contra legem oor Engels

contra legem

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against the law

Especially in civil law jurisdictions, said of an understanding of a statute that directly contradicts its wording and thus is neither valid by interpretation nor by analogy.
Contra legem est tela portare.
It's against the law to carry weapons.

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Species a conlectoribus tam magni aestimatur quam quidam homines mercaturam contra leges faciunt, specimina milibus dollariorum venumdantes.
There is also the example of a vegetarian crusader, founder of the company who fights for animal rights by making millions of dollars selling a grain-derived meat substitute.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ut hoc per coniecturam fuerit, tamen coniunctiones inter ambas res publicas—contra leges—proditae sunt.
It was later picked up by Electronic Arts, though Activision and Double Fine brought counter-lawsuits against each other over publishing issues.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Contra legem est tela portare.
It's against the law to carry weapons.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Iesus, contra, legem praetergreditur. Per necessitudinem cum iis quos peccatores lex putabat, intellegitur amplitudo misericordiae eius.
Jesus, on the other hand, goes beyond the law; the company he keeps with those the law considers sinners makes us realize the depth of his
Vir aut femina primum raptatur; postea, contra leges in carcerem mittitur; aliquando excruciatur; deinde furtim occiditur.
The following day at school, Cochise and Preach are arrested for being in the stolen car; charging them with grand theft auto.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Contra legem est.
That's against the law.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Miraculum est res inexplicabilis, quae contra legem naturalem fieri videtur.
A miracle is a phenomenon not explained by known laws of nature.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Anno 1872, Anthony, suffrago in urbe sua Roffa in Novo Eboraco contra legem lato, comprehensa et, post causam valde divulgatam, condemnata est.
In 1872, Anthony was arrested for voting in her hometown of Rochester, New York, and convicted in a widely publicized trial.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
et rursus re ad patres relata, prohibiti publice in decem annos eius modi coetu Pompeiani collegiaque, quae contra leges instituerant, dissoluta; Livineius et qui alii seditionem conciverant exilio multati sunt.
Livineius and the others who had excited the disturbance, were punished with exile.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Jones vulnerato ab incolis Laurentii expulso, J. B. Donaldson, aedilis foederalis (federal marshall), die 11 Maii pronuntiavit hanc actionem interpellavisse effectionem mandatorum (warrants) contra legislaturam civitatis liberae, quae abolitionistae contra leges constituerant ut ei gubernationem territorialem opponerent.
Lawrence residents drove Jones out of town after they shot him, and on May 11, Federal Marshal Israel B. Donaldson proclaimed that the assassination attempt had interfered with the execution of warrants against the extralegal Free-State legislature, which was set up in opposition to the official pro-slavery territorial government.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quae est enim rerum naturalium cum historia similitudo, quando physica in iis versantur quae « sensibiliter apparent » ideoque cum phaenomenis concordare debent, cum, contra, lex historiae praecipua haec sit, scripta cum rebus gestis, uti gestae reapse sunt, congruere oportere?
For whereas physics is concerned with "sensible appearances" and must consequently square with phenomena, history on the contrary, must square with the facts, since history is the written account of events as they actually
Si quidem ipsa numquam libertatem humanam ponere contra legem divinam voluit, nec umquam in controversiam vocavit fundamendum religiosum ultimum normarum moralium, tamen ad recognoscendam lacessita est rationis fideique partem in detegendis moralibus normis, quae ad mores “huius mundi” spectant, scilicet ad semet ipsum, ad alios et ad rerum naturam.
While the latter has certainly never attempted to set human freedom against the divine law or to question the existence of an ultimate religious foundation for moral norms, it has, nonetheless, been led to undertake a profound rethinking about the role of reason and of faith in identifying moral norms with reference to specific "innerworldly" kinds of behaviour involving oneself, others and the material
Magnum hoc testimonium senatus erat universi conveniensque superiori facto. Nam Marcellus proximo anno, cum impugnaret Caesaris dignitatem, contra legem Pompei et Crassi rettulerat ante tempus ad senatum de Caesaris provinciis, sententiisque dictis discessionem faciente Marcello, qui sibi omnem dignitatem ex Caesaris invidia quaerebat, senatus frequens in alia omnia transiit.
This testimony of the unanimous voice of the senate was very great, and consistent with their former conduct; for the preceding year, when Marcellus attacked Caesar's dignity, he proposed to the senate, contrary to the law of Pompey and Crassus, to dispose of Caesar's province, before the expiration of his command, and when the votes were called for, and Marcellus, who endeavored to advance his own dignity, by raising envy against Caesar, wanted a division, the full senate went over to the opposite side.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Neque enim dici potest melioribus, quam nos, temporibus Apostolos usos esse, quasi tum aut plus esset docilitatis ad Evangelium aut minus contra divinam legem contumaciae.
For no one can maintain that the Apostles were living in better times than ours, that they found minds more readily disposed towards the Gospel or that they met with less opposition to the law of
Horum autem annorum experientia ostendit, e contra, novam hanc legem pastoralia problemata haud pauca genuisse.
Experience, however, has shown that this new law gave rise to numerous pastoral
Omnis jus habet lege protegi contra tales intercessiones aut talia vulnera .
Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks .Universal Declaration of Human Rights Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Significative, circa 55% respondentium Hispanica utuntur cum cum parentibus loquuntur (contra 42% qui Catalanam legunt).
Over 45% of respondents used Spanish to address their parents (versus 36% who choose Catalan).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Motus, a regimine Sovietico per leges contra religionem latas et Gulag deportationes debilitatus, solum in parvis communibus in regione Bessarabia sitis—in Romania, Ucraina, et Republica Moldavica—superest.
Weakened by Soviet rule, with its anti-religious campaigns and Gulag deportations, it survives in small communities from the general area of Bessarabia—in Romania, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Postquam vero ab iis, qui philosophorum nomine gloriabantur, eflfenis quaedam libertas homini attributa est, et ius novum, ut aiunt, contra naturalem divinamque legem confingi et sanciri coeptum est, fel. mem.
Later on again, when a licentious sort of liberty was attributed to man by a set of men who gloried in the name of philosophers,(4) and a new right, as they call it, against the natural and divine law began to be framed and sanctioned, Pope Pius VI, of happy memory, at once exposed in public documents the guile and falsehood of their doctrines, and at the same time foretold with apostolic foresight the ruin into which the people so miserably deceived would be
Accusationes de ambitionis excessu, de idolatria erga potestatem, de egoismo et de corruptione, quae non raro contra homines rem publicam gerentes, contra coetus legibus ferendis deputatos, contra illos qui ad dominantem pertinent classem, contra factionis politicae asseclas proferuntur, sicut etiam opinio non parum diffusa, quae politicam tamquam necessarii moralis periculi locum considerat, scepticum habitum vel absentiae voluntatem christianorum relate ad rem publicam nullo modo iustificant.
Charges of careerism, idolatry of power, egoism and corruption that are oftentimes directed at persons in government, parliaments, the ruling classes, or political parties, as well as the common opinion that participating in politics is an absolute moral danger, does not in the least justify either skepticism or an absence on the part of Christians in public
Contra, disparitatem accipere inter legem humanamque facultatem, id est facultatem unicarum virium moralium hominis sibi ipsi relicti, gratiae desiderium inflammat et ad eam recipiendam praeparat.
Accepting, on the other hand, the "disproportion" between the law and human ability (that is, the capacity of the moral forces of man left to himself) kindles the desire for grace and prepares one to receive
Ibi cum ius diceret, Bituriges ad eum legatos mittunt auxilium petitum contra Carnutes, quos intulisse bellum sibi querebantur.
While he was dispensing justice there, the Bituriges send embassadors to him, to entreat his aid against the Carnutes, who they complained had made war against them.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Verum, cum huic studio indomitae praesertim concupiscentiae vis obsistat, quae sane potissima est causa cur contra sanctas matrimonii leges peccetur, cumque homo cupiditates suas sibi subditas habere non possit, nisi prius se subiciat Deo, hoc primum curandum erit secundum ordinem divinitus statutum.
97. Wherefore, since the chief obstacle to this study is the power of unbridled lust, which indeed is the most potent cause of sinning against the sacred laws of matrimony, and since man cannot hold in check his passions, unless he first subject himself to God, this must be his primary endeavor, in accordance with the plan divinely
In paradisi Eden eventu apparet sane quam grave sit et calamitosum id quod intimam et obscurissimam peccati naturam efficit: hoc est inoboedientia contra Deum, eius legem, norm am moralem, quam is homini dedit, eam in cor de eius scribens et revelatione confirmans atque perficiens.
In the case of Eden there appears in all its seriousness and tragic reality that which constitutes the ultimate essence and darkness of sin: disobedience to God, to His law, to the mural norm that he has given man, inscribing it in his heart and confirming and perfecting it through
Habemus enim secundam favorabilemque novis statutis non modo peritissimorum in re legali, eorundemque clarissimorum virorum, sententiam, verum etiam sententiam omnium Coetuum concordem, ex quibus constat Consilium Status, supremus scilicet ad Galliae leges atque unice idoneus seu competens, ut aiunt, magistratus; quae quidem sententia, quam etiam gubernatores reipublicae suam fecerunt, in id demum recidit, in eiusmodi Statutis nihil contra Gallicas leges contineri, quod idem est ac dicere, nihil Consociationibus Dioecesanis a Gallicis legibus esse metuendum.
14. Finally, there is this to be said, that We have in favor of the new statutes not only the opinion of men versed in law and of unquestionable reputation but also the unanimous opinion of the Council of State, a body made up of the members of both Chambers, which is, according to French law, the supreme and only competent court empowered to express a view on the interpretation of French law. Their view which is shared with them by the heads of the Republic comes in the last analysis to this, that these statutes contain nothing which is against the laws of France. This, of course, means that the Diocesan Associations have nothing to fear from the laws of the
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