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Piotr Szelma


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Piotr Szelma

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Interim sub musculo milites vectibus infima saxa turris hostium, quibus fundamenta continebantur, convellunt.
In the mean time, the soldiers, under cover of the musculus, were rooting out with crow-bars the lowest stones of the enemy's turret, with which the foundation was laid.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Itaque Deo et Iesu Christo a legibus et re publica submoto, iam non a Deo derivata sed ab hominibus auctoritate, factum est, ut – praeterquam quod legibus verae solidaeque sanctiones interceptae sunt summaque iusti principia, quae vel ethnici philosophi, ut Cicero, tantummodo lege Dei aeterna contineri perspiciebant – ipsa praeterea auctoritatis fundamenta convellerentur, principe sublata causa, cur aliis ius esset imperandi, aliis autem officium parendi.
Because of such an assumption, these theorists fell very short of being able to bestow upon law not only those sanctions which it must possess but also that secure basis for the supreme criterion of justice which even a pagan philosopher like Cicero saw clearly could not be derived except from the divine law. Authority itself lost its hold upon mankind, for it had lost that sound and unquestionable justification for its right to command on the one hand and to be obeyed on the
sic quoque erumpere aemulationem feminarum, eaque discordia nepotes suos convelli: quid si intendatur certamen tali coniugio? 'falleris enim, Seiane, si te mansurum in eodem ordine putas, et Liviam, quae G. Caesari, mox Druso nupta fuerit, ea mente acturam ut cum equite Romano senescat.
What will happen if the rivalry is rendered more intense by such a marriage? For you are mistaken, Sejanus, if you think that you will then remain in the same position, and that Livia, who has been the wife of Caius Caesar and afterwards of Drusus, will have the inclination to pass her old age with a mere Roman knight.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Infindunt pariter sulcos, totumque dehiscit convulsum remis rostrisque tridentibus aequor.
Infindunt pariter sulcos, totumque dehiscit convulsum remis rostnsqite tridentibus aequor.Literature Literature
Dardanidæ contra turres ac tecta domorum / culmina convellunt; his se, quando ultima cernunt, / extrema jam in morte parant defendere telis, / auratasque trabes, veterum decora alta parentum, / devolvunt.
There, roof and pinnacle the Dardans tear – / death standing near – and hurl them on the foe, / last arms of need, the weapons of despair; / and gilded beams and rafters down they throw, / ancestral ornaments of days ago.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
at C. Galba consularis et duo Blaesi voluntario exitu cecidere, Galba tristibus Caesaris litteris provinciam sortiri prohibitus: Blaesis sacerdotia, integra eorum domo destinata, convulsa distulerat, tunc ut vacua contulit in alios; quod signum mortis intellexere et executi sunt.
Caius Galba meanwhile and the Blaesi perished by a voluntary death; Galba, because a harsh letter from the emperor forbade him to have a province allotted to him; while, as for the Blaesi, the priesthoods intended for them during the prosperity of their house, Tiberius had withheld, when that prosperity was shaken, and now conferred, as vacant offices, on others. This they understood as a signal of their doom, and acted on it.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Dardanidae contra turres ac tecta domorum / culmina convellunt; his se, quando ultima cernunt, / extrema jam in morte parant defendere telis, / auratasque trabes, veterum decora alta parentum, / devolvunt.
There, roof and pinnacle the Dardans tear – / death standing near – and hurl them on the foe, / last arms of need, the weapons of despair; / and gilded beams and rafters down they throw, / ancestral ornaments of days ago.tatoeba tatoeba
Negant enim quidquam esse supra naturam; esse Deum rerum conditorem, cuius providentia cuncta regantur; Aeri posse miracula; quibus de medio sublatis necesse est christianae religionis fundamenta convelli.
For all supernatural order is denied, and, as a consequence, the divine intervention in the order of creation and in the government of the world and in the possibility of miracles; and when all these are taken away the foundations of the Christian religion are necessarily
Accessi, viridemque ab humo convellere silvam / conatus, ramis tegerem ut frondentibus aras, / horrendum et dictu video mirabile monstrum.
Thither I drew, and strove with eager hold / a green-leaved sapling from the soil to tear, / to shade with boughs the altars, when behold / a portent, weird to see and wondrous to unfold!Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
In ipso gremio societatis, quaestuosa industria florentis, nimium illud urbis incolendae studium convellit vitae consuetudines et instituta usu recepta, in quibus aevum transigi solet: familiam, vicinitatem, ipsius etiam christianae communitatis cοmpages.
Within industrial society urbanization up" sets both the ways of life and the habitual structures of existence: the family, the neighborhood, and the very framework of the Christian
Cum complures dies in oppugnatione consumpsisset et magno suorum detrimento nullam partem munitionum convellere potuisset, rursus ad obsidendum Lemonum redit.
But after spending several days in the attempt, and losing a considerable number of men, without being able to make a breach in any part of the works, he returned again to the siege of Limonum.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Interea manipuli ante coeptam seditionem Nauportum missi ob itinera et pontes et alios usus, postquam turbatum in castris accepere, vexilla convellunt direptisque proximis vicis ipsoque Nauporto, quod municipii instar erat, retinentis centuriones inrisu et contumeliis, postremo verberibus insectantur, praecipua in Aufidienum Rufum praefectum castrorum ira, quem dereptum vehiculo sarcinis gravant aguntque primo in agmine per ludibrium rogitantes an tam immensa onera, tam longa itinera libenter ferret.
Meanwhile the companies which previous to the mutiny had been sent to Nauportus to make roads and bridges and for other purposes, when they heard of the tumult in the camp, tore up the standards, and having plundered the neighbouring villages and Nauportus itself, which was like a town, assailed the centurions who restrained them with jeers and insults, last of all, with blows. Their chief rage was against Aufidienus Rufus, the camp-prefect, whom they dragged from a waggon, loaded with baggage, and drove on at the head of the column, asking him in ridicule whether he liked to bear such huge burdens and such long marches.latin-ancient latin-ancient
prostratos verberibus mulcant, sexageni singulos, ut numerum centurionum adaequarent: tum convulsos laniatosque et partim exanimos ante vallum aut in amnem Rhenum proiciunt.
Then tearing them from the ground, mangled, and some lifeless, they flung them outside the entrenchments or into the river Rhine.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Rursus et alterius lentum convellere vimen / insequor, et causas penitus tentare latentes; / ater et alterius sequitur de cortice sanguis.
Once more / a limber sapling from the soil I tore; / once more, persisting, I resolved in mind / with inmost search the causes to explore / and probe the mystery that lurked behind; / dark drops of blood once more come trickling from the rind.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
nec deerant qui vellent, fessi morbis et intemperiem caeli incusantes; robora tamen legionibus alisque subtracta, convulsum castrorum decus, viginti milibus e toto exercitu permixtis magis quam electis.
But the main strength of the legions and cavalry was drafted from them, while the old glory of the Praetorian camp was destroyed by these 20,000 men indiscriminately taken rather than chosen out of the whole army.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Rursus et alterius lentum convellere vimen / insequor, et causas penitus tentare latentes ; / ater et alterius sequitur de cortice sanguis.
Once more / a limber sapling from the soil I tore; / once more, persisting, I resolved in mind / with inmost search the causes to explore / and probe the mystery that lurked behind; / dark drops of blood once more come trickling from the rind.tatoeba tatoeba
Caede Messalinae convulsa principis domus, orto apud libertos certamine, quis deligeret uxorem Claudio, caelibis vitae intoleranti et coniugum imperiis obnoxio.
THE destruction of Messalina shook the imperial house; for a strife arose among the freedmen, who should choose a wife for Claudius, impatient as he was of a single life and submissive to the rule of wives.latin-ancient latin-ancient
nam pulsis, quod di prohibeant, Romanis quid aliud quam bella omnium inter se gentium existent? octingentorum annorum fortuna disciplinaque compages haec coaluit, quae convelli sine exitio convellentium non potest: sed vobis maximum discrimen, penes quos aurum et opes, praecipuae bellorum causae.
Should the Romans be driven out (which God forbid) what can result but wars between all these nations? By the prosperity and order of eight hundred years has this fabric of empire been consolidated, nor can it be overthrown without destroying those who overthrow it.latin-ancient latin-ancient
"Hæc loca vi quondam et vasta convulsa ruina / (tantum ævi longinqua valet mutare vetustas) / dissiluisse ferunt, cum protinus utraque tellus / una foret; venit medio vi pontus, et undis / Hesperium Siculo latus abscidit, arvaque et urbes / litore diductas angusto interluit æstu."
"These lands, 'tis said, one continent of yore / (such change can ages work) an earthquake tore / asunder; in with havoc rushed the main, / and far Sicilia from Hesperia bore, / and now, where leapt the parted land in twain, / the narrow tide pours through, 'twixt severed town and plain."Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
quin et convivium effluvio lacus adpositum magna formidine cunctos adfecit, quia vis aquarum prorumpens proxima trahebat, convulsis ulterioribus aut fragore et sonitu exterritis.
A banquet too was prepared close to the outflow of the lake, and it was the means of greatly alarming the whole company, for the water, in the violence of its outburst, swept away the adjoining parts, shook the more remote, and spread terror with the tremendous crash.latin-ancient latin-ancient
sane paucos ad suprema principis dies posse vitari: quem ad modum evasurum imminentis iuventam? an, cum Tiberius post tantam rerum experientiam vi dominationis convulsus et mutatus sit, G. Caesarem vix finita pueritia, ignarum omnium aut pessimis innutritum, meliora capessiturum Macrone duce, qui ut deterior ad opprimendum Seianum delectus plura per scelera rem publicam conflictavisset? prospectare iam se acrius servitium eoque fugere simul acta et instantia.
He had had enough of life, and all he regretted was that he had endured amid scorn and peril an old age of anxious fears, long detested by Sejanus, now by Macro, always, indeed, by some powerful minister, not for any fault, but as a man who could not tolerate gross iniquities.latin-ancient latin-ancient
Aggressi ferro circum, qua summa labantes / juncturas tabulata dabant, convellimus altis / sedibus impulimusque.
Here plying levers, where the flooring shows / weak joists, we heave it over.Tatoeba-2020.08 Tatoeba-2020.08
Ex quo facile coniicitur id genus consilii legumlatores inivisse, ut succrescentes hominum aetates religionis quadam neglectione, ne sacrarum dicamus contemptu rerum, imbuerent; ut ex adolescentium animis catholicos sensus a maioribus quidem acceptos, tamque alte in Hispanorum mentibus insitos, convellerent; vires denique omnes eo convertisse suas, ut iuventutis eruditionem atque doctrinam, quae ad hoc profecto tempus fide christianisque moribus alebantur, ad Laicistarum commenta traducerent.
22. From all this, alas, appears too clearly the purpose they intend to achieve with such regulations, namely that of educating new generations in a spirit of religious indifference if not anticlericalism, tearing from the young souls the traditional Catholic sentiments so deeply rooted in the good people of Spain. Thus it is sought to make laic all teaching which hitherto was inspired by religion and Christian
Contendebat enim gratia cum libenter pro homine sibi coniunctissimo, quem paulo ante praemiserat ad petitionem, tum acriter contra factionem et potentiam paucorum, qui M. Antoni repulsa Caesaris decedentis gratiam convellere cupiebant.
For he exerted his interest both cheerfully in favor of a man strongly attached to him, whom he had sent home before him to attend the election, and zealously to oppose the faction and power of a few men, who, by rejecting Marcus Antonius, wished to undermine Caesar's influence when going out of office.latin-ancient latin-ancient
multi semianimes super turris et propugnacula moenium expiravere: convulsis portis reliquus globus obtulit se victoribus, et cecidere omnes contrariis vulneribus, versi in hostem: ea cura etiam morientibus decori exitus fuit.
When the city had been taken, Vitellius caused himself to be carried in a litter through the back of the palace to the Aventine, to his wife's dwelling, intending, if by any concealment he could escape for that day, to make his way to his brother's cohorts at Tarracina.latin-ancient latin-ancient
28 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.