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Hoc autem facit conceptis verbis et praescripta concione ... circa quadragesimam, quo tempore potissimum exercentur bullarum nundinationes.
He does this using a set formula and scripted sermon ... around Lent, which is the principal time for trafficking in bulls.Ian Nilsson Ian Nilsson
is concita gente (nec deest iuventus) arcere provinciae finibus Othonianos intendit: sed primo impetu caesi disiectique montani, ut quibus temere collectis, non castra, non ducem noscitantibus, neque in victoria decus esset neque in fuga flagitium.
Raising the population, in which is no lack of able-bodied men, he resolved to drive back the Othonianists from the borders of his province; but the mountaineers were cut down and broken by the first charge, as might be expected of men who had been hastily collected, who were not familiar with camps or with regular command, who saw no glory in victory, no infamy in flight.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Doctrinas suas, etsi forte implicite, in templis ad concionem dicentes inculcant; apertius in congressibus enunciant; in socialibus institutis intrudunt atque extollunt. Libros, ephemerides, commentaria suo vel alieno nomine edunt.
From these sacred chairs they scatter, though not always openly, the seeds of their doctrines; they proclaim their teachings without disguise in congresses; they introduce them and make them the vogue in social
nec ultra moratus quam dum Scytharum auxilia conciret, pergit properus et praeveniens inimicorum astus, amicorum paenitentiam; neque exuerat paedorem ut vulgum miseratione adverteret.
He delayed only while he was raising auxiliaries in Scythia, and then pushed on in haste, thus anticipating the plots of enemies and the fickleness of friends.latin-ancient latin-ancient
ii secretis conloquiis, ferocissimo quoque adsumpto aut quibus ob egestatem ac metum ex flagitiis maxima peccandi necessitudo, componunt Florus Belgas, Sacrovir propiores Gallos concire.
In secret conferences to which the fiercest spirits were admitted, or any to whom poverty or the fear of guilt was an irresistible stimulus to crime, they arranged that Florus was to rouse the Belgae, Sacrovir the Gauls nearer home.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Exhorret plane animus meus vel cogitare carnem illam virgineam, quae Deum genuit, peperit, aluit, gestavit, vel in cinerem esse conversam, vel in escam vermibus traditam (S. ROBERTUS BELLARMINUS, Conciones habitae Lovanii, concio 40: De Assumptione B.
My soul is filled with horror at the thought that this virginal flesh which had begotten God, had brought him into the world, had nourished and carried him, could have been turned into ashes or given over to be food for worms."(
et quia praesidio alae unius latissima Italiae pars defendi nequibat, praemissis Gallorum Lusitanorumque et Britannorum cohortibus et Germanorum vexillis cum ala Petriana, ipse paulum cunctatus est num Raeticis iugis in Noricum flecteret adversus Petronium Vrbicum procuratorem, qui concitis auxiliis et interruptis fluminum pontibus fidus Othoni putabatur.
Aware that the widest part of Italy could not be held by such a force as a single squadron of cavalry, he sent on in advance the auxiliary infantry from Gaul, Lusitania, and Rhaetia, with the veteran troops from Germany, and Petra's Horse, while he made a brief halt to consider whether he should pass over the Rhaetian range into Noricum, to attack Petronius, the procurator, who had collected some auxiliaries, and broken down the bridges over the rivers, and was thought to be faithful to Otho.latin-ancient latin-ancient
At novum longeque validissimum periclitanti Germaniae subsidium addidit Deus, opportune natam ea tempestate Loyolaei Patris societatem, cui primus inter Germanos nomen dedit Petrus Canisius. — Huc profecto non attinet singula persequi de hoc viro eximiae sanctitatis; quo studio patriam dissidiis ac seditionibus laceratam curaverit ad animorum consensionem et veterem concordiam revocare, quo ardore cum erroris magistris in disputationis certamen venerit, quibus concionibus animos excitaverit, quas molestias tulerit, quot regiones peragrarit, quam graves legationes fidei causa susceperit.
7. This is not the place to recall in detail the life of this man, so eminent in sanctity, the zeal with which he labored to restore harmony and union to his country torn by dissension and revolt, the ardor of his public debates with the teachers of error, his inspiring sermons, the persecutions he suffered, the many countries he travelled through, and the difficult missions he undertook in the interest of the
mox datus testibus locus; et quantum misericordiae saevitia accusationis permoverat, tantum irae P. Egnatius testis concivit.
Place was then given to the witnesses, and the appearance among them of Publius Egnatius provoked as much indignation as the cruelty of the prosecution had excited pity.latin-ancient latin-ancient
et rursus re ad patres relata, prohibiti publice in decem annos eius modi coetu Pompeiani collegiaque, quae contra leges instituerant, dissoluta; Livineius et qui alii seditionem conciverant exilio multati sunt.
Livineius and the others who had excited the disturbance, were punished with exile.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Flaccus interim cognito castrorum obsidio et missis per Gallias qui auxilia concirent, lectos e legionibus Dillio Voculae duoetvicensimae legionis legato tradit, ut quam maximis per ripam itineribus celeraret, ipse navibus <invadit> invalidus corpore, invisus militibus.
Meanwhile Flaccus, who had heard of the siege of the camp, and had sent into all parts of Gaul to collect auxiliaries, put under command of Dillius Vocula, legate of the 18th legion, some troops picked from the legions with orders to hasten by forced marches along the banks of the Rhine.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Denique usque adeo ille impostor exercitatus est in permovendis affectibus, ut paulatim totam concionem suspensam teneat...
In the end, that charlatan has so much experience stirring up people’s feelings that he manages little by little to enthral the entire assembly...Ian Nilsson Ian Nilsson
mox disiectis quorum per umeros sustinebatur, praeceps et singulorum pedibus advolutus tantum consternationis invidiaeque concivit, ut pars militum gladiatores, qui e servitio Blaesi erant, pars ceteram eiusdem familiam vincirent, alii ad quaerendum corpus effunderentur.
Then, hurling aside those who bore him on their shoulders, and impetuously flinging himself at the feet of one man after another, he roused such dismay and indignation that some of the soldiers put fetters on the gladiators who were among the number of Blaesus's slaves, others did the like to the rest of his household, while a third party hurried out to look for the corpse.latin-ancient latin-ancient
At Mithridates Bosporanus amissis opibus vagus, postquam Didium ducem Romanum roburque exercitus abisse cognoverat, relictos in novo regno Cotyn iuventa rudem et paucas cohortium cum Iulio Aquila equite Romano, spretis utrisque concire nationes, inlicere perfugas; postremo exercitu coacto regem Dandaridarum exturbat imperioque eius potitur.
Mithridates of Bosporus, meanwhile, who had lost his power and was a mere outcast, on learning that the Roman general, Didius, and the main strength of his army had retired, and that Cotys, a young prince without experience, was left in his new kingdom with a few cohorts under Julius Aquila, a Roman knight, disdaining both, roused the neighbouring tribes, and drew deserters to his standard.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Contra, parum ad permovendos animos ii possunt, qui quocumque venerint, ibi commoditates vitae plus aequo consectantur, ac dum suas conciones habeant, nihil aliud fere attingunt ministerii sacri, ut appareat plus eos propriae servire valetudini, quam animarum utilitati.
On the other hand but little success in moving hearts is attained by those who, wherever they go, immoderately desire the comforts of life, and provided they deliver their sermons, put their hand to scarcely any other work of the sacred ministry, and the result is that they appear to be seeking their own ease rather than the good of
Linquimus Ortygiae portus, pelagoque volamus; / Bacchatamque jugis Naxon, viridemque Donysam, / Olearon, niveamque Paron, sparsasque per aequor / Cycladas et crebris legimus freta concita terris.
Ortygia's port we leave, and skim the mere; / soon Naxos' Bacchanalian hills appear, / and past Olearos and Donysa, crowned / with trees, and Paros' snowy cliffs we steer. / Far-scattered shine the Cyclades renowned, / and clustering isles thick-sown in many a glittering sound.tatoeba tatoeba
Deserit inceptum atque immani concitus ira Dardaniam ruit ad portam fratresque superbos.
Dardaniam ruit ad portam fratresque superbos.Literature Literature
quo interfecto dum rem familiarem eius acriter requirit, accusatorem concivit Fabium Romanum, ex intimis Lucani amicis.
After the death of Lucanus, he rigorously called in the debts due to his estate, and thereby provoked an accuser in the person of Fabius Romanus, one of the intimate friends of Lucanus.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Utramque pestem, quum a ceteris omnibus, tum impensius a iuventute propulsandum curavit alter ille post Bonifacium Germaniae Apostolus, neque solum opportunis concionibus aut disputandi subtilitate, sed scholis praesertim institutis editisque optimis libris.
To deliver youth especially from this double scourge was the goal of this man who, after Boniface, is the second apostle of Germany. He achieved this purpose principally by establishing schools and publishing good books as well as by effective sermons and penetrating debates. Modern Knowledge Serves the
Quot denique sanctissimi viri enituere, qui, in Benedictinam adsciti subolem, Evangelicam pro viribus sunt perfectionem assecuti, ac suae virtutis exemplo, sacris concionibus signisque mirandis prorsus, Deo largiente, patratis, Iesu Christi Regnum omni ope propagarunt.
Finally how many saintly men shone forth as members of the Benedictine Order, who spared no effort in attaining Evangelical perfection and by the example of their virtue, by preaching, by really wondrous signs wrought under God, devoted all their energies to the spreading of the kingdom of Jesus
finis Neronis ut laetus primo gaudentium impetu fuerat, ita varios motus animorum non modo in urbe apud patres aut populum aut urbanum militem, sed omnis legiones ducesque conciverat, evulgato imperii arcano posse principem alibi quam Romae fieri.
Welcome as the death of Nero had been in the first burst of joy, yet it had not only roused various emotions in Rome, among the Senators, the people, or the soldiery of the capital, it had also excited all the legions and their generals; for now had been divulged that secret of the empire, that emperors could be made elsewhere than at Rome.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Manifestationes Islandicae crisi pecuniaria concitae (2008–2011)
2009 Icelandic financial crisis protestslangbot langbot
Conciti per haec non modo Cherusci, sed conterminae gentes, tractusque in partis Inguiomerus Arminii patruus, vetere apud Romanos auctoritate; unde maior Caesari metus.
This language roused not only the Cherusci but the neighbouring tribes and drew to their side Inguiomerus, the uncle of Arminius, who had long been respected by the Romans.latin-ancient latin-ancient
pars turbant praesentia, alii montem Haemum transgrediuntur ut remotos populos concirent; plurimi ac maxime compositi regem urbemque Philippopolim, a Macedone Philippo sitam, circumsidunt.
Some roused their immediate neighbourhood; others crossed Mount Haemus, to stir up remote tribes; most of them, and the best disciplined, besieged the king in the city of Philippopolis, founded by the Macedonian Philip.latin-ancient latin-ancient
iamque adsertor Galliarum et deus (nam id sibi indiderat) concitis octo milibus hominum proximos Aeduorum pagos trahebat, cum gravissima civitas electa iuventute, adiectis a Vitellio cohortibus, fanaticam multitudinem disiecit.
Calling himself the champion of Gaul, and a God (for he had assumed this title), he had now collected 8000 men, and was taking possession of the neighbouring villages of the Aedui, when that most formidable state attacked him with a picked force of its native youth, to which Vitellius attached some cohorts, and dispersed the crowd of fanatics.latin-ancient latin-ancient
34 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.