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Thomas nunquam contentus fuit.
Tom never was contented.
Charlton T. Lewis


Thomas nunquam contentus fuit.
Tom never was contented.

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Iam antea in Africa Australi contra apartheid et pro Indorum paritate contenderat.
He thus chose to go on a tour of South Africa during the apartheid era for purely financial reasons.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quin immo, cur ad hoc potissimum non contendant hae nobiles artes, ut nempe Dei eiusque Filii Iesu Christi doctrinam propagent, « christianamque fidem illam mentibus inculcent, quae una potest hominum multitudinibus supernam praebere vim, qua adiutae sereno animo virtuteque consentanea queant superare discrimina, angores vero tolerare praesentis huius aetatis nostrae »? (Sermo ad sodales Radiophonicae Societatis Italiae, d. 3 Decembris, a. 1944 habitus: Discorsi e Radiomessaggi di Sua Santità Pio XII, vol. VI, p.
Rather, why should not these noble arts strive particularly to this end, that they spread the teaching of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ, "and instil into minds that Christian truth which alone can provide the strength from above to the mass of men, aided by which they may be able with calmness and courage, to overcome the crises and endure the severe trials of the age in which we now live?"
Quare immerito pronuntiant quidam dominium honestumque eius usum iisdem contineri limitibus; multoque magis a veritate abhorret, ipso abusu vel nonusu ius proprietatis perimi aut amitti.
31] Therefore, they are in error who assert that ownership and its right use are limited by the same boundaries; and it is much farther still from the truth to hold that a right to property is destroyed or lost by reason of abuse or
Huic mandat, Remos reliquosque Belgas adeat atque in officio contineat Germanosque, qui auxilio a Belgis arcessiti dicebantur, si per vim navibus flumen transire conentur, prohibeat.
He charges him to visit the Remi and the other Belgians, and to keep them in their allegiance and repel the Germans (who were said to have been summoned by the Belgae to their aid,) if they attempted to cross the river by force in their ships.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Meminimus sane eundem Decessorem Nostrum Paulum VI, anno MCMLXIX, primum e supremis Ecclesiae Pastoribus in Africam, ac quidem in Ugandam, se contulisse, ut Coetui Episcoporum illius terrae continentes interesset, praedictis Martyribus honorem in eorum patria adhiberet aliaque ad religionem spectantia exsequeretur.
Moreover, we recall that our predecessor Paul VI in the year 1969 was the first of the supreme pastors of the Church to go to Africa, and indeed to Uganda, to attend the episcopal conference of that Continent, to honour the above-mentioned martyrs in their own country, and to attend to other matters relating to
Formicinae sunt subfamilia Formicidarum quae formicas evolutionis mediocris continet.
The Formicinae are a subfamily within the Formicidae containing ants of moderate evolutionary development.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Has igitur normas, omnibus rebus graviter perpensis atque Decessorum Nostrorum exemplum secuti, statuimus et praescribimus, decernentes ut nemini hanc Constitutionem et quae in ea continentur qualibet de causa impugnare liceat.
Wherefore, after mature reflection and following the example of my Predecessors, I lay down and prescribe these norms and I order that no one shall presume to contest the present Constitution and anything contained herein for any reason
Quod omne efficaciter comprobat quantum pondus — ut supra est dictum — prae se indirectus operis conductor ferat ad plene exsequenda iura hominis labori addicti, quandoquidem personae humanae iura primarium continent elementum ac veluti cardin em totius socialis ordinis moralis.
All of this effectively indicates the importance of the indirect employer-as has been said above-in achieving full respect for the worker's rights, since the rights of the human person are the key element in the whole of the social moral
Vocula Gallorum fraude inlectus ad hostem contendit; nec procul Veteribus aberat, cum Classicus ac Tutor per speciem explorandi praegressi cum ducibus Germanorum pacta firmavere.
Lured on by the treacherous representations of the Gauls, Vocula marched against the enemy. He was near the Old Camp, when Classicus and Tutor, who had gone on in advance under the pretence of reconnoitring, concluded an agreement with the German chiefs.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Iam statis temporibus evenire coeperunt peregrinationes ad particulares cuiusque continentis Ecclesias, curis diligenter adhibitis provehendi oecumenicas necessitudines cum aliarum confessionum christianis.
Papal journeys have become a regular occurrence, taking in the particular Churches in every continent and showing concern for the development of ecumenical relationships with Christians of various
Aleam, quod mirere, sobrii inter seria exercent tanta lucrandi perdendive temeritate, ut, cum omnia defecerunt, extremo ac novissimo jactu de libertate ac de corpore contendant.
Strangely enough they make games of hazard a serious occupation even when sober, and so venturesome are they about gaining or losing, that, when every other resource has failed, on the last and final throw they stake the freedom of their own persons.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Lithuania ita participabat etiam magnam culturae mutationem, quae eo saeculo in Europa exoriebatur, principiis christianis permeata et expostulationibus studiorum renovatae humanitatis, quae in fide maximas causas inveniebant et exordium provehendi magnos eos “valores”, qui Europae historiam claram fecerunt et in ceteris continentibus beneficam eius praesentiam (Giovanni Paolo II, Atto europeistico a Santiago de Compostela, 9 nov.
Lithuania thus entered also into the great cultural transformation which was beginning in Europe in that century, a transformation permeated by Christian principles and open to the exigencies of a new humanism which in the faith found its loftiest motivations and the cue for the promotion of the great values which have made glorious the history of Europe and made its presence beneficial in other continents.(
Gradatim et pedetemptim detegitur - cum progrediens personalitas alicuius adulescentuli vel adulescentulae intrinsecus observatur - “potentialis” facultas humanitatis concretae eaque peculiaris et quodammodo non iterabilis, in qua totum consilium de vita futura continetur.
Before the inner gaze of the developing personality of the-young man or woman, there is gradually and successively revealed that specific and in a sense unique and unrepeatable potentiality of a concrete humanity, in which there is as it were inscribed the whole plan of future
Non judicio contendo tecum qui veritas es; et ego nolo fallere meipsum, Ps. 26, mentiatur iniquitas mea sibi.
Non iudicio contendo tecum qui veritas es; et ego nolo fallere meipsum, ne mentiatur iniquitas mea sibi.Literature Literature
Oportet insuper omnibus apte inculcentur tradita a Christo morum documenta, ut discant sui imperium exercere, motus animi appetentes regere, tumentem superbiam deprimere, parere auctoritati, iustitiam colere, omnes caritate complecti, disparis in civili convictu fortunae acerbitatem christiana dilectione temperare, a terrenis bonis avocare mentem, quam Providentia dederit sortem ea esse contentos, suisque tuendis officiis benigniorem efficere, ad futuram vitam contendere spe sempiternae mercedis.
It is still more necessary to inculcate properly on the minds of all the moral maxims taught by Jesus Christ, so that everybody may learn to conquer himself, to curb the passions of the mind, to stifle pride, to live in obedience to authority, to love justice, to show charity towards all, to temper with Christian love the bitterness of social inequalities, to detach the heart from the goods of the world, to live contented with the state in which Providence has placed us, while striving to better it by the fulfillment of our duties, to thirst after the future life in the hope of eternal
Declarare hodie Editham Stein compatronam Europae idem est ac collocare supra fines huius veteris Continentis vexillum reverentiae, tolerantiae, benevolentiae, quod adhortatur viros et mulieres ut mutuo sese comprehendant et accipiant, praetermittentes quamlibet diversitatem ethnicam, culturalem et religiosam, ut societas vere fraterna constituatur.
Today's proclamation of Edith Stein as a Co-Patroness of Europe is intended to raise on this Continent a banner of respect, tolerance and acceptance which invites all men and women to understand and appreciate each other, transcending their ethnic, cultural and religious differences in order to form a truly fraternal
Patrimonium istud utinam ne umquam locupletare desinat Ecclesiam, continentem terram Europae, orbem terrarum omnem!
May this contribution never cease to enrich the Church, the Continent of Europe and the whole world!
Aequalitas tamen per iustitiam stabilita continetur finibus bonorum externorum et obiectivorum; amor vero et misericordia efficiunt, ut homines mutuo congrediantur in bono illo, quod homo ipse est cum dignitate, quae eius est propria.
However, the equality brought by justice is limited to the realm of objective and extrinsic goods, while love and mercy bring it about that people meet one another in that value which is man himself, with the dignity that is proper to
Itaque quo haec celerius conciperent, dabat operam ut legiones non in uno loco contineret, sed per causam frumentandi huc atque illuc rapsaret, ideo quod hostium copias ab se suisque vestigium non discessuras existimabat.
The sooner therefore to instruct them in these matters, he took care not to confine his legions to one place, but under pretense of foraging, engaged them in frequent marches, and counter-marches; because he thought that the enemy's troops would not lose his track.latin-ancient latin-ancient
II Familiaris Consortio, 22). Synodus mores illos et consuetudines reprehendit, “quae mulieribus iura ac debitam observantiam adimunt” (Propositio 48) atque postulat ut inibi Ecclesia contendat ad haec iura servanda.
160) The Synod deplored those African customs and practices "which deprive women of their rights and the respect due to them" (161) and asked the Church on the Continent to make every effort to foster the safeguarding of these
Postquam id Labienus animadvertit, quo celerius iis auxilium ferret, ex acie instructa equitatus sui prope totum dextrum cornu avertit atque suis fugientibus suppetias ire contendit.
This being observed by Labienus, he wheeled off almost the whole right wing of the horse, that he might the more effectually succor the fugitives.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Eius spes innititur Dei promissioni quam continet Verbum revelatum: progreditur hominum historia ad « caelum novum et terram novam »,(113) cum Dominus « absterget omnem lacrimam ab oculis eorum, et mors ultra non erit, neque luctus neque clamor neque dolor erit ultra, quia prima abierunt ».( 114)
Theirs is a hope founded on God's promise contained in the revealed word: the history of humanity is moving towards "a new heaven and a new earth" (Rev 21:1), where the Lord "will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more, for the former things have passed away" (Rev 21:4)
Huc Caesar magnis nocturnis diurnisque itineribus contendit occupatoque oppido ibi praesidium conlocat.
Hither Caesar hastens by forced marches by night and day, and, after having seized the town, stations a garrison there.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Exercentes Nosmet Ipsi proprium ministerium liturgicis celebritatibus primatum assignare voluimus, simul Romae simul apostolica per Nostra variis in continentibus ac nationibus itinera.
I myself, in the exercise of my ministry, have sought to give priority to liturgical celebrations, both in Rome itself and in my Pastoral Visits to the various continents and
Ipsi autem saepenumero huius institutionis pondus ostentavimus iis qui, in pastorali vita, aliquando cum hodierni mundi necessitatibus contendere et causas aliquorum morum intellegere debebunt, prompta responsa daturi.84
I have myself emphasized several times the importance of this philosophical formation for those who one day, in their pastoral life, will have to address the aspirations of the contemporary world and understand the causes of certain behaviour in order to respond in appropriate
221 sinne gevind in 16 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.