit Ecclesia efficaciae ipsius, quandoquidem cum Christo capite et sponso precatur, qui sponsae suae precem suam efficit dum eam cum Sacrificio redimente coniungit.
Jas 1:17), the Church believes that she will be heard, for she prays in union with Christ her Head and Spouse, who takes up this plea of his Bride and joins it to that of his own redemptive
Inde, praeter commoda et ornamenta cetera, haud exiguus provenit hominum numerus, qui sanctitate vitae, doctrina, litteris, artibus, gestis muneribus, semetipsos et patriam verissime illustrarunt. — Atque rem sane optimam ii moliuntur, qui, ut allatum est, talium religionis promeritorum selectam copiam, monumentis ex oblivione et silentio eductis, in lucem per sollemnia ipsa proferendam oculisque exponendam curant.
8. We have heard that a project has been undertaken which We fully approve for the current celebration. It is planned to publish the ancient forgotten evidence of services conferred by religion. Furthermore, the letters, both those from you and those in Our Apostolic records, bear concordant witness to the fact that religion has benefited
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